III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани ем текста. 

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III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани ем текста.

1. The Great Smoky Mountains park is the largest in the American park system.

2. The author's advice is to provide lodgings for true lovers of nature only


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Toys have formed part of human culture since the earliest times. Every society has provided its children with imitation of human beings or animals, and dolls are probably the oldest form of toy. No dolls have been found in prehistoric graves1, but this may be because they were made of materials like wood or cloth that have perished. Nevertheless, a doll with movable arms has been found in a Babylonian grave, and there were certainly dolls in Egypt over six thousand years ago.

Other ancient toys include balls and sticks, and it is clear that most games requiring physical action were originally introduced to train boys in the art of warfare2. Sometimes the result went beyond the inventors' intention. Football was banned3 in England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I because it became too violent. But boys continued to play with toy soldiers and weapons. We have examples dating from the Middle Ages. Moving toys also have a long history. The Chinese developed explosive toy weapons from the use of fireworks, and many early toys employ wheels. Modern technology has made possible the production of sophisticated moving toys like model railways, aircraft controlled by radio, and dolls that can walk.

Children need toys because many adult skills are developed from playing with them. Children who learn to construct model aircraft are using their hands to a purpose; children who solve jigsaw puzzles are using their minds. Above all, children's imagination is stimulated by playing with objects.

But it is not clear that giving children particular toys changes the nature of their games, or that the most elaborate toys will be the ones they like most. Many parents are upset to find that two or three days after Christmas or a child's birthday, the expensive presents they bought have been broken or are lying in a corner of the room, and the child is once again happily building an imaginary castle with a few pieces of wood or playing with an old teddy bear the parents think is ugly and should be thrown away.

1 grave —могила

2 warfare — война, боевые действия

3 to ban—запрещать

Test № 26

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. The oldest form of toy is an imitation of human beings.

2. People have found toy soldiers dating from Middle Ages.

3. At one time playing football was not allowed in most of the European countries.

4. According to the author, giving children particular toys changes the nature of their games.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why, according to the text, have no dolls been found in prehistoric graves?

2. What fact proves that in ancient times they sometimes buried children's toys with children when they died?

3. What was the purpose of ancient toys like balls or sticks?

4. Why are many parents upset after Christmas or a child's birthday?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. It is known that there were dolls in Egypt over six hundred years ago.

2. Children's independence is stimulated by playing with objects.


Прочитайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

The World Health Organization reports that 3.5 million people die every year from tobacco related diseases. Half of these deaths occur in industrial countries. Anti-smoking campaigns have been started in most developed countries — banning1 tobacco advertising in the mass media, increasing cigarette taxes and requiring health warnings on cigarette packages.

For the first time in a quarter of a century the number of women smoking is on an increase. Statistics show that it's the youngest women who are increasingly taking up the habit.

The habit is on an increase among teenage girls while it is falling in all other groups of the population. Now almost one in three girls of school-leaving age are smokers. Teenage girls who smoke believe cigarettes help keep them slim, make them look grown-up and control stress, health experts say. And while they know the risks to their future health, they would still rather smoke.

Health experts are puzzled as to why the anti-tobacco message is not reaching them. Dr. Anne Charlton said «We do not really know why they keep taking up smoking when everyone is giving up.» Teenage girls are twice as likely to start smoking if one of their parents is a smoker. They probably have a best friend who smokes and parents who do not disapprove of their taking up the habit. They are more likely to leave school at 16.

Fifty per cent of girls who leave school to start a career in hairdressing are smokers. In nursing the figure is 44 per cent and around 34 per cent in secretarial work. Dr. Charlton said: «The rates are less among those who go to university. The smokers are usually the ones who do not do well at school and show few signs of wanting to. They mistakenly believe it helps to keep their weight down, although they have no weight problem in the first place».

One of the most effective methods of getting girls to stop smoking is to point out how much they smell, says Dr. Charlon. Others stop when a boyfriend insists he does not like it.

1 to ban—запрещать

Test № 27

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. Teenage girls smoke because, according to scientists, smoking helps to keep down weight.

