А . Questions for self-checking: 

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А . Questions for self-checking:

Tasks Directions
1. Methods of nutritions of patient To cinch methods of enthral and parentheral nutritions.
2. Types of diets To make mandibular diet №1. To make mandibular diet №2. To prescribe medical drugs for parentheral nutrition.
3. Physical methods To know physical methods and their directions at organism.
4. Types of physical treatment at damages of teeth and jaws. To know methods, their duraition, quantity and interval.

B. Tasks for self-checking: 1. What drug is used for decrease of salivation for patient with damages of salivary glands? (Answer: 1-2 tabs aerone every day, 1 ml, 0,1% solution atropini subcutaneously 4 days).

2. Patient P., 57 years, was admited to resuscitation department of regional hospital. What is the method of nutrition of this patient? (Answer: rectal nutrition).

3. Patient В., 32 years, was admited to maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: closed craniocerebral injury, brain concussion, angular fracture of mandible at 38 toth area, contusion of soft tissues of mental area. What is the movable ragime for this patient? (Answer: absolute bed rest).

C. Matherials for test control. Test tasks with one right answer (α = II): 2.1. Critical weight loss is noted on: А. 1-3 days. В. 3-4 days. С. 5-7 days. D. In a week. Е. At once after trauma. (Correct answer: В).

2.2. What diet is used for maxillar diet? А. № 1. В. № 5. С. № 7. D. № 10. Е. № 15. (Correct answer: Е).

2.3. What is duration of procedure for mechanotherapy? А. 3-5 min., 5 interations at day. В. 5-10 min, 5 interations at day. С. 5-10 min., 6-10 interations at day. D. 10-15 min., 5 interations at day. Е. 10-15 min., 6-10 interations at day. (Correct answer: С).

D. Educational tasks of 3 th levels (atypical tasks): 1. The patient of 38 years addressed with complaints on limited mouth opening. From the anamnesis it is known that a month ago it was hospitalized in maxillofacial department concerning odontogenny phlegmon of temporal area and alapanatilane space. What type of treatment during finding of the patient in a hospital was necessary to appoint for prevention of this complication? (Answer: physiotherapeutic treatment and course excersice therapy).

2. In what term physiotherapeutic treatment is appointed at sharp neuritis of a facial nerve? (Answer: in the first days of a disease).

3. Specify a massage site for improvement of a local blood - and a lymph circulation. (Answer: massage of a neck, collar, occipital areas).


Theme № 22 Volume and the order of rendering of the aid for maxillofacial wounded at stages of medical evacuation. Military-medical examination and examination of DISABILITY of patients with maxillofacial trauma in a peace and a wartime.

1. ACTUALITY OF THEME. The knowledge of principles of medical sorting, volume of medical aid at stages of medical evacuation wounded. To organize rationally a medical aid for maxillofacial wounded. The important component of the knowledge of bases principles of examination of maxillofacial wounded. The knowledge of principles and positions of military-medical examination.

2. СONCRETE AIMS: 2.1. To analyze clinical symptoms of maxillofacial wounded at stages of medical evacuation. 2.2. To explain attributes of disablement (disability; incapacity for work of) maxillofacial wounded in peace and a wartime. 2.3. To offer methods of registration of the medical documentation which explain disablement (disability; incapacity for work of) of the wounded. 2.4. To classify volume and the order (regime, system) of accordance of the aid for maxillofacial wounded at the stages of medical evacuation. 2.5. To treat (discuss) principles of the organization of a military-medical examination of maxillofacial wounded. 2.6. To analyse criteria of limitation (restriction) of suitability to military service of maxillofacial wounded. 2.7. To know the schema of registration of medical documents of military-medical examination of maxillofacial wounded.


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