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Interview subjects include Carol Dweck, Chai Bensheng, Charles Leadbetter, Haiyan Hua, Marc Tucker, Xinran. CCTV-2. “Dialogue: Ballpoint Pen Challenges High End Manufacture”. November 22, 2015. Didau, David. “PISA 2015: Some Tentative Thoughts about Successful Teaching”. The Learning Spy blog, December 6, 2016. Dong Hongliang. “Yuan Guiren on Education Dream:

Individualized Education for All”. People’s Daily, March 8, 2013. Fu, Genyue, et al. “Chinese Children’s Moral Evaluation of Lies and Truths: Roles of Context and Parental Individualism-Collectivism Tendencies”. Infant and Child Development 19:5 (2010), 498–515.

Guilford, J. P. “Creativity”. American Psychologist 5:9 (September 1950), 444–454.

Han Han. “Shower with the Quilted Jacket On”. Posted on Sina.com, September 29, 2009.

Kim, Kyung Hee. “Learning from Each Other: Creativity in East Asian and American Education”. Creativity Research Journal 17 (2005) 4: 337–347.

Liu Chang. “Chinese Company Successfully Manufacturers Ballpoint”. Posted on cctv.com, January 10, 2017.

Li Xiying, et al. “The Relationship of Youth’s Creative Personality and Creativity: A Comparative Study between China and U.S.”. Psychological Exploration 34 (2014) 2: 186–192.

Postiglione, Gerard. “Improving Transitions: From School to University to Workplace”. Asian Development Bank, 2012.

Robinson, Ken. Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education. Penguin Publishing Group, 2016.

SASAC. “China Aerospace Science and Industry: Fully Tap into the Role Creativity Plays in Corporate’s Development”. Posted on 163.com, December 7, 2012.

Schmitz, Rob. “Why Can’t China Make a Good Ballpoint Pen?” APM’s Marketplace, December 14, 2015.

Schwinger, Malte, et al. “Academic Self-Handicapping and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis”. Journal of Educational Psychology 106:3 (2014), 744–761.

Shen Jiliang. “The Cultivation of Creative Talents in China Through Intercultural Comparison”. Chinese Talents 11 (2014).

Staats, Lorin K. “The Cultivation of Creativity in the Chinese Culture – Past, Present, and Future”. Journal of Strategic Leadership 3:1 (2011), 45–53.

State Council of the CPCCC. “Advice on Policies That Promote Popular Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. July 16, 2015.

“The 13th Five Year Plan for National Education Development”. January 19, 2017.

Wadhwa, Vivek, et al. “America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Parts I–VII”. Duke University, Master of Engineering Management Program; University of California−Berkeley, School of Information, January 4, 2007.

“Globalization of Innovation”. Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship, June 2008.

“Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth”. Applied Research in Economic Development 5 (2008): 1.

Xia Guming. “Research on Students’ Critical Thinking,” Posted on People Education Press, February 7, 2012.

Xiao Gangling. “Why Not Educate Students to ‘Challenge Authority’ during Conventional Teaching?” China Education News Network, May 14, 2015.

Yangguang News. “Li Keqiang Gave an Important Delivery on the Symposium on Reform and Innovation of Higher Education”. April 18, 2016.

Yun Ma. “If I Graduated from Tsinghua or Peking University”. Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, ninth member meeting. Posted on Sina.com, December 8, 2014.

Zheng, Yefu. The Pathology of Chinese Education. CITIC Press, 2013.


11. Займемся арифметикой!


Interviews include Jim Cocoros, David Didau, Andreas Schleicher, Brian Steuter, James Stigler, Jie Zhang, Yang Xiaowei, Zheng Zhou. Benchmarking for Success. Report by the National Governors Association. Council of Chief State School Officers and Achieve, Inc.

Center on International Education Benchmarking. “9 Building Blocks for a World-Class Education System”. ncee.org, December 2016.

China Youth Daily. “British Visit Shanghai to Learn How to Teach Mathematics”. Posted on edu.com, February 28, 2014.

Crawford, Claire, and Jonathan Cribb. “Reading and Maths Skills at Age 10 and Earnings in Later Life: A Brief Analysis Using the British Cohort Study”. Institute for Fiscal Studies, March 8, 2013.

Duncan, Greg. “School Readiness and Later Achievement”. Developmental Psychology 43:6 (2007), 1428–1446.

Education Online. “The Number of People Studying Abroad from 2006 to 2012”. Report of overseas study. Posted on Education Online, 2013.

Fuller-Rowell, T., and S. Doan. “The Social Costs of Academic Success across Ethnic Groups”. Child Development 81:6 (2010), 1696–1713.

