Give an appropriate response to the following phrases. The first one has been done for you. Practise it with your fellow students. 

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Give an appropriate response to the following phrases. The first one has been done for you. Practise it with your fellow students.

1. I think the boss has got a real problem with his contract.- Yes, but I am sure he’ll sort it out.

2. Do you like coffee?- … 3. I don’t like his new CD.- … 4. How was the lecture?-... 5. What are you doing this evening?-... 6. What’s the matter? (= What’s the problem)-… 7. Could I possibly borrow your dictionary?-... 8. We were wondering if you’d like to come with us?-... 9. She finally got her visa to travel.- … 10. He’s passed his driving test.- …

II. To be done after Unit 2.

Act out the dialogues with your fellow students.

                 Visiting the laboratory and firm.


- Oh, Mr. T., I am very glad to see you. How are you keeping these days?

- Fine, thank you. And how are you getting along?

- Very good, thanks. Would you like some tea?

- Thank you. I’ve just had some.

- I remember you were willing to see our laboratory.

- Oh yes, it was very kind of you to let me come.

- Now, if you don’t mind let’s go to the lab floor right away. I’ll be glad to show you round.

- Thank you.


- And what do you think of the laboratory?

- Oh, it’s amazing. So many modern things. I am really deeply impressed. Thank you again for this invitation and opportunity to see it all for myself.

- Very good. But if you don’t mind I’d like to speak about the device your university has developed this year. We would like to buy two or three pieces.

- I think we’d discuss it some other day when Mr. A. is present.


-Well, you see, Mr. C., can you now give me your price of this device?

-Oh, it depends on many factors; like the number you are going to buy, the time and the terms of delivery, the set of spares (комплект запчастей) and so on. Do you know exactly how many devices you wish to have?

-I’m afraid I don’t know forthe moment. But I’ll tell you next week.

-Fine, contact me next week and we’ll settle the matter. The number is on my card.

-Thank you. I hope we’ll do good business for our both parties.

Match the sentences from column A with the sentences from column B to make up brief dialogues.

1. Could you hand me that pen? a. Thanks very much.
2. Sorry, I must have got the wrong number. b. Of course. Here you are.
3. May I come in? c. I’d love to. / I’d like to.
4. Do you mind if I open the window? d. Not at all. / You are welcome.
5. Thanks for the help. e. You too. / Same to you.
6. I think we should leave now. f. Yes, of course. / Please do. / Certainly.
7. You must come round for dinner. g. No, of course not. / No, not at all.
8. Have a good weekend. h. It doesn’t matter. / Don’t worry. / Never mind.
9. Best of luck in your new project. i. So do I. / I think so too.

Give an appropriate response to the following phrases. The first one has been done for you. Practise it with your fellow students.

1. Sorry, I interrupted you. - Never mind.

2. Do you mind if I close the door?-.... 3. Could you pass me the file?-.... 4. Can I see you for a moment?- …. 5. I think it’s going to rain.- …. 6. Have a good holiday.- …. 7. I’m sorry. I’ve taken the wrong file.-…. 8. Shall I introduce you to Jim?-.... 9. Do you mind if I turn on the radio?-....10. Can you tell me where room 25 is, please? -…. 11. Can I take another biscuit?-... 12. Have you finished with the paper?-....

III. To be done after Unit 3.

Act out the dialogues with your fellow students.

        At the International industrial exhibition on heat exchangers.


Alexey Antonov is an engineer from a factory which is taking part in an Internationalindustrial exhibition in Sokolniki Park.Mr. Bennett, a businessman from Canada, is talking to Antonov.

Bennett: Have you seen our new model of a heat exchanger, Alexey?

Antonov: Yes, and I must say it’s a very up-to-date design.

B. Thanks. I’m happy to hear that.

A. We’re interested in buying some of theseheat exchangers for our factory. 

B. Are you? How many would you like to buy?

A. I can’t give you a definite answer now, I think it may be quite a big order. Would you like to visitthe factory and talk to the Managing Director.

B. I’d love to if you could arrange it soon, because I’m leaving Moscow next Saturday.

A. No problem, Mr. Bennett.

B. Good. Thanks a lot.


Secretary: Mr. Bennett’s office. Good morning.

Antonov: Good morning. Can I speak to Mr. Bennett, please?

S. Just amoment. I’ll put you through.

Bennet: Bennett here.

A. Good morning, Mr. Bennett. This is Antonov from Moscow. We bought some heat exchangers from you.

B. Yes, I remember. What can I do for you, Mr. Antonov?

A. You see, Mr. Bennett, we are having some trouble with one of the heat exchangers, and I’d like to see you about it.

B. When would you like to come?

A. The sooner the better. Will tomorrow morning be too early?

B. That’s quite all right. Will 10 o’clock in the morning suit you?

A. Yes, perfectly. Till tomorrow, then. Good - bye.

B. Good-bye.


B. So what exactly isthe trouble, Mr. Antonov? We tested all the heat exchangers very carefully, and your inspectors were here during the tests, weren’t they?

A. Yes, that’s true, and the heat exchangers operated normally for a time after we installed them at our factory. But towards theend of the first month we began to find some very funny defects in the heat exchangers. I’ve got alist of them here. Will you havea look, please?

B. Certainly. (He goes through the list.)

Yes, I quite agree with you. It’s more than funny. You see, we’ve never had any trouble with this model. I’m afraid you’ll have to go to the factory and discuss it there.

A. Yes, actually I’ve thought of that, too. But I’m only staying here a week, and I wouldn’t like to put off my visit to the end of my stay. The sooner I go, the better.

B. No problem, Mr. Antonov. It won’t take me long to make arrangements. You’ll be able to visitthe factory tomorrow. How about that?

A. Suits me perfectly! And how do I get tothe factory?

B. Just leave your telephone number with the secretary. I’ll ring you tomorrow morning, and we’ll go there together.

A. It’s very kind of you, Mr. Bennett. I’m really sorry to give you so much trouble.

B. No trouble at all, Mr. Antonov. I’m interested, too. Any more questions to ask me?

A. No, that’s all, thanks.

B. Till tomorrow, then. Bye!

A. Bye!


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