I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past perfect. 

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I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past perfect.


1. When we returned, we found that somebody … (broke into) our flat.

2. I … (not/finish) cooking dinner when my parents came to visit.

3. Jim went out for coffee after he … (write) a letter to his grandmother.

4. They left the cinema after the film … (end).

5. She was excited because she ……. (not/see) a play before.

6. Did you like the cake ……. (she/bake)?

7. He …… (hear) the song on the radio before he bought the CD.

8. They were tired because they …… (play) football.

9. She was sad because she …… (lose) the game.

10. The match …… (already/start) when they arrived at the stadium.


II. Join the sentences using the words in brackets and putting the verbs into the correct tense, as in the example.


1. They watched TV. They have finished their homework. (after)

2. Jeff was 12 years old. He learned to speak English. (by the time).

3. Tim lived in London. He moved to Paris. (before)

4. Mum cooked dinner. I came home from school. (by the time)

5. She went to work. She had breakfast. (as soon as)

6. Susan tried on many dresses. She decided to buy the green one. (after)

7. Jason failed his driving test three times. He finally got his license. (before)

8. Wendy finished the washing-up. She played chess. (after)



VII. Speak about the main parts of a building and their functions.

Fig. 1. Constructive scheme of a multistoreyed house:

1 - strip foundation – ленточный фундамент; 2 - external wall – наружная стена;

3 - internal wall – внутренняя стена; 4 - plinth floor – цокольное перекрытие;

5 - intermediate floor – междуэтажное перекрытие; 6 - attic floor – чердачное перекрытие;

7 - rafter – стропило; 8 - roof boarding – обрешетка кровельного покрытия,

9 - landing – лестничная площадка; 10 - flight – лестничный марш; 11 - eave = cornice – en




Phonetics: [æ], [ei], [Ə:], [ju:]

Grammar:  Passive Voice

Text: Floors. Перекрытия.


I. Read and translate the following words:


Aspect, gravel, sand, fact, impact, factory, plan, panel, rapid, standard, attractive, practical, aggregate, expand, exam, gas;

name, aim, say, take, place, stage, day, grey, they, rate, clay, obtain, basic, eight, weight, able, again, wait, date;

serve, term, certain, person, purpose, inert, firm, burn, first, third, perfect, urgent;

new, few, student, duty, super, produce, view, unit, using, news.

II. Learn the following words and word combinations:


floor – перекрытие

dead load – постоянная нагрузка

live load – переменная нагрузка

to superimpose – прикладывать нагрузку

basement – подвал

upper – верхний

attic – чердак

to satisfy = to meet requirements – удовлетворять требованиям

sufficient – достаточный

rigidity – жесткость

sound insulation – звукоизоляция

obvious – очевидный

to lay along – лежать вдоль

to allow – позволять

high speed – высокоскоростной

rib – ребро

steel beam – стальная балка

to erect – монтировать, сооружать

design – назначение, конструкция

cladding – заполнитель каркаса


III. Read and translate the text.


Floors are the structural elements which divide a building into stories and carry the dead load or the weight of the floor itself and the superimposed or live load. According to the design they are classified as basement floors, upper floors, and attic floors. But all of them must satisfy some common requirements: sufficient strength and rigidity, good sound insulation, fire resistance. It is obvious that basement and attic floors must be warmed while the floors in sanitary units must be water and gas resistant. As to the materials used floors are divided into three groups: timber, reinforced concrete floors and floors laid along steel beams.

Timber floors are simple to erect but they are liable to fire, to rot and are not so durable as others. Therefore they are generally used in dwellings and service buildings.

Reinforced concrete floors have many advantages which allow to use them especially in big constructions of industrial design. Reinforced concrete floors are not liable to fire, they are strong, durable and economical. Precast reinforced concrete floors developed by Russian designers meet the requirements of high speed industrial construction. Most widely used monolithic floors are ribbed and beamless. Floors laid along steel beams are usually made with fireproof cladding of precast or monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. There are also combined precast-monolithic floors and many other kinds besides the three main groups mentioned.



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