Editorially. передовой статье. 

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Editorially. передовой статье.

В переводе наречие editorially передается существитель­ным с прилагательным, т. к. в русском языке нет эквивален­та английскому наречию.

His style of writing is                                Его манера письма

reminiscent of Melville’ s.                         напоминает манеру Мелвиля.

Здесь прилагательное reminiscent заменяется глаголом напоминать. Эта замена сочетается с изменением типа ска­зуемого — составное именное заменяется глагольным. Еще один пример:

Ben’ s illness was public                                       О болезни Бена знали все.


Сочетание public knowledge не имеет аналога в русском языке. Поэтому существительное knowledge заменено глаго­лом; прилагательное public в силу его широкой семантики можно заменить местоимением все. Синтаксис предложения претерпевает изменения: подлежащее illness становится до­полнением, составное именное сказуемое в переводе заменя­ется простым глагольным.

Перевод следующего предложения требует целого комп­лекса замен. Это диктуется тем, что в русском языке нет существительного, эквивалентного английскому:

He is a three-time loser at marriage.

Он был три раза неудачно женат

Прилагательное three - time трехразовый заменяется на­речием три раза, существительное marriage — прилагатель­ным женат; loser человек, проигравший, потерпевший по­ражение заменено наречием неудачно.


Членение предложения – способ перевода, при котором синтаксическая структура предложения в оригинале преобразуется в две и более предикативные структуры предложения. Трансформация членения приводит либо к преобразованию простого предложения ИЯ в сложное предложение ЯП, либо к преобразованию простого или сложного предложения ИЯ в 2 или более самостоятельных предложения в ЯП.


    The annual surveys of the Labour Government were not discussed with the workers at any stage, but only with the employers.

       Ежегодные обзоры лейбористского правительства не обсуждались среди рабочих ни на каком этапе. Они обсуждались только с предпринимателями

Применение этого приема может быть вызвано семантическими или стилистическими причинами. Например, в английских газетах нередко встречаются краткие сообщения, состоящие из одного предложения, но содержащие большой объем информации типа:


Both engine crews leaped to safety from a collision between a parcels train and an freight train near Morris Cowley, Oxfordshire.

Вблизи станции Моррис Коули в графстве Окфоршир произошло столкновение почтового и товарного поездов. Члены обеих поездных бригад остались невредимыми, спрыгнув на ходу с поезда.

Прием объединения предложений прямо противоположен – 2 или 3 предложениям оригинала соответствует одно в переводе. Вследствие недооформленности одного из переводимых предложений.


The marchers did not intend to go to Parliament. Nor to petition their MP’s.

Участники демонстрации не собирались ни идти к парламенту, ни подавать петицию свои депутатам.

  Все перечисленные типы трансформаций редко встречают­ся в чистом виде, изолированно. Как правило, трансформации носят комплексный характер. Насколько они многообразны и как тесно переплетаются в них лексика и грамматика, можно судить по следующему предложению и его переводу:


Great works of art over the last several thousand years have been pillaged, burned, bombed, neglec­ted, ground up for lime if of marble, melted down if of gold or bronze, used to line shoes if on canvas — this in Germany during the last days of World War II — painted out, broken up, thrown away, and now and then reve­rently preserved

Чего только не выпало на долю произведений ис­кусства за последние не­сколько

 тысячелетий — их похищали, сжигали, бомбили, закрашивали, разбивали, выбрасывали,

 о них забывали; шедевры из мрамора перемалыва­ли на известь, из золота и бронзы —

переплав­ляли в слитки, великие полотна разрезали на стельки для обуви, как это

делали в Германии в последние дни второй мировой войны. И лишь иногда их

благоговейно хранили.


    В этом предложении мы имеем дело с целым комплек­сом трансформаций. Среди них — членение предложений, изменение типа предложений, перестановки, замена частей речи, стилистическая трансформация (нарастание), добавле­ния, генерализация, антонимический перевод.

Учитывая, что перевод допускает некоторые варианты, все структурные изменения, которые претерпело англий­ское предложение при переводе, продиктованы отнюдь не личным вкусом переводчика, а необходимостью, а эта необ­ходимость, в свою очередь, определяется грамматическим строем русского языка, его нормами сочетаемости и слово­употребления.

Трудно, практически невозможно перечислить и проил­люстрировать все возможные замены и перестановки и вы­строить их в какую-либо систему. Можно лишь отметить не­которые грамматические явления в английском языке, при передаче которых вероятность структурных преобразований, в частности, замена частей речи, наиболее высока. К числу таких грамматических явлений относятся слова, образован­ные с помощью суффиксов -ег(-ог) и -а bl е.

Из всего многообразия словообразовательных суффиксов авторы выбрали именно эти два, наиболее продуктивных. Они интересны и трудны тем, что суффикс -ег образует су­ществительное со значением деятеля практически от любого глагола, а суффикс -аЫе образует прилагательные от основы глагола и существительного.

