These are confused pairs of words. Choose the correct alternative for each sentence 

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These are confused pairs of words. Choose the correct alternative for each sentence



a) Our … budget is 10% less than last year.

b) Did you see the big … for a new Managing Director for Acme in this morning's newspapers?


a) A … manager works directly on the production of goods.

b) A … manager gives service support to the managers in production.


a) Many of her... belongings had been stolen.

b) Smith’s company has a … problem: their employees want a 20% pay increase.


a) Prices are … at a rate of about 4% per year.

b) The company is … its prices by 5% this year.


5. Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to...

1. Did the company promise... you a permanent contract?

a) to give                                b) giving

2. I am good at... with colleagues.

a) to communicate   b) communicating

3. Julia is interested in... her own business.

a) starting                  b) to start

4. After hours of negotiating, we managed... an agreement.

a) to reach                 b) reaching

5. They came... a new car.

a) purchasing            b) to purchase

6. If we don't constantly innovate, we risk... behind our competitors.

a) to fail                     b) failing


Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


Контрольная работа

по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения

специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт




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International Trade

Trade happens because people need or want things that they don’t have. Trade between countries happens for the same reason. Some countries, for example, have natural resources, like coal, oil or wood which other countries might want to buy. They try to sell the goods, products or services that they have too much to other countries. They earn money from these sales and then can buy the things that they themselves need and cannot produce on their own. Both producers and consumers profit from international trade. Even though many nations have a lot of different goods to export there are countries that depend only on one or two products to get money. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries of the Middle East depend on oil exports, because it is the only thing that they can sell.

The difference between what a country exports and what it imports is called the balance of trade. If a country exports more than it imports we call this a trade surplus. And if a country pays more for its imports than it gets for its exports it has a trade deficit. In some countries the government controls all trade and in others it allows companies and firms to trade freely. However, all governments control trade in some way. Sometimes a government forbids companies to buy or sell dangerous or illegal products, or military technology.

Many governments try to help their own industries by making it more difficult to import foreign products. They put import taxes on foreign goods to make products more expensive and their own products cheaper. European countries, for example, may limit the number of cars that are imported from Japan or the USA. They want their people to buy European cars. We call this strategy protectionism because governments want to protect their companies and industries.


Match the words with the definitions

1. earnings a) financial protection
2. consumption b) income
3. recession c) the members of the population able to work
4. workforce   d) the amount of a product that people buy or use
5. imports   e) the people who control a country and make laws
6. insurance   f) when there is not enough of something
7. government   g) goods and services a country buy abroad
8. shortage   h) a serious slowing down of the economy

Complete each sentence with a word given below


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