II. Learn the following words and word combinations: 

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II. Learn the following words and word combinations:


to devote [di`vout] – посвящать

creative energies [`enƏdჳiz] – творческие усилия

to reflect – отражать

society [sƏ`saiƏti] – общество

art-form – образец искусстваe

to surround [sƏ`raund] – окружать

part of a building – часть здания

vast majority – громадное большинство

to provide shelter– обеспечить кров

choice – выбор

excavation [ekskƏvei∫n] – котлован

to dig (dug, dug) – копать

foundation [faundei∫n] – фундамент

to keep (from) – предохранять

soil – грунт

framework [`freimwƏ:k] – каркас

stability [stƏ`biliti] – устойчивость

to carry the loads – нести нагрузку

to clothe [`klouð] – заполнять

to divide into stories – делить на этажи

to support – поддерживать

to protect – защищать

wall – стена

floor – перекрытие

roof – крыша

to tie – связывать

firmness [`fƏ:mnis] – устойчивость

bitumen felt [`bitjumin felt] – битумный войлок

wood = timber – древесина

tiling [`tailiŋ] – черепица


III. Read and translate the text.


Since the beginning of civilization man has always been a builder, devoting creative energies to the construction of buildings to live in and to work at. A building reflects the society of its time more than any other art-form.

The meaning of any building depends on the materials used and the function it is designed to perform. The vast majority of buildings consist of external walls, surrounding an interior space and covered by a roof to provide shelter.

Three basic factors - availability, physical properties and cost determine the initial choice of a building. The main parts of a building are a foundation, a framework, floors and a roof.

In order to build a house first an excavation must be dug. After that the foundation is constructed to keep the walls and floors from the contact with soil. It may be of stone, bricks, concrete. Then a framework is raised.

A framework is the part of a building on which the stability of the structure depends. This part of a building carries the loads from the roof and floors. The framework is clothed with various materials in the form of panels. Floors divide the building into stories. They may be of timber, reinforced concrete or other materials. The floors are supported on beams. A roof is the topmost part of a building. Its function is to cover the building and protect it from rain and wind. Roofs also tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the structure. Wood, metal, tiling, bitumen felt and other materials are used for roofs.


IV. Memorize the following antonyms:

1) to begin – to stop; 2) the first – the last; 3) to fulfil – to fail; 4) complete – incomplete; 5) ancient – modern; 6) strong – weak; 7) expensive – inexpensive = cheap; 8) favourable – unfavourable; 9) positive – negative; 10) useful – useless; 11) valuable – invaluable; 12) flexible – inflexible.


V. Match the English and Russian definitions using Fig. 3:

1) a multistoreyed house; 2) plinth floor; 3) cornice; 4) roof boarding; 5) strip foundation; 6) constructive scheme; 7) intermediate floor; 8) landing; 9) external wall; 10) attic floor; 11) internal wall; 12) flight; 13) rafter. a) наружная стена; b) чердачное перекрытие; c) карниз; d) обрешетка кровельного покрытия; e) цокольное перекрытие; f) ленточный фундамент; g) лестничный марш; h) стропило; i) внутренняя стена; j) конструктивная схема; k) лестничная площадка; l) многоэтажный дом; m) междуэтажное перекрытие.


VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about?

2. What are the constructive elements of a building?

3. What is a foundation?

4. What is the function of the foundation?

5. What materials are used for foundation?

6. What is a framework?

7. What is the function of the framework?

8. What is the framework clothed with?

9. What is the function of a floor?

10. What materials are floors made of?

11. What is the topmost part of a building?

12. What is the function of a roof?

13. What is the most important part of a building?



Grammar: Past Perfect



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