Grant, Leslie, et al. West Meets East: Best Practices from Expert Teachers in the U.S. and China. ASCD, 2014.

Huntsinger C. S, et al. “Cultural Differences in Early Mathematics Learning: A Comparison of Euro-American, Chinese-American, and Taiwan-Chinese Families”. International Journal of Behavioral Development 21:2 (1997), 371–388.

Jerrim, John. “The Link between East Asian ‘Mastery’ Teaching Methods and English Children’s Mathematics Skills”. Economics of Education Review 50 (2016), 29.

Kirschner, Paul A. “Why Minimal Guidance during Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching”. Educational Psychologist 41:2, 75–86.

Klahr, D., and M. Nigam. “The Equivalence of Learning Paths in Early Science Instruction: Effects of Direct Instruction and Discovery Learning”. Psychological Science 15:10 (2004), 661–667.

Ma, Liping. Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers’ Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in the United States and China. Routledge, 2010.

Ministry of Science and Technology. “Outline of the National Plan for the Development of Science and Technology for 1978−1985 (Draft)”. Posted on the Ministry of Science and Technology website. December 1977.

Morgan, Paul, et al. “Which Instructional Practices Most Help First-Grade Students with and without Mathematics Difficulties?” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2014).

Niu, W., and Z. Zhou. “Teaching Mathematics Creativity in Chinese Classrooms”. In Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Peterson, Paul E., et al. “Globally Challenged: Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete?” Prepared under the auspices of Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance, and Education Next, August 2011.

Ryan, Julia. “American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math”. Atlantic, December 10, 2013.

Shellenbarger, Sue. “The Best Language for Math: Confusing English Number Words Are Linked to Weaker Skills”. Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2014.

Siegler, R. S., and Y. Mu. “Chinese Children Excel on Novel Mathematics Problems Even before Elementary School”. Psychological Science 19:8 (2008), 759–763.

Stevenson, Harold, James W. Stigler. Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing and What We Can Learn from Japanese and Chinese Education. Summit Books, 1992.

Sztein, Ester, and National Research Council. The Teacher Development Continuum in the United States and China: Summary of a Workshop. National Academies Press, 2010.

Vigdor, Jacob. “Solving America’s Math Problem”. EducationNext 13 (2013), 1.

Winifred, Mark, and Ann Dowker. “Linguistic Influence on Mathematical Development Is Specific Rather than Pervasive: Revisiting the Chinese Number Advantage in Chinese and English Children”. Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015), 203.

Zhao, D., and M. Singh. “Why Do Chinese-Australian Students Outperform Their Australian Peers in Mathematics: a Comparative Case Study”. International Journal of Science and Math Education 9 (2011), 69.

Zhou, Zheng, et al. “Understanding Early Mathematical Competencies in American and Chinese Children”. School Psychology International 42:3 (2005), 259–272.

Zhou, Zheng, and Stephen Peverly. “Teaching Addition and Subtraction to First Graders: A Chinese Perspective”. Psychology in the Schools 42 (2005), 3.


Гений» означает «старание»


Interviews include Zhang Zhizhong, Sheen Zhang, Teacher Mao, Teacher Song, Xiaodong Lin, Zhang Huiping.

Alexander, Scott. “The Parable of the Talents”. Slate Star Codex blog, January 31, 2015.

Bjork, Robert A. “Memory and Metamemory Considerations in the Training of Human Beings”. Metacognition: Knowing About Knowing. MIT Press, 1994.

Borden, Jonathan. Confucius Meets Piaget: An Educational Perspective on Ethnic Korean Children and Their Parents. 2nd edition. Seoul Foreign School, 2003.

Dolton, Peter, and Oscar Marcenaro-Gutierrez. Global Teacher Status Index. Varkey GEMS Foundation, 2013.

Dweck, Carol S. “Caution – Praise Can Be Dangerous”. American Educator (Spring 1999).

Gong Shanshan, “The Positive and Negative Effects of Rewards and Punishment in Education and Proper Ways of Using Them”. Studies in Logic 26 (2006), 190–193.

Heffernan, Virginia. “Drill, Baby, Drill”. New York Times Magazine, September 16, 2010.

Hirsch, Ed. “You Can Always Look It Up, or Can You?” American Educator (Spring 2000).

Hong, H.-Y., and X. Lin-Siegler. “How Learning about Scientists’ Struggles Influences Students’ Interest and Learning in Physics”. Journal of Educational Psychology. First published online November 11, 2011.

Hsin, Amy, and Yu Xie. “Explaining Asian Americans’ Academic Advantage over Whites”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014), 23.