Суффикс - er. Анализируя перевод существительных, об­разованных при помощи суффикса -ег(-ог), мы, естественно, не намерены касаться тех слов, которые имеют постоянные соответствия в лексической системе русского языка, таких как traveller путешественник, painter художник, b оа st ег хвастун и др. Речь пойдет о словах, которые переводятся с помощью замены их другими частями речи или описатель­ного перевода. Как уже отмечалось, суффикс -ег чрезвычай­но продуктивен. Более того, в силу сложившейся языковой традиции в самых ординарных ситуациях, там, где русские употребляют глагол, англичане в большинстве случаев вос­пользуются существительным с суффиксом -ег. Например:


Mother’s eyes were dry. I knew she was not a crier.

Глаза у матери были сухие. Я знал, что она не имеет привычки плакать.           

He is a heavy eater.                                   Он много ест.

При этом в словаре В. К. Мюллера эквивалентом суще­ствительного еа t ег является едок, а существительного crierкрикун, глашатай.

Таких примеров можно было бы привести несчетное ко­личество.

Поскольку эти существительные часто бывают образо­ваниями окказионального характера, т. е. они создаются в процессе речи, они не фиксируются словарями и иногда об­ращают на себя внимание своей необычностью и неожидан­ностью. Вот пример из книги Ирвина Шоу “ Bread Upon the Waters ”:

Mrs. Curtis gave one more accusing look to Hazen destroyer of dinners, and went back to the kitchen.


Миссис Кертис еще раз с осуждением взглянула на Хейзена, нарушившего  традиционный субботний обед, и ушла на кухню.

Речь идет об одном эпизоде, когда семья собралась за традиционным обедом, мирное течение которого было пре­рвано появлением Хейзена, волею случая оказавшегося в их доме. Обед был испорчен, что огорчило миссис Кертис, при­ходящую кухарку.

В некоторых случаях процесс образования существитель­ных с суффиксом -ег является сложным. Здесь можно пере­числить несколько моделей:

а) существительное образуется от глагола с прямым дополнением, при этом дополнение ставится перед суще­ствительным и несет атрибутивную, т. е. определительную функцию:

to love music — a music lover

to blaze the trail — trail-blazer

to eat bread — a bread-eater

б) от глагола с предложным дополнением, предлог при этом опускается:

to go to a party — a party-goer

to breathe through the mouth — a mouth breather

 (о болезненном ребенке, который не может дышать че­рез нос)

в) от глаголов с наречием:

to sew on buttons — a sewer-on of buttons

My mother was a passionate sewer-on of buttons.   

Моя мать была страстная.     любительница приши­вать пуговицы.

Суффикс -ег настолько продуктивен, что с его помощью образуются существительные, которые не имеют, строго го­воря, значения деятеля, т. к. образуются не от глаголов, а от других частей речи. Например:

first-nighter             постоянный посетитель

                                          теат­ральных премьер             


рабочий, занятый полную

рабочую неделю

nine-to-fiver                 служащий, работающий с девяти до пяти

Суффикс -а bl е. Суффикс –а bl е интересен для нас не в тех прилагательных, которые заимствованы из французского языка и которые имеют постоянные соответствия в русском языке (reliableнадежный, laudableпохвальный и др.). Такие прилагательные переводить нетрудно. Проблемы на­чинаются тогда, когда приходится подыскивать адекватные русские прилагательные, которые порой не имеют ничего общего со значением английского глагола, от которого обра­зовано соответствующее прилагательное. Например:


disposable syringe    одноразовый шприц

collapsible boat            разборная лодка         

teachable pupil           способный ученик          

payablemine                рентабельная шахта


Иногда приходится прибегать к помощи придаточных определительных предложений, т. е. к описательному пере­воду:

actionable offence                  правонарушение, дающееос­нование для                                                                   судебного разбирательства

dutiable goods                      товары, облагаемые пошли­ной

avoidable tragedy                          трагедия, которую можно избежать

Благодаря своей семантике (возможность — невозмож­ность) суффикс -аЫе может сообщать прилагательным мо­дальный оттенок. Например:

The losses are easily calculable.   Убытки можно легко подсчи­тать.

В заключение следует сказать, что оба суффикса, -ег и -а bl е, благодаря своей продуктивности и словообразователь­ным возможностям довольно часто встречаются в словах, образованных по окказиональному принципу. Например, в следующей фразе речь идет о некоей Джоанне Уэйд, цели­ком посвятившей себя работе в сфере благотворительности:


Joanna Wade has nothing against do-gooders. She is after all, one herself.      

Джоанна Уэйд ничего не имеет против людей, творящих добро. В кон­це концов, она и сама принадлежит к таким людям.


Еще одно окказиональное образование. Молодая амери­канка увлеченно занимается политической деятельностью, но, не будучи честолюбивой, она находит в своем положении одно значительное преимущество


Because we are not trying to get elected we can think the unthinkable, say the unsayable.

 Поскольку мы не добиваем­ся избрания, мы можем думать и говорить, что вздумается (самые неве­роятные вещи).

