IV. Translate the sentences into English. 

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IV. Translate the sentences into English.


1. Какие конструктивные элементы делят здание на этажи?

2. Перекрытия делятся на подвальные, верхние и чердачные.

3. Деревянные перекрытия имеют следующие недостатки: они подвержены гниению и горению.

4. Скоростное строительство требует применения сборных и железобетонных перекрытий.

5. Какие материалы используют для перекрытий?

6. Перекрытия могут быть комбинированными – из сборных и монолитных элементов.

7. Общие требования к перекрытиям следующие: достаточная прочность и жесткость, хорошая звукоизоляция и огнестойкость.

8. Перекрытия классифицируют согласно конструкциям и используемым материалам.


V. Give the synonyms to the following words:


1) element; 2) to classify; 3) timber; 4) monolithic; 5) generally; 6) to meet requirements; 7) profession; 8) basic; 9) speed; 10) method; 11) material; 12)dwelling; 13) various; 14) a lot of; 15) to define; 16) for example; 17) to apply; 18) thank to.



Grammar: Passive Voice


I. Rewrite the sentences below in the passive, as in the example.

1. Someone will meet you at the airport.

You will be met at the airport.

2. He hasn’t watered the plants.

3. George and Sarah arranged a fantastic party.

4. The mechanic hasn’t repaired the car.

5. They feed the animals twice a day.

6. Sam will fix the roof.

7. Cherry Lane launched a new menswear line.

8. Claire designed the red dress.

9. The clown will entertain the children.

10. He has mended the puncture.


I. Fill in the gaps with the correct passive tense of the verbs in brackets.


1.A: Have they delivered your new sofa yet?

B: Not yet. It …… (deliver) at the end of the day.

2. A: Is your house old?

B: Yes, it’s quite old. It …… (build) in 1920.

3. A: That’s a beautiful watch.

B: Thank you. It …… (give) to me for Christmas.

4. A: When will I get my money?

B: It …… (put) in the bank tomorrow morning.

5. A: Are the Musical Notes a good band?

B: Yes, they are. They …… (award) best song of the year in 1997.

6. A: Did Shakespeare write Wuthering Heights?

B: No, of course not. Wuthering Heights …… (write) by Emily Brönte.

7. A: What will happen to the old town library?

B: It …… (tear down) at the end of the month.

8. A: Do you do the housework?

B: No, I don’t. The housework …… (do) once a week by a cleaning lady.



III. Fill in the gaps with is, was, has or will, as in the example.


1. He … was … asked to open the window.

2. The metro …… be finished early next year.

3. The shopping …… done every Friday.

4. The telephone …… been repaired.

5. The office …… redecorated last week.

6. She ….. been asked to leave.

7. The new shop …… be opened tomorrow.

8. When I was in high school the history class ……. taught by Mr Allen.

9. The building ……. destroyed in the flood.

10. The thief …… been caught by the police.




Phonetics: [kw], [ks], [gz], [ai]

Grammar: Passive Voice

Text: Walls. Стены


I.  Read and translate the following words.

square, quickly, quality, question, quantity, require, liquid, equal, request;

text, next, box, six, fix, mixing, extra, complex, expect, explain;

exam, exist, example, exact, exceed, excellent, examinant, except;

high, right, light, mild, might, flight, kind, find, minus, mine.


II. Learn the following words and word combinations to the text:


wall [`wo:l] – стена, обносить стеной

to enclose areas [in`klouz] -– ограждать пространства

to resist loads – воспринимать нагрузки

upper floor – верхнее перекрытие

to serve [`sƏ:v] – служить

partition [pa:`ti∫n] – перегородка

according to – согласно, в соответствии с

loadbearing [`loudbεƏriŋ] – несущий

non-loadbearing – ненесущий

то rest – опираться

unit – элемент, конструкция

entire construction [in`taiƏ] – все сооружение, целое здание

inside wall – внутренняя стена

outside wall – наружная стена

dwelling – дом, жилище

solid – сплошной

cavity = hollow – пустотелый

introduction – введение

because of – из-за

insulating value ['insjuleitiŋ`vælju:] – изоляционные свойства

precast unit – сборный элемент

building site – строительная площадка

quantity [`kwOntiti] – количество

simple erection – простой монтаж



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