Maslen, Geoffrey. “Chinese Children ‘Learn Good Study Habits at Home’ ”. South China Morning Post, September, 20, 2008.

Most Likely to Succeed. Documentary by One Potato Productions, 2015.

Ni Mingjin. “Empowered Administration Program for Rural Schools of Compulsory Education”. Posted on the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission website, March 7, 2013.

Tatto, Maria, et al. Policy, Practice and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries. International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 2012.

Tan, Li Hai, et al. “Brain Activation in the Processing of Chinese Characters and Words: A Functional MRI Study”. Human Brain Mapping 10 (2000), 16–27.

Tobin, Joseph, et al. Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan, and the United States. Yale University Press, 1991.

Tucker, Marc. “Why Have American Education Standards Collapsed?” Education Week, April 23, 2015.


Золотая середина


China Education Online. “China Becomes the Top Overseas Student Export Country, Total Number Continues to Rise”. Posted on ifeng.com, May 7, 2014.

“2014 Overseas Studying Trend Report.” eol.cn, 2014.

Gao Liang and Li Yaoming. “Seeking the Force for Change: Report on the Education Reform of No. 11 School”. China Education News Network, April 2, 2014.

Jiefang Daily. “National Day School, Why Do We Choose You?” Posted on xschu.com, February 14, 2014.

Lambert, Phil. “Expanding Horizons: What Can Educators in China and Australia Learn from Each Other?” Paper presented at Nanjing Normal University, China, April 9, 2012.

Lan Fang. “According to a Survey, There Are 100 Thousand People in China Received Non-School Education”. Posted on Caixin Net, May 14, 2014.

Li Jieren, “Why Can’t Other Schools Learn from Beijing National Day School?” March 16, 2015.

Li, Yulan, and Zhenguo Zhu. “Why Does the Rate of College Entrance Test (Gaokao) Participation Keep Declining Year by Year?” GuangMing Daily, June 6, 2011.

Ministry of Education of the PRC. “Statistics of Foreign Students Studying in China 2014”. March 18, 2015.

Ministry of Education of the PRC, Headquarters of the General Staff, General Political Department. “Guideline for Military Training of High School Students”. January 30, 2003.

Nanfang Daily. “Chinese Examination-Oriented Education Started Its Transition from ‘Selecting by Points’ to ‘Selecting by People’ ”. Posted on news.163.com, July 8, 2015.

People’s Daily. “National Day School Breaks the Traditional System of Class Distribution and Changes to Course Selection System”. Posted on edu.163.com, February 28, 2014.

Swandon, William, and Brian Kelly, “STEM Proficiency: A Key Driver of Innovation, Economic Growth and National Security”.

US News & World Report, April 23, 2014. Tencent Education. “2014 Gaokao Admission Scores Released”. Posted on qq.com, June 26, 2014.

Wu, Jing. “Number of Students Study Abroad and Returnees Continue to Rise in 2013”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, February 21, 2014.


Общие источники


Akehurst, Jessica Marie. Culture, Cultural Discontinuity and the Need for Change: Understanding Canadian and Chinese Conceptions of Teaching and Learning. Thesis submitted, University of British Columbia, 2012.

Bond, Michael Harris, ed. Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology. Oxfor

d University Press, 2010.

Carnoy, Martin. “What PISA Can’t Teach Us”. Education Week, February 9, 2016.

Carnoy, Martin, and Richard Rothstein. “What Do International Tests Really Show about U.S. Student Performance?” Economic Policy Institute, January 28, 2013.

Chu Zhaosheng, Li Weiwei. “The Ten Key Words of Higher Education for 2015”. China Education News Network, December 28, 2015, http://www.jyb.cn/high/gdjyxw/201512/t20151228_647981.html.

Fong, Vanessa. Paradise Redefined: Transnational Chinese Students and the Quest for Flexible Citizenship in the Developed World. Stanford University Press, 2011.

Jen, Gish. The Girl at the Baggage Claim. Alfred A. Knopf, 2017.

Liang, Xiaoyan, et al. “How Shanghai Does It: Insights and Lessons from the Highest-Ranking Education System in the World”. In Directions in Development. World Bank Group, 2016.

OECD. Education in China: A Snapshot. OECD Publishing 2016. PISA 2012 Results. What Makes Schools Successful? Resources, Policies and Practices, vol. 4. OECD Publishing, 2012.

Creative Problem Solving. Students Skills in Tackling Real Life Problems, vol. 5. OECD Publishing, 2012.

PISA 2015 Results. Excellence and Equity in Education, PISA, vol. 1. OECD Publishing, 2016.

Policies and Practices for Successful Schools, PISA, vol. 2. OECD Publishing, 2016.

