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Slave Driver

Four school kids from Oklahoma are dragging the entire state1s education system through the courts after they were forced to take part in what their school called “ a creative history lesson”. It seems that their teacher wanted them to get a taste of life on a slave ship and to this end had the children tied up with masking tape and beaten by their fellow pupils. Most teachers would have drawn the line ar the beating, but this particular teacher was clearly a bit of adventurous soul because he then ordered that they be “imprisoned” together in a shower stall and smeared with the contents of dirty nappies in order that they get a flavor of what life was really like on the journey from Africa to the New World.


Smart but Smelly

A student of astrophysics at the University of Oslo has had his appeal against expulsion from the University rejected. For the 22-year-old astronomer this was just one of many defeats he has faced in his battle to be readmitted to the university on his own terms. While the university authorities would be more than happy to have him back if their decision could be based purely on his academic record (astrophysics tend to be very clever) the authorities will not allow him into the building until he agrees to wash on a regular basis. The student claims that a lack of soap and water enables him to get a better grip on cosmology and is to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in a further attempt to gain readmission.


A Wonderful Son

This should serve as a warning to all those parents who insist on teaching their children “the value of money”. A woman in York has begun legal proceedings against her son after he refused to share the proceeds from a winning lottery ticket with her. For the last two years, mother and son have each been putting in &20 per month to buy lottery tickets, which the son would pay for and pick up every Saturday before going to work. One particular Saturday evening he rang his mother to say that they had won two million pounds on one of their tickets. The mother was thrilled to hear this and spent the evening deciding on what she was going to do with her share. Imagine her disappointment when, the following morning, her son called to say that he had made a mistake and that the winning ticket had in fact not been one of theirs, but one that he had bought on his own.


Busted by Invitation

Dope smokers the world over seem to be welcoming the tendency of many police forces to turn a blind eye to what the law is beginning to see as a fairly harmless habit. However, even the police can only lighten up so much. Two officers arrived at a house in Massachusetts after someone accidentally dialed 911 and then hung up. After being invited into the house, the officers were surprised to find marijuana being smoked. They were going to let it pass until the lady of the house proudly showed them a huge store of stuff in the kitchen. The woman and her husband were a little taken aback to find themselves in court on charges of cultivating and supplying marijuana.


Слова и выражения, приведенные ниже, принадлежат к слоям сленга и вульгаризмов. Распределите слова по этим двум группам. Как вы думаете, что они означают? Используйте словарь для перевода этих слов.

  Bosh                                                        to carry the ball

Poppycock                                                skunk

Bucks                                                        nigger

Grand                                                        a little snot nose

Crap                                                          barking iron

Sickener                                                    mucker

Goner                                                        goldbricker

Sozzler                                                      jerker

Smeller                                                     student

Aunt Mary                                                tea-head

African Black                                           cactus juice

Killer                                                         banana-head

Antifreeze                                                 bedroom eyes

Flakes, ice                                                 noser


Семинар № 2.

 Официальная и общеупотребительная лексика, Архаизмы, варваризмы, поэтизмы, неологизмы. Заимствования. Этимология.

1. Книжная и официально-деловая лексика.

2. Термины.

3. Архаизмы. Варваризмы. Поэтизмы.

       4. Этимология английского языка.

       5. Заимствования.

       6. Неологизмы в английском языке.

       7. Лексико-семантические группы неологизмов, виды неологизмов.


1. Выпишите из данного рассказа примеры книжной и официально-деловой лексики. По каким параметрам вы определяете принадлежность данной лексики к вышеуказанным слоям?

Mistaken Identity

Everyone in the room listened open-mouthed as a man, convicted two years previously of an armed robbery, attempted to convince a court of appeal that he had been wrongfully imprisoned. His defence rested on the notion that reports from eyewitnesses as to the identity of the robber could not be relied upon as evidence of his guilt. Even though the man was arrested outside the bank, in possession of stolen money, and with two guns and a knife secreted about his person - and even though his accomplice, who was arrested in the getaway car, had identified him as the man who had gone into the bank to carry out the robbery, the man still felt that he was in with a chance for freedom. His argument was ”How could the people in the bank have identified me. I had a mask on when I did the job”. The appeal court remained unconvinced.               

2. Выпишите из приведенных отрывков термины, терминологические словосочетания и укажите, к каким отраслям науки и техники они относятся.

