What is Customs Enforcement and Compliance? 

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What is Customs Enforcement and Compliance?

Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fighting trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In discharging this mandate, Customs enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug trafficking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered species of plants and animals.

Exercise 15. Translate into English:

контрабанда оружия; управление рисками; правоохранительная деятельность; интеллектуальная собственность; контрафакция; коммерческое мошенничество; оружие массового уничтожения; виды растений и животных, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения; обмен разведывательной информацией; высокотоксичные отходы; торговля наркотиками; украденные (угнанные) автомобили; отмывание денег.

Exercise 16. Render the text below in 3-5 sentences.

Use the following:

Law enforcement function of the Customs; operative search activities; investigation; Customs violations; state control; controlled delivery; to include fight against smuggling; to detect, suppress and prevent Customs offences (violations).

    Правоохранительная деятельность таможенных органов – одна из важнейших форм государственного контроля. Она включает непосредственную борьбу с контрабандой и иными преступлениями в таможенной сфере.

    Правоохранительная деятельность осуществляется в следующих формах: дознание, проведение оперативно-розыскных мероприятий, контролируемые поставки наркотических средств и психотропных веществ, производство по делам о нарушениях таможенных правил и их рассмотрение.

    Региональные таможенные управления: обеспечивают единообразное применение и осуществляют контроль над исполнением в регионе законодательства, за организацией борьбы с контрабандой и иными таможенными преступлениями.

Exercise 17. Translate the following into Russian in writing:

Violations of Customs Regulations

There are different Customs violations. The most usual are: the smuggling of merchandise, narcotics, arms and ammunitionand other contraband, commercial fraud, currency violations and money laundering, internal corruption, revenue of­fences, which are committed when a person imports goods with the intent to evade all or part of the duty, etc.


Exercise 1 8. Agree or disagree:

1. A counterfeit is something that is illegally forged or copied or with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding.

2. New technology has broadened the range of goods that are vulnerable to copying.

3. Counterfeiting is a diverse legal business.

4. The World Customs Organisation is now working on new ways of monitoring and controlling.

5. Commercial fraud involves the evasion of appropriate licensing requirements on imported or exported goods.

Exercise 19. Express your attitude to the phrase:

“Customs have to stay one step ahead of counterfeiters”.

Exercise 20. Work with a partner. Act out the conversation about the problem of fraud and counterfeiting in the world.

Exercise 21. Field work. Find information on the Internet to prove the following statements:

- counterfeits come in many shapes and sizes;

- companies suffer losses due to counterfeit products;

- there are several countries notorious for being counterfeiting and piracy hotspots.

Exercise 22. Review the articles you have read so far.


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