Вряд ли можно ожидать, что такое окказиональное но­вообразование, как do-gooder, войдет в словарь. Но вот при­лагательное a put-downable (un-putdownable book), также образо­ванное по окказиональному принципу, уже перестало быть неологизмом':

a put- downable book                 скучная, неинтересная книга  

  an un-putdownable book   книга, от которой нельзя ото­рваться


Все перечисленные выше замены и трансформации носят сложный характер: перестановки сочетаются с заменами, грамматические трансформации с лексическими и т. д.



    Рекомендуемая литература

1. Комиссаров В.Н., Рецкер Я.И., Тархов В.И. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский. М., 1960.

2. Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода. С.-Пб., 2003.

3. Романова С.П. Коралова А.Л. Пособие по переводу с английского на русский. М., 2004. С.77-84, 91-101.

4. Левицкая Т.Р. Фитерман А.М. Пособие по переводу с английского язвка на русский. М., 1973. С.50-58, 80-97.

5. Слепович В.С. Курс перевода. Минск, 2002. С.91-103.


Практическое занятие 3

Задания для аудиторной работы

Рассмотрите самостоятельно следующие вопросы:

1. Перевод каузативных конструкций [3;91]

2. Перевод абсолютных конструкций [3;93]

3. Перевод инфинитива [3;98] [5;91]

  1. Перевод пассивной конструкции [4;50]

Задание № 1

Переведите следующие предложения. При переводе выделенных слов замените части речи: [3; 102]

1. Most of the people I spoke to were unhelpful.

2. What is happening in New York will happen nationally.

3. At the age of eighteen, George earned an honest living.

4. The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat.

5. Uncharacteristically, he came over and put his arms around his father and hugged him.

6. She answered questions in monosyllables.

7. After the excitement, she slept heavily and dreamlessly.

8. He spoke so rapidly that I had difficulty understanding him.

9. At the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur, Mrs. Thatcher was predictably unrepentant.

10. People who were central to the civil-rights movement came out in support of the minority groups.

11. He asked me if I lived locally, what my job was and whether he could count on my support.

12. Macon had his pick of seats: window, nonsmoking.

13. There's going to be a thorough investigation into this and the FBI will be involved because we're a federally insured bank.

14. All banks measure profit in terms of earnings per share. Such earnings are widely studied by shareholders, investors and the business community nationally and internationally.

Задание № 2

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на суще­ствительные, образованные с помощью суффикса -ег: [3;102]

1. The boy was panting. It was quite a strain for him, always a mouth-breather, to have reached the sixth floor.

2. "I hope you won't mind having dinner in the kitchen," Ann said. "Certainly, not. We're a generation of kitchen-eaters," he answered.

3. These cacti, though slow-growers, make an ideal starting point for the novice.

4. "Certainly," she said, trying to frown — but she was clearly not a frowner.

5. As expected, the Socialists were easy winners in the first round of the elections.

6. Heery burst out laughing. In the great bustle of the last days I had forgotten what a good laugher he was.

7. The reaction of the public was most enthusiastic. Alfred, however, was among the non-responders.

8. Austin was a handsome ageing play-boy type, flamboyant dresser with styled iron-grey hair.

9. Rare and unusual plants — as long as they are also attractive — are doubly fascinating to the keen grower.

10. Above all else, President Bush is a firm believer in the value of personal diplomacy.

11. "You can use my library," Burton said. Andrew was no wobbler. He got up from the chair and came up to the shelves where Burton kept his most precious books on architecture.

12. Even so, the gainers from the liberal economic policies of Mr. Ghandi's early years in power far outnumber the losers.

13. An anonymous telephone caller to a newspaper claimed to have carried out the attack.

14. Mother insisted that we should remove the blue rug from the dining room. "It's a mistake to have a rug where people are eating. It's nothing but crumb catcher," she said.

15. "By the way," Robert said, "the car is not a heavy drinker, so the journey won't turn into a costly affair."

16. Young Jolyon was a good listener; it was his great quality.

Задание № 3

Переведите следующие предложения. Там, где это возможно, пе­реведите с помощью других частей речи прилагательные, образо­ванные с использованием суффикса -а blе:[3;103]

1. Western politicians were quick to conclude that the process is unstoppable.

2. To make this house livable one has to put a lot of work into it.

3. Alfa Romeo cars all have their devotees and are affordable at £7,000.

4. You will find your new boss quite an approachable person.

5. McLeash had no professional respect for the journalists who tried to cater to the most indiscriminating readers, the easily persuadable, who believe that what they see in print is true.

6. "Oh, dear," thought Scarlett, looking first at herself in the mirror and then at Rhett's unreadable face.

7.1 can do anything I choose, anything at all, for now I am answerable only to myself.

8. Apart from seismic activity — which is itself is detectable — there are several reliable precursors of earthquake, among them rodon gas emissions, patterns of foreshocks and behaviour an animals.