2. Teenage girls are more likely to take up smoking when they start a career in hairdressing.

3. Most of the girls who smoke are not interested in their progress at school.

4. A lot of girls give up smoking after they are told that they smell.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What are the World Health Organisation's statistics on smoking related diseases?

2. What measures do anti-smoking campaigns include?

3. What puzzles health experts about teenage smoking?

4. What category of girls smoke less?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. The habit of smoking is on an increase among teenage girls while it is falling among adult women.

2. Teenage girls are likely to start smoking if their best friends do not disapprove of their taking up the habit.


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If there is no difference in general intelligence between boys and girls, what can explain girls' lack of success in science and mathematics?

It seems to be that their treatment at school is a direct cause. Mathematics and science are seen as mainly masculine subjects, and therefore, as girls become teenagers, they are less likely to take them up. Interestingly, both boys and girls tend to regard the «masculine» subjects as more difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses, not because they are difficult, but for social reasons. Girls do not want to be in open competition with boys, nor do they want to do better than boys because they are afraid to appear less feminine and attractive.

However, if we examine the performance of boys and girls who have undertaken mathematics courses, there are still more high-achieving boys than there are girls. This difference appears to be world-wide. Biological explanations have been offered for this, but there are other explanations too.

Perhaps the difference which comes out during the teenage years has its roots in much earlier experiences. From their first days in nursery school, males are encouraged to work on their own and to complete tasks: this is essential behaviour for learning how to solve problems later on.

Apart from that, there can be little doubt that teachers of mathematics and science expect their male students to do better at these subjects than their female students. They even appear to encourage the difference between the sexes, not consciously1, but they still do it. They spend more time with the male students. They are more likely to call on boys for answers and to allow them to take the lead in classroom discussion. They also praise boys more frequently. All of this tends to encourage boys to work harder in science and mathematics and to give them confidence, to convince them that they are able to succeed.

Such male-oriented teaching is not likely to encourage girls to take many mathematics and science courses. It seems certain, then, that where these subjects are concerned, school widens the difference between boys and girls.

1 consciously —сознательный

Test № 28

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. Some scientists explain girls' lack of success in science and mathe­matics by their biological characteristics.

2. The author believes that mathematics and science are treated as masculine subjects because they are more difficult than other subjects.

3. Teachers of mathematics and science tend to encourage the difference between sexes.

4. Male students don't usually allow female students to take the lead in classroom discussions.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What are social reasons for which girls avoid mathematics courses?

2. What do the worldwide statistics on science achievement show?

3. When, according to the author, does the difference in the approach to girls and boys come out?

4. What, according to the author, is the essential behaviour for learning how to- solve problems?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. Girls are more likely to take up mathematics and science as they become teenagers.

2. It seems certain that where mathematics and science are concerned school encourages competition between boys and girls.


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Airline pilots have high social status and earn a great deal of money. Air hostesses' have an uncertain status and earn little. For those recently qualified, the basic pay in some airlines is as little as £300 a month.

This is little to balance against the possibility of a hijack2 or a disaster. So why do they do it?

I went to see Diane Humphreys, Senior Hostess with Dan-Air at Manchester Airport, to try to find the answer to this question. Mrs. Humphreys has had the job for 16 years. Before that she was an ordinary air hostess for six years.

One reason why air hostesses don't get over-anxious about flying • may be that they're so busy, before, during and after a flight. I asked Mrs. Humphreys to tell me what a typical summer timetable for a hostess would be. She said that four or five flights a week during the summer is not uncommon.

«On a Monday morning, a hostess might have an early morning flight, ' perhaps at 7 a.m. She has to check in 1.5 hours before the flight.

She has to prepare the cabin and toilets and make sure that the food and drinks are aboard. Dan-Air does not do long-distance flights, just short or medium distance ones, and so there are no overnight stopovers unless weather conditions prevent take-off or landing, or the plane develops technical problems. There's a 45-minute interval, when the hostesses have to prepare the plane for the return flight. Depending on where you're flying, this can make it a 12-hour day; with delays it can even be 16 hours.»

