Lasso, poem, lass, gong, odd, open, dominion, manifold, contest, pack 

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Lasso, poem, lass, gong, odd, open, dominion, manifold, contest, pack


I. n. 1643, from the verb, but perhaps influenced by French conteste, from contester to contest, if the noun use in French, is earlier than 1643.

II. n. Probably before 1425, borrowed from Middle French dominion, from Medieval Latin dominionem (nominative dominio), from Latin dominium ownership. Doublet of domain.

III. n. About 1600, borrowed from Malay gong or Javanese gong, alleged to be a formation imitative of the sound made by the instrument.

IV. adj. of many kinds, many and various. Before 1200 monifold, in Body and Soul; later manifold, (about 1300, in Layamon`s Chronicle of Britain); developed from Old English monigfald, earlier manigfeald.

V. adj. Old English open not closed down, raised up, open (about 725 in Beowulf); cognate with Old Frisian epen, open open, Old Saxon opan, Middle Dutch open, Old High German offan (Modern German offen).

VI. n. 1548, composition in verse, piece of poetry; replacing earlier poesy and borrowed from Middle French poume, learned borrowing from Latin poema verse, poetry, from Greek pyema, early variant of pohema thing made or created, fiction, poetical work, from poeon, poieon to make or compose.

VII. n. About 1300 lasce, later las, lasse (about 1390), possibly borrowed from a Scandinavian source (compare Old Icelandic loskr idle, weak, Old Swedish lusk kona unmarried woman, literally one without a fixed dwelling); cognate with West Frisian lask light, thin and dialectal German lasch slack or weak. - lassie. n. 1725, formed from English lass+ie.

VIII. n. long rope with a running nose at one end; lariat. 1819, American English; borrowed from Spanish lazo, from Latin laquem, accusative of laqueus noose, snare.

IX. adj. About 1280 odde left over, single, unique; borrowed from a Scandinavian source (compare Old Icelandic oddi third or odd number; earlier, triangle, angle, point of land, found also in the genitive form odda in such compounds as oddatala odd number, and the oddamadhr or odd man, the notion deriving from the three sides of a triangle). Old Icelandic oddi is related to oddr point of a weapon, and cognate with Old German ort angle, point, Old Saxon and Old Frisian ord point or tip (also found in Old English ord, which did not survive), from Proto- Germanic uzdaz pointed upwards, from Indo-Europen ud-dh-o-s The sense of peculiar or strange is first recorded in Shakespeare`s Love`s Labour`s Lost (1588).

X. n. bundle. Probably before 1200 packs, in Ancrene Riwle, and 1228 pak; earlier, in a surname Pakbyndere (1191); possibly borrowed from Middle Dutch pac, pack bundle, Middle German pak, or early Middle Flemish pac (compare also Old Icelandic pakki), of unknown origin.


7.   P аспределите данные ниже интернациональные слова по лексико-семантическим группам:

Bionics, cybernetics, bungalow, football, out, match tennis, time, allegro, andante, aria, arioso, baritone, concert, duet, opera, piano, microelectronics, anaconda, ring, algorithm, antenna, antibiotics, automation, gene, boots, pullover, sweater, tweed, short, leggings.    


Семинар №3. Семасиология. Слово и понятие. Полисемия. Омонимы, синонимы, антонимы. Словообразование, фразеология.


1. Семасиология как раздел лингвистики.

2. Лексическое значение слова и понятие.

3. Полисемия слов.

4. Общие сведения об омонимии слов в английском языке. Источники омонимии.

Классификация омонимов.

5. Синонимия. Типы синонимов. Антонимия.

6. Словообразование в английском языке.

7.Фразеологизмы и идиомы в языке.

8. Классификация фразеологических единиц в английском языке. Метафоры


1. Используя словарь, назовите все ЛСВ следующих многозначных слов. Какие семы являются инвариантными для всех ЛСВ полисемантичных слов?

Demand (noun)

Field (noun)

Competition (noun)

Complete (adj)

Frame (noun)

Keep (verb)

Round (adv)

Serve (verb)

Skin (noun)

Skip (verb)

Какие омонимы соответствуют следующим словам? Назовите их типы.

a. to be present

b. Fair

c. to progress

d. a row

e. too

f. a drawer

g. left

h. bright



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