9. No matter how powerful the Prime Minister (Mrs. Thatcher) might be, she is still accountable to Parliament.

10. Even today, 25 years later, the image is inescapable.


Задание № 4

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:[4;94]

Суффикс -е r

1. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what he would do if his attempt to join the Common Market were to fail Questioners at his press conference wanted to pin him down (The Guardian, 1964)

2. The West German ambassador in charge of negotiations around the non-proliferation treaty is a determined non-signer (M S., 1969)

3. "Have you ever seen Mother cry, Tom?" "No, not that I can remember. No, she's not a crier." "Well, she cried. Not much, but a lot for her." (J Steinbeck, East of Eden)

4. Various schemes have been put forward to outlaw taxi gratuities, but fleet owners are certain that without tips the quality of service would go down. The taxi drivers themselves respond to the non-tipper with a selection of crisp, four letter, Anglo-Saxon words (The L. N., 1968)

5 It was not until he encountered an Arab villager who told him of a large mound near a remote village that Botta hired two diggers and sent them to the spot with instructions to see what they could uncover (J Elder, Prophets, Idols and Diggers)

6. 1 had sized up the Taylor woman as a package-leaver as soon as she joined us (D du Maurier The Flight of the Falcon)

7. According to a report circulating among UN agencies what Western Europe is draining from its former colonies is only about equal to what Europe is losing to the United States, which is the net gainer from the brain drain. (The N. Y. T., 1966)

8. The boys ate quickly and quietly, wolfed their food. Aron said, "Will you excuse us, Father?" Adam nodded, and the two boys went quickly out. Samuel looked after them: "They seem older than eleven," he said. "I seem to remember that at eleven my brood were howlers and screamers and runners in circles. These seem like grown men." (J. Steinbeck, East of Eden)

9. To be a good comedian you have to be a friend to the audience as well as an entertainer. (M. S., 1968)

10. A proposal made by a Tory ought to make it a non-run­ner for Labour. (D. W., 1965)

11. A student was injured and four arrested when police with dogs broke up a demonstration of protesters on the University College of Rhodesia campus today, (M. S., 1970)

12. Stone Thrower in Court

A man who threw a stone through a window of 10, Downing Street on Sunday because of British "failure to bring about civil rights in Northern Ireland," was given a two-month suspended sentence at Bow Street yester­day. (M. S., 1970)

13. On the two previous mornings Newman had come to breakfast late; and I didn't fancy that at any time he was an early riser. (A. Christie, The Thirteen Problems)

14. "What are you in for?" he asked in a low voice. "Murder," said John Lexman laconically. He had answered the question before and had noticed with a little amusement the look of respect which came into the eyes of the questioner. (E. Wallace, The Clue of the Twisted Candle)

15. Biggest foreign exhibitor at Expo 70, the world fair in Osaka, was the Soviet Union. (M. S., 1971)

16. The Mahlerian cult has now established itself firmly upon the concert life of Great Britain. Gigantic orches­tras and choirs are financially justified as Mahler's sym­phonies are now guaranteed hall-fillers. (M. S., 1969)

17. American military draft evaders are given asylum by Sweden defying the US Government displeasure (L. M,, 1970)

Cyффикс -able

1. The political foundation of the Soviet society is the unbreakable alliance of the working class with the peas­antry, which is growing day by day due to the policy and practical measures adopted by the Communist Party in promoting both industry and agriculture. (N, A., 1971)

2. I managed to smile at him. How had 1 ever thought Wayne Martin a harsh, unreachable man? There was nothing but kindness in him now. (Ph. A. Whitney, Silverhill)

3. "War bread"

— Pain de guerre... Oh, the delicious rolls of the garret days! As for tobacco, it was all but unfindable. (P.I a Mure, Clair de Lune)

4. But I'm afraid we should all be mildly surprised if your ingenious friend can really persuade us that we can afford the unaffordable (C. P. Snow, Corridors of Power)

5. If cannabis had been absolutely prohibited 30 or 35 years ago in North Africa, the drug problem would now be manageable. (M. S., 1969)

6. The songs of the film, old and new, are hummable, and the setting is colourful enough. (M. S., 1967)

7. London Conversation is an interesting and listenable record. (M. S., 1967)

8. But the Tories are doing nothing to prevent avoidable tragedies — deaths due to inadequate heating and food— happening this winter. (D. W., 1963)

9. Through the glasses it was possible to see a series of ridges running laterally across the faces of others; they were quite climbable.

The men below had lights to illuminate the scalable rock. (L. Davidson, The Menorah Men)

10. The continued rise in living costs means that the average worker is gaining no ground in his race against higher prices, the magazine Business Week comments. Real, spendable earnings are not only slightly lower than a year ago; they are actually no higher than they were at the end of the 1964. (M. S., 1968)

11. After the great weight of put-downable books by Generals on how they won the war, here is an un-put-downable one about some of the men who helped them do it (The Spectator, 1960)

12 Attractive plastics pottery is now available, while dis­posable paper plates are becoming the thing at many parties. This may be paralleled by development of paper clothes, attractive but disposable and cheap (D W, 1963)


Задание № 5

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на каузативные конструкции:[3;105]

1. Liza is a good typist but this time she has been hurried into making mistakes.

2. The owner of the restaurant bowed us in when we arrived.

3. Don't rush me into doing things that are contrary to my convictions.

4. If the enemy completely surrounds the town, it will not be long before they starve the townspeople into surrender.

5. "We, journalists," he said, "were brainwashed into believing that the Russians were not to be trusted."