«During the flight you've got no time to relax — the safety instructions have to be demonstrated and the food and drinks served. You're always busy. So one day you might have an early morning flight; the next an afternoon flight; the day after you might be on relief duty and have to be ready to work if someone else becomes ill or there is an emergency. This means that you have to stay near a phone all the time and be no more than an hour and a half from the airport.»

1 air hostess — стюардесса

2 hijack —угон самолета

Test № 29

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. According to the passage the money that air hostesses earn does not cover the risks that their profession involves.

2. Diane Humphreys has been an air hostess for 16 years.

3. Air hostesses can only relax during a 45-minute interval before the return flight.

4. When on relief duty an air hostess has to telephone to the airport every one and a half hours.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is a typical summer timetable for an air hostess?

2. What are the duties of an air hostess when the plane is in the air?

3. What flights does the company Dan-Air do?

4. In what cases does the staff have overnight stopovers?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. An air hostess has to check in 45 minutes before the flight.

2. Before the flight an air hostess must make sure that the food and drinks are of good quality.


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Nobody visited the Seychelles much until 1971 when Male airport was opened and the world could flood in. Now more than half the country's earnings comes from tourism, an industry which could, if not managed properly, destroy the environment.

The painful lessons of the older world are well studied. No Seychelles hotel is allowed to rise above the surrounding palm trees and none may get rid of waste into the sea. After a brief period of package holidays and mass tourism, the current policy is to attract the «quality visitor». Because the amount of visitors must be limited to protect the environment, the quality of the tourist matters a great deal. Lindsay Chong Seng, a conservationist in the Ministry of Tourism, considers the economics extremely important: you have to earn as much as you can from each tourist if numbers are to be kept down. «A perfect tourist is active, hires a car, flies to other islands, takes boat trips, eats out, goes diving, spends money. When you get mass tourists without a lot of spending money, all you find is that the shops do no business and the local bus service is overcrowded.»

Atterville Ceydras, the nature warden1 on one of the islands, says that tourists have got to accept nature. «If it rains, that's nature, that's good. If the wind blows seaweed up on the beaches, that's nature. They say they come to see nature, they've got to put up with it.»

Not all do so. The international travel business has, over the last twenty years, made the mistake of letting the Seychelles be sold in Europe as a «Holiday Paradise2».

Tourists are now going who should probably not go — like ladies in elegant shoes who will not follow muddy walkways.

Many others, more inclined for adventure and the wonders of the world, do not go. Probably some rich, green-minded Westerners avoid it because of a guilty feeling that tourism spoils such places.

1 nature warden —природоохранник

2 paradise— рай

Test № 30

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. The opening of Male airport led to destroying the island's environment.

2. The period of mass tourism in the Seychelles didn't last long.

3. According to the text, all the tourists who visit the Seychelles at the moment are people for whom such holiday is not really suitable.

4. The Seychelles are not popular with tourists inclined for adventure and the wonders of the world.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why is tourism important for the" Seychelles?

2. What is the economic policy towards tourists at present?

3. Who is a perfect tourist, according to a conservationist in the Ministry of Tourism?

4. What is the state of local trade and business at the time of mass tourism?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. Seychelles hotels are not allowed to rise above the surrounding houses.

2. The Seychelles have been advertised as a «Holiday Paradise» all over the world.


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. The young men ran away

a) when they saw the old lady in the window

b) when they saw that the window was broken

c) as soon as they heard the explosion

2. When the detective came to the old lady's house

a) she told him who had fired the gun

b) she told him where one of the young men lived

c) she told him where the young men were hiding the gun

3. The chief officer told the detective to give the gun back to the young men

a) because the detective hadn't got a permission to take it away

b) because the young man had been just playing with the gun

c) because he wanted to know who the gun belonged to

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where were the three young men playing with a gun?

2. Why was the old lady able to recognize one of the young men?

3. Why was the owner of the gun afraid to admit it?

4. How did the owner of the gun give himself finally away?


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