A) The officers from the Lothian and Borders traffic police in Scotland were out playing with their new radar gun on the Berwickshire Moors, catching speeding motorists and having a jolly time handing out tickets when the gun suddenly jammed up, giving a reading of 300mph. For a moment duo were terribly confused, wondering who on earth could be driving at that speed. Suddenly, all became clear when a very low-flying Royal Air Force Harrier jet skimmed the top of their police car. The officers complained to the local RAF station, saying that their new toy had been ruined by the pilot`s exploits but were surprised to find themselves being reprimanded for using the radar gun in such a reckless fashion. At the moment their speed gun had locked on to the Harrier, the plane`s target seeker had locked on to what it interpreted as an enemy radar signal and triggered an automatic air-to-surface missile strike. Fortunately for the officers, the Harrier`s weapon systems had not been armed.

B) How do you expand an existing two-lane bridge into a three-lane bridge? To widen the Interstate 84 crossing over the Hudson River from 30 to 39 feet, the New York State Department of Transportation used structural lightweight concrete. Because the concrete used in the new deck weighed 35 pounds per cubic foot less than the concrete that was removed from the old deck, less than 20 per cent of the steel support framing needed strengthening. And this is not unusual. Replacing an old bridge deck made of normal weight concrete will often permit the deck to be widened with minimal modifications to the substructure.

C) The concept of “semantic field”, like the concept of “semantic frame”, opened up new domains of semantic research, first in Germany in the 1930s and then in the United States in the 1970s. Both concepts brought about “revolutions” in semantics, and provided semanticists with new tools for the study of semantic change and semantic structure. Although there have been several historical accounts of the development of field semantics, there exists no detailed study linking and comparing the development of field and frame semantics.

3. Выпишите из данных отрывков архаизмы и варваризмы; переведите отрывки и предложения. Все ли иноязычные слова из этих отрывков являются варваризмами? Есть ли среди них интернациональные слова?



A) A man in Norfolk, Virginia, cut off his own hand and would not let a doctor attempt to reattach it. Claiming that the hand had become possessed by the Devil and, quoting the biblical verse “If thy right hand offends thee, cut it off and cast it from thee”, he got busy with a saw. When the doctor tried to reattach the hand, the man claimed that the number 666 – commonly believed by certain Christians, horror writers and the insane to be the mark of the antichrist – had appeared on the hand and refused to allow the doctor to perform the operation.

B) “Woe to you, Oh Earth and sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short… Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixty-six”.

C) “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more Death. Neither sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be anymore Brain; for the former things are passed away”. (Revelations)

D) “O God of Earth and Altar

Bow down and hear our cry

 Our earthly rulers falter,

Our people drift and die.

The walls of gold entomb us,

The swords of scorn divide,

 Take not thy thunder from us,

But take way our pride”. (Chesterton, English Hymnal)

E) “The time will come for him

To lay claim his crown,

And then the foe yes

They`ll be cut down ”. (Iron Maiden, To Tame a Land)

F)  “The Dolche Vita is worth all the hassles, except one: health care”.

        “If you go to Che`s shrine in Santa Clarasoutheast of Havana, where he is buried beneath a gigantic Soviet-style statue that commemorates both his decisive military victory over Fulgencio Batista`s army in 1958 (after which the dictator fled the country) and Che`s departure for Bolivia in 1965 to foment another (this time unsuccessful) revolution, you will see him heroically outlined against the sky”.

“Cubans who apparently revere “El Commandante”, muse out a lot about his longevity, wondering whether he will last another decade or more, which keeps them in a state of suspense, if not suspended animation”.

“Like a dream, salsa music wafted in from a dance hall across the street”.

“It glows with Spanish-style grandeur and art-deco elegance; and its literary history makes it memorable”.

Misaki and Daisuke dressed up in their formal kimonos to celebrate and bought the symbolic good luck candy called chitose-ame.

Huge lanterns in the shape of samurai are paraded through the streets.

Origami is the Japanese traditional art of making various forms, such as animals or flowers, by folding a piece of paper. People are familiar with Origami from their childhood in Japan. Orizuru (a paper crane) is the most popular subject in Origami, and it is very hard to find a Japanese who cannot make one.

Sitting next to me was a Cuban in his 60s from Miami. As we descended toward Havana Airport, he kept looking out of the porthole at the sparse pinpoints of light below. “Poquito! Poquito!, he said, grimacing sadly and holding up his thumb and index finger like a pair of tweezers. Havana`s pale flickering, a poor match for Miami`s electric blaze, seemed to evoke contradictory feelings in him of anguish and schadenfreude.”


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