6. We said grace, drank a toast to the hostess and the host, and ate ourselves into a proper insensibility.

7. She laughed the tension out of her voice and touched his hand.

8. The townspeople know that O'Brien has once bought his way out of the electric chair, so they have every reason to question the jury's objectivity this time.

9. If the police can't force the criminals out of their hiding place by any other means, they can always starve them out.

10. Frankly speaking, Mrs. Ackroyd was a dipsomaniac. She succeeded in drinking herself into her grave four years after her marriage.

Задание № 6

Переведите следующие предложения. Постарайтесь воспользоваться всеми знакомыми вам приемами перевода абсолютной конструк­ции:[3;105]

1. A little aloof lay a carriage dog, muzzle on paws, patiently waiting for the boys to go home.

2. Mr. MacVeagh mused silently, his eyes on the fire.

3. Alien Strand strode into the fragrant green hush of Central Park, the rumble of Fifth Avenue diminishing behind him.

4. "You don't suppose any of us would stay in college, with a war going on, do you?" he said.

5. She turned her head away and looked out to sea, her ears full of the sentimental music.

6. He had slept away the afternoon, his dreams confused and menacing.

7. There being no time like the present, I resolved to begin the experiment at once.

8. The trade union says 600 more police officers are necessary immediately, with more next year.

9. Macon sped ahead, with his hands relaxed on the wheel.

10. With her away, Lieutenant Darkin had made it a point to check the house from time to time.

11. Her heart racing, she leaned from the window, her ear cocked to the far-off roaring, trying to discover from which direction it came.

12. Then she started down the road toward Tara, the heavy basket cutting into her flesh.

13....and Ashley bent and touched her cheek with cold lips, his face drawn and taut.

Задание № 7

Внимательно вчитайтесь в следующие предложения и определите, в какой синтаксической функции употреблены выделенные инфи­нитивы (обстоятельства цели, последующего действия или опреде­ления). Переведите предложения на русский язык:[3;106]

1. That night there was a storm and I woke to hear the rain lashing the window-panes.

2. The door swung open to reveal a large room luxuriously furnished.

3. Extraordinary measures to deal with the situation have been debated.

4. He had broken into the house and opened the safe, only to find it empty.

5.1 remember that every morning Mother was up before dawn to get the fire lit in the kitchen.

6. Eugene, her cousin, when he attained the age of seventeen, left for the colonies never to be heard of again.

7. The old gardener had finished his morning job and came with a little basket to feed the doves.

8. Like a weakening swimmer I edged to the right into a pleasant street only to be stopped by a policeman, who informed me that trucks were not permitted there.

9. Modern professional astronomers rarely look through their telescopes. They prefer working with electronic devices, recording images or computer data to be scrutinized later in the laboratory.

10. The European Community's interior ministers are meeting early next week in Brussels to discuss drastic measures to be taken against European terrorism.

11. Switzerland, with few natural resources, no ports, and no standing army, has made herself an international power to reckon with by her shrewd management of her own and other people's money.

Задание №8

IIepeведите предложения с пассивной конструкцией:[5;93]

1. A new computer has been recently bought for the lab.

2. It was found that the papers for the conference were printed double space instead of 1.5.

3. It is assumed that the participants will take care of their accommoda­tion themselves.

4. The productivity issue has been given special emphasis to in the meeting.

5. It was suggested by the commission that the project should be worked out in the context of the new circumstances.

6. The construction of new houses in another place is being negotiated with the district authorities.

7. Nobody has been refused a chance to put forward their ideas for dis­cussion.

8. Making decisions is always preceded by a thorough analysis of the market situation.

9. They will be shown the draft plan right upon their arrival.

10. Some new approaches to attracting foreign investments are dealt with in this paper.

11. The issues of foreign exchange policy are also touched on in the re­port prepared for the board meeting.

12. The higher inflation rate in the second quarter is accounted for by the Central Bank's loan to the government for the needs of agriculture and housing construction.

13. The decision of merging the companies was followed by dismissing a few hundred employees.

14. The economic growth is influenced by a number of factors.

15. The sooner the unification of exchange rates is completed, the more smoothly the companies will adapt to new market conditions.

16. Practically all the enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries were af­fected by the financial crisis of 1998.

17. Social issues will certainly be taken care of by the new management of the company.

18. An attempt was made to harmonize the legislation of the two coun­tries right after the presidential elections.

19. Urgent steps are taken to overcome the consequences of the disaster.

20. The denomination of the local currency had been carried out before a decision on merging the two currencies was passed.

