I. Form the nouns from the following verbs. 

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I. Form the nouns from the following verbs.

to collect, to prepare, to examine, to translate, to combine.

Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)

II. Put the adjectives and adverbs in comparative and superlative degrees.

hot, light, dry, powerful, essential, bad, good, little, far, much.


III. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. This article is the most difficult for me.

2. This book is the most interesting in the shop.

3. Winter is the coldest season of the year

4. In winter the days are shorter than the nights.

5. Our university is the best in our Republic.


IV. Read and memorize the new words.

to ascertain – устанавливать

to bring in contact – контактировать

a density – плотность

dilute – разбавленный

a face – поверхность

a fat – жир

invisible – невидимый

power - сила

a starch – крахмал

steam – пар

sugar – сахар

wax – воск

to support – поддерживать

combustion – горение

to recognize - узнавать

V. Read the words paying attention to correct pronunciation and translate them.
















VI. Find the pairs of words:

density                                                        существовать

ascertain                                                       сосуд

exist                                                             природа

contain                                                          количество

quantity                                                       устанавливать

moisture                                                     жир

vessel                                                             влага

fat                                                                плотность

dilute                                                             разбавленный

 nature                                                            содержать


colourless                                                   поддерживать

contain                                                      пар

 face                                                           бесцветный

invisible                                                    воспламеняемость

vegetable                                                   содержать

 steam                                                        растительный

inflammability                                               производить

support                                                      невидимый

lightness                                                    поверхность

produce                                                     легкость


VIII. Read and translate the text “Hydrogen”. Do the tasks below.



Symbol H. Atomik Weight 1.0080. Density I.

Cavendish in 1766 first ascertained the true nature of this gas, to which he gave the name of inflammable air.

Occurrence. Hydrogen occurs in a state of combination in nature, though it sometimes exists in the free state mixed with other gases in certain volcanic eminations. Its principal compound is water, H2O, of which it forms one ninth part by weight. Hydrogen composes 1/9th of the weight of all the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes on the face of the earth, that’s why the quantity of this element occurring in a state of combination is very large. Hydrogen also forms an essential ingredient of all animal and vegetable bodies. Most organic compounds (e. g., sugar, starch, fat, wax ect.) contain it as a constituent. All mineral oils contain a large proportion of hydrogen combined with carbon.

Hydrogen may be recognized by the fact that, if brought in contact with a flame, it burns, with a pale blue flame.

Preparation. The usual method of preparing hydrogen is by the action of dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid on metallic zinc; the chemical reactions are:

Zn + H2SO4                               =ZnSO4 + H2

Zinc Sulphuric                             Zinc sulphate Hydrogen


Zn + 2HCl                                 =ZnCl2 + H2

Zinc Hydrochlorid                      Zinc chloride Hydrogen



It can also be made from water: a) by electrolysis, b) by the action of sodium or potassium, or c) by the action of red – hot iron on steam. Its principal properties are its lightness and inflammability. It doesn’t support combustion in the ordinary manner like air. Hydrogen is a colourless, invisible, inodorous gas. Gaseous water, or steam, is produced when hydrogen burns in air.


IX. Give the antonyms to the following words:

liquid, colourless, invisible, inodorous, lightness, dry, combination.

X. Translate the words and word-combinations into Russian.

inflammable air; in a state of combinations; in the free state; with other gases; an essential ingredient; a pale blue flame, by the action, animal and vegetable bodies


XI. Translate these words and word-combinations into English.

устанавливать свойства; в свободном состоянии; в виде соединения; растительных и животных организмов; иногда встречается; бесцветный газ; путем электролиза; соединение с кислородом, голубое пламя; основные свойства



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