Walters, Kirk, et al. “An Up-Close Look at Student-Centered Math Teaching”. American Institutes for Research, November 2014.


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Все книги автора

[1] Program for International Student Assessment (разработана в 1997 г., впервые проведена в 2000 г.) – международный тест, проводимый раз в три года; оценивает грамотность 15-летних школьников в разных странах мира и умение применять знания на практике, организован Организацией экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР) совместно с ведущими международными научными организациями, при участии национальных центров. – Здесь и далее примечания переводчика, кроме случаев, оговоренных особо.


[2] Клиника Мэйо (осн. в 1889) – частное лечебное и исследовательское медицинское учреждение, один из крупнейших медицинских центров в мире, расположен в г. Рочестер, Миннесота. Уильям Пентон Сирс (р. 1939) – американский педиатр и телеведущий, автор и соавтор тридцати с лишним книг для родителей, посвященных беременности, рождению и развитию детей, поборник философии естественного родительства.


[3] «Томас и его друзья» («Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends», с 1984 г.) – британский детский анимационный сериал по мотивам цикла книг английских писателей Уилберта и Кристофера Одри.


[4] Занятия по углубленной подготовке (программа Advanced Placement, с 1955 г.) – курсы обучения старшеклассников по программе колледжей в США и Канаде, увеличивают вероятность поступления в хорошие колледжи. Академический декатлон (с 1968 г.) – аналог школьной олимпиады, включает в себя семь экзаменационных тестов по разным предметам, устные состязания и сочинение. Академический оценочный тест (SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test, с 1926 г.) – проверочный тест базовых академических способностей, чьим приблизительным аналогом служит российский ЕГЭ.


[5] Официальное название китайской валюты; разговорное – юань. – Примечание автора.


[6] Coach, Inc. (с 1941 г.) – американская компания, производящая дорогие аксессуары. На логотипе фирмы – дилижанс.


[7] Триада (саньхэхуэй) – форма организации тайных преступных объединений в Китае и в китайской диаспоре за пределами страны.


[8] Куай и юань – разные названия одной и той же единицы китайской валюты. – Примечание автора.


[9] Пер. С. Франка.


[10] Шикумэнь – архитектурный стиль жилых домов в Шанхае, сформированный в 1860-х гг., сочетание западных и китайских архитектурных элементов нижнего течения Янцзы.


[11] «Баоцзюнь» – торговая марка недорогих китайских автомобилей; производство начато в 2010 г. в округе Лючжоу.


[12] Энтеровирусный вазикулярный стоматит.


[13] «Growing Pains» (1985–1992) – американский комедийный сериал на телеканале Эй-би-си.


[14] Модель Организации Объединенных Наций (с 1953 г.) – гарвардская учебно-развлекательная факультативная программа, синтез научной конференции и ролевой игры: студенты и учащиеся старших классов на нескольких официальных языках ООН воспроизводят ее работу, оттачивают навыки лидерства, переговоров, ораторского мастерства.


[15] На Народной площади в центре Шанхая каждые выходные с полудня до пяти часов вечера проводится ярмарка брачных объявлений, где родители подбирают своим детям, вошедшим в брачный возраст, подходящую пару.


[16] Судя по всему, имеется в виду песнь «Мне ты в подарок принес плод айвы» (I, V, 10), «Шицзин», пер. А. Штукина.


[17] Пер. Т. Щепкиной-Куперник.


[18] Дэн Сяопин (ур. Дэн Сяньшэн, 1904–1997) – китайский политик и реформатор, деятель Коммунистической партии Китая, никогда не занимал пост руководителя страны, но был фактическим руководителем Китая с конца 1970-х до начала 1990-х гг. Цзян Цзэминь (р. 1926) – китайский партийный и государственный деятель, генеральный секретарь ЦК Компартии Китая (1989– 2002), председатель КНР (1993–2003). Ху Цзиньтао (р. 1942) – председатель КНР (2003–2013), генеральный секретарь ЦК КПК (2002–2012).


[19] Стоножка… Столетие (англ.).


[20] Диплоподы (например, кивсяки, англ.).


[21] «Mary Had A Little Lamb» – американская детская песенка, известна с XIX в.


[22] «We Are The World» (1985) – благотворительный сингл, сочиненный Майклом Джексоном и Лайонелом Ричи, исполненный сорока пятью известными музыкантами и певцами; все доходы поступили в пользу голодающих Африки.


[23] «The Very Hungry Caterpillar» (1969) – американская детская книга художника и писателя Эрика Карла (р. 1929).


[24] Из книги Эрика Карла и Билла Мартина «Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?» (1991).



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