Задание № 9

Переведите следующие предложения с инфинитивом в различных функциях, пользуясь изложенными правилами перевода:[5;98]

1. The first step to be taken is to start negotiations.

2. The inflation rate was not high enough to-start paying compensations to workers.

3. To ensure a steady economic growth, all the macroeconomic parame­ters must be involved.

4. Suffice it to say, the unemployment rate has substantially declined in the free economic zones.

5. The tendency to increase the amount of benefits paid to the population is becoming more obvious.

6. The crops harvested were so big as to be able to store them and even export part of them.

7. To unify the exchange rates would be one of the main objectives of the country's foreign exchange policy.

8. Poland was the first post-communist country to implement what later on was called a shock therapy in the economic policy.

9. The type of policy to be followed will be broadly discussed in the mass media.

10. To go back again to the first-turn measures, all the circumstances are to be taken into account.

11. The results of the talks have led us to conclude that cash transactions would prevail over barter.

12. The terms to be insisted on in the upcoming talks are as follows.

13. Much more investment is to be attracted to make a considerable pro­gress in exports.

14. It is to be remembered that seasonal factors are unlikely to radically change the situation.                               

15. The IMF experts arrived on a regular mission to find that their rec­ommendations were not followed to the full extent.

16. They had so much to do in their field of studies.

17. No one was reported to be missing in action.

18. He was not quite prepared for the talks, to put it mildly.

19. Bribes are thought to have been paid to civil servants on a regular ba­sis.

20. The company needed to restructure its bank debts earlier this year, but it claims to have already paid off a substantial sum.


Задание №10

IIepeведите следующие предложения, содержащие инфинитивные обороты: [5;102]

1. The economic laws are known to be universal.

2. The employees expected the management of the company to recon­sider the terms of the contract.

3. For the economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic measures needs to be taken.

4. The financial crisis appeared to have affected different regions of the world.

5. The new method is believed to have given good results.

6. A new social protection policy is expected to be put into practice al­ready this year,

7. At the end of the year the statistical data will be found to be in line with the projections.

8. The arrival of the technical experts is not likely to change the general picture-of the reforms under way.

9. They established what is believed to be a solid system of relationships with trade partners.

10. Their attitude to the process of reforms has never been thought to change so radically.

11. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to the approaches used.

12. Their efforts have not been reported to have resulted in substantial changes.

13. According to recent research, one might expect the purchasing power of the population to be gradually rising.

14. The only way for companies to avoid double taxation was to lower their profits.

15. The tendency was for the exchange rate to be slowly stabilized after the National bank's interventions.

16. The exchange rate policy was developed earlier this year and found to be far from being perfect.

Задание №11

IIepeведите предложения с причастиями и причастными оборотами:[5;108]

1. Having established the reasons we can proceed with our regular work in this matter.

2. When studying market economy we have to understand that business enterprise is the very heart of private property and market relation­ships.

3. Adam Smith's works followed by those of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes constitute different approaches known in the economic thought.

4. Unless otherwise stated we shall consider only economies in transi­tion as opposed to the advanced economies.

5. The articles referred to above deal with the corruption combat in the developing countries.

6. It is a common observation that bodies expand when heated.

7. The part played by the small businesses is hard to overestimate.

8. Taken together, these factors constitute the main picture of the finan­cial crisis.

9. I haven't heard any of those factors mentioned.

10. Shown below are the two trends in comparison.

11. The progress of the reform being slow, the government is determined to continue supporting the needy population.

12. There being no additional foreign financing, the domestic resources had to be relied on.

13. The loans were granted by the commercial banks, the central bank strictly monitoring the situation.

14. The focus was made on the quality of goods, the productivity still fal­ling behind.

15. As pointed out previously, the explanation given is by no means com­plete.

16. The exchange rate being fixed, the population has all reasons to keep their savings in the local currency.


Задание №12

IIepeведите следующие предложения с герундием и герундиальными оборотами:[5;113]

1. Calculating consumer price index is part of general statistic proce­dure.                  

2. He could not help telling the results of the negotiations.

3. It is worth while having all the data together before discussing them.

4. Would you mind our taking part in the discussion?

5. High credit emission in 2nd quarter resulted in the inflation rate having been considerably raised.

6. Both the companies are alike in being represented in the European market.

7. In dealing with statistical data it is necessary to have all the factors involved.

8. Upon being shown in tables, the figures were subject to thorough analysis.

9. There is high probability of their being invited to the congress as spe­cial guests.

10. We'll probably think of trying another approach in this matter.

11. The manager insisted on all the employees getting bonuses.

12. President Coleman's being late was accepted with patience.

13. In spite of not having special training, they performed quite well at all the stages of the experiment.

14. In addition to being accommodated in double rooms, they were asked to check out of the hotel four hours before the usual time.

15. They objected to the talks being held without all the parties repre­sented.

16. Do you think it's worth while beginning this project without waiting for the confirmation to arrive?

17.Such result may be accounted for by their having started the experi­ment in the middle of the year.

18. Newton's having discovered the laws of mechanics determined the development of science for many years to come.


Задание №13

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения [4;55]

1. Support for the Vietnam peace demonstration in Sheffield on March 1, for the Easter march, and for other activities contributing to ending the war on the basis of the right of the Vietnamese people to decide their own affairs, was urged yesterday by the British Council for Peace in Vietnam. (M. S., 1969)

2. Exemption from taxes on capital gains up to a maximum of 1,000 a year, is asked for by the Income Tax Payers Society in a letter to the Chancellor. (M. S., 1969)

3. When the wage freeze was introduced, we were told the low paid would benefit. The Budget gives them noth­ing. They stay low paid. The increase in family allow­ances that was widely hoped for has come to nothing. (M. S., 1967)

4. Foot police flanked the marchers all the way from the London School of Economics in Aldwich. They were augmented by mobile police and there were walkie-talkies and a police van at the rear of the column, (M. S., 1968)

5. About 1,600 non-financial companies in Britain with net book assets of 1,900 million, are owned or controlled by U. S. firms, the President of the Board of Trade said yesterday in a written reply to a Commons question. (M. S., 1968)

6. Charlie, the homeless elephant at the closed-down Craigend Zoo near Glasgow, has been offered a home by the Director of Berlin Zoo. (D. W., 1969)

7. Now that we have been awakened to the danger to ani­mals and plants that the spread of Man's activities has caused, considerable effort is being put into providing the information needed for developing an understanding and appreciation of nature. (M. S., 1967)

8. The Prime Minister was shouted down tonight by 3,000 angry youngsters as he vainly tried to address a rush-hour rally from the steps of the Leeds Town Hall. (D. W., 1969)

9. Lovers of familiar symphonic fare are catered for with two Brahms symphonies and First Piano Concerto by Beethoven. (R. T., 1969)

10. The attacks on the people made in Wednesday's grim Budget were just the sort of cuts which

were ordered by the bankers throughout the world. (M. S., 1966)

11. Some of the most disastrous chapters in the history of British foreign policy have been written by those who believed that success in industrial negotiations could be paralleled in the world of foreign affairs. (The Guar­dian, 1965)

12. He was elegant, bowler-hatted and umbrellaed. (C. Wil-lock, Death in Covert)

13. The U. S. President was left in no doubt about what the ordinary people in New Zealand felt, for placards which read: "No New Zealand support for U. S. aggres­sors" were in the President's direct view in front of the official dais. (M. S., 1966)

14. Flagrant disregard for laws on shipping safety was alle­ged at an inquiry into the loss of the pleasure boat Darl-wyne with 31 lives. (M. S., 1970)

15. The Soviet people are marching the path which will sooner or later be followed by the working people of all countries, Soviet Communist Party leader Leonid Brezh­nev said here today. He was addressing a Lenin Cente­nary celebration held jointly by the Party's Central Committee, the Supreme Soviet and the Russian Fede­ration Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin Palace of Cong­resses. (M. S., 1970)

16. In Calcutta, Premier Mrs Gandhi declared yesterday it was mass poverty that posed a real threat to Indian de­mocracy. The threat to democracy in India could be met by removing poverty from the masses. (M. S., 1970)

17. European security, the Middle East, Vietnam — on each of these issues the British Government must be forced to abandon its obstructive role and to throw its weight on the side of sanity and peace. (M S., 1970)

18. Today, the Big West End stores begin their annual sales, to be followed next week by sales in many out-of-town shopping centres. (M. S., 1969)

19. Already a heavy blow against the British people has been struck by the Government-organised increase in unemployment. This must not be followed up by a fur­ther effort to put the burdens caused by a wrong policy on the sick, the illhoused and the children. (M. S., 1968)

20. About 3,000 busmen employed by the Northern General Transport Group of companies, staged a one-day strike yesterday in support of a basic rate of pay of £1 20 a week. North Durham and Tyneside services were affected. (D. W., 1964)

21. Two of our most respected composers shared the con dueling of the Promenade concert at the Albert Hall on Saturday, which was mainly devoted to English music of the 20th century.

Malcolm Arnold took charge of the greater part of the programme. He was jointed briefly by Sir Arthur Bliss to conduct the first performance of the new version for three hands of his rarely heard concert for two pianos and orchestra. (R. T., 1969)

22. "Ready?"said the old gentleman inquiringly, when his guests had been washed, mended, brushed and brandied. (Ch. Dickens, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club)

23. "I think you had better be going back," he said. "It's rather late. They may be missing you." Maud laughed happily.

"I don't mind now what they do. But I suppose dinners must be dressed for, whatever happens." (P. G. Wodehouse. A Damsel in Distress)

24. Two more strikes of natural gas have been made in the North Sea off the Yorkshire coast, British-Petroleum announced yesterday. (M S., 1966)

25 More light was shed yesterday on the effects of CS gas, which was claimed by Pentagon to be virtually harmless to health and was therefore to be recommended for use in war by soldiers — or in peace by the police. The latest information comes from U. S. Army studies, showing the gas to produce burns and blisters. The Morning Star has campaigned consistently to have this gas banned for use by either Army or police (M. S., 1970)

26. "The weather report promises heavy snow moving in from the west," he said. It will be here by evening, so I'm going to New York today. By tomorrow we may be snowed in. (Ph. A Whitney. The Winter People)

27. Mutiny Charge Two black marines, George Daniels and Lance-cor­poral William Harvey, were court-martial led for making anti-war statements during a talk-in session and sen­tenced to ten and six years respectively. (M. S., 1970)

28. It was not until he had received his apology that our touchy friend would suffer himself to be appeased. (A. Conan Doyle, The Lost World)

29. The ancient Phoenician city of Sarepta has been unearthed on the coast of Lebanon. It is the first home city of sea faring colonizers of the Iron Age to be uncovered by archeologists. The find will prove extremely significant in casting light on the culture of the traders who are credited with transmitting the alphabet from the Middle East to the Western World. (M. N., 1970)

Задание № 14

Переведите следующий текст на русский язык:[3;107]


Even on a clear night, astronomers cannot see everything. Light from the stars is diffused, and distorted by the earth's atmosphere. To the casual stargazer, that produces a beautiful twinkle, but to the astronomer it is a tragic blur. Star watchers have long dreamed of somehow getting above the atmosphere to have an unobstructed look at the universe.

Now their opportunity has come. This week the space shuttle "Discovery" was scheduled to take off and deliver into earth orbit the Hubble space telescope, a bus-size instrument that will see the cosmos ten times as clearly as any groundbased telescope ever has. Scientists have impatiently awaited the historic launch through three years of delays caused by the shuttle's problems in the aftermath of the "Challenger" explosion.

Once aloft in the dark void of space, the Hubble promises a leap in astronomical observing power unlike anything since 1609, when Galileo first pointed a telescope at the heavens. As never before, astronomers have a realistic hope of seeing planets that orbit distant stars, watching tidal waves of energy swirl around black holes and spotting the birth of galaxies. "The Hubble," says US presidential science adviser D. Allan Bromley, "will open entirely new windows on the universe."

Named for Edwin Hubble, the great astronomer who discovered in the 1920s that the universe is expanding, the space telescope has a mirror 2.4 meter (7.9 ft.) in diameter that will focus light on an array of cameras and instruments. After recording and analyzing the radiation, the instruments will translate it into electronic impulses and beam it down to earth at a prodigious rate — fast enough to fill a 30-volume encyclopedia in 42 minutes. Moreover, the Hubble will literally view the stars in a new light: the space observatory can see ultraviolet radiation that fails to reach ground telescopes because it is largely blocked by the earth's ozone shield.

Building the Hubble and putting it into space has cost the US Government $1.5 billion, and that is only the beginning of the investment, which will likely top $5 billion. The telescope is being run by scientists at the new Space Telescope Science Institute, housed at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. The data will be collected by some 380 institute researchers and computer technicians and will be used by scientists all over the world. Over the Hubble's expected 15-year life-span, teams of astronauts will shuttle to and from the telescope to service and upgrade it.

The Hubble will not make ground telescopes obsolete, since there is a limit to how many scientists can use it and how much light it can gather at one time. One advantage of the Hubble is that it will offer the clearest pictures yet of the most distant objects in the universe. And the farther away those objects are, the longer the light has been travelling. So the Hubble is a spyglass that enables astronomers to look way back in time to earlier age of the cosmos. Says institute astronomer Eric Chaisson: "The space telescope should allow us to see sufficiently far out into space and sufficiently back into time so that we can begin to probe the regions at which galaxies actually formed, and that's the greatest missing link in all of modern astrophysics."

Комментарии к тексту

Stargazer,star watcher

На первый взгляд, эти два слова могут показаться сино­нимами, однако их различают значения глаголов to gaze и to watch. Star watcherчеловек, любующийся звездным небом. Такой перевод подсказан дефиницией глагола to gaze, которую пред­лагает словарь " The Random House Dictionary (the unabridged edition)": to look steadily and intently at smth., esp. at that which excites admiration, curiosity, or interest.

2. a tragic blur — катастрофически плохая видимость

В языках существуют слова, которые, помимо своего ос­новного, денотативного значения, имеют эмоциональное зна­чение, выражающее субъективное отношение говорящего. В данном случае прилагательное tragic не имеет отношения к какой-либо трагедии. Здесь оно эмоционально окрашено и выражает высокую степень качества. Для того чтобы пра­вильно перевести мысль, нужно найти в русском языке «эмо­циональный эквивалент», который смог бы передать нуж­ную степень качества и при этом не нарушить нормы сочетаемости русского языка. Буквальный перевод — тра­гически плохая видимость — вряд ли приемлем.

3. space shuttle — космический корабль многоразового ис­пользования

4. a bus-size instrument — устройство величиной с автобус (см. раздел I, «Ложные друзья переводчика», стр


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