Customs Control of Means of Conveyance 

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Customs Control of Means of Conveyance

All транспортные средства, entering or leaving the country are legally liable to таможенное оформление and control. The ответственное лицо of a судно or aircraft must answer the Customs officer’s questions and produce the necessary documents в надлежащей форме in respect of the means of conveyance, its груз and экипаж (команда).

The дежурный таможенник will check the документы на въезд. If they are in order, the necessary papers are signed and the date is stamped.

All means of conveyance are subject to Customs контроль for the период пребывания in the port or летное поле.

The Customs officer on duty must inspect the means of conveyance and seal up those помещения на борту a vessel or воздушное судно that contain those goods or предметы which may not be landed or taken ashore.

Not a person, except the представитель таможенны х органов, can break or erase the пломбы.

Личные вещи of the crew and пассажиры are examined because any ship or aircraft is liable to досмотр на предмет контрабанды. Undeclared things are liable to конфискация, so they may be seized.

Prior to отправление the person in charge must produce the документы на выезд and to state in them the изменения which took place during the stay.

The Customs officer must inspect the means of conveyance, check the опломбированные помещения (места) and remove the seals, examine the crew’s personal effects and the passengers’ if any.

Upon уплата всех пошлин and clearing all the формальности the Customs officer grants a разрешение на выход в рейс.

Exercise 13. Scan the text “Customs Control of Means of Conveyance” andanswer the following questions:

1. What formalities must a person in charge of a vessel or aircraft go through on arrival in the country?

2. What are the responsibilities of the Customs officer on duty when a ship (or an aircraft) arrives?

3. Why are personal effects of the crew and passengers examined?

4. What documents must the master (the captain) produce to the Customs authorities prior to departure?

5. When will the Customs officer grant a permit for the ship (or the aircraft) to depart?

Exercise 14. Read the text below and give some arguments for and against (pro and con) to prove why it is so necessary to ensure security of the cargo.

Governments are very concerned with the shipment of cargo, as it may bring security risks to a country. Therefore, many governments have enacted rules and regulations, administered by a Customs agency, to the handling of cargo to minimize risks of terrorism and other crime. Governments are particularly concerned with cargo entering through a country’s borders.


Here you can see some phrases. They may help you. - May I put a word in? - If you ask me... - Generally speaking... - Strictly speaking... - That depends on... - On the one hand... - On the other hand... - From my point of you... - To summarize all... - If I am not mistaken... - As far as I know... - There is no doubt... - It is quite obvious / evident - It is common knowledge that... - In my opinion... - To my mind... - It seems to me... - To tell the truth... - As for me...


Exercise 15. Prepare to talk about different modes of transport, choosing advantages and disadvantages of each mode.

Exercise 16. Summarize the information of Texts 1-2 to be ready to speak on:

- what logistics is;

- key skills for working in logistics;

- the main logistics jobs;

- the main documents used in transportation of goods.



Exercise 17. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the phrases in bold type.

1. I wish you wouldn’t keep borrowing money from me.

2. I wish you would remember to go to the bank from time to time.

3. I haven’t got any money. I wish I had some money.

4. I’ll have to do some extra work over the weekend. I wish I didn’t have to do any extra work over the weekend.

5. Now we’ve missed the train. I wish we hadn’t missed the train.

6. I wish you wouldn’t phone me so early in the morning.

Exercise 18. Open the brackets.

1. I wish the holidays (come) so we could go off to the seaside.

2. If he (be) more careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.

3. I wish you (start) a private enterprise.

4. We (not to make) an arrangement with him if we (know) that he was so inexperienced in this job.

5. If they (take into account) the forecasts of the suppliers, the delivery (be) not a failure.

6. She would have been top of her class if she (work) hard.

7. She (not pay) in cash if she had a credit card.

8. She wouldn’t have missed the train if she (wake up) earlier.

Exercise 19. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish... Use words from brackets.

1. Don’t be so conceited about your achievement.

(wish, not, so, your, conceited, you, were, about, achievement, I).

2. It’s a pity the winter holidays are so short.

(the, I, winter, holidays, wish, longer, were).

3. I can’t go with you to the rock concert.

(to, could, you, the, I, concert, go, wish, rock, I, with).

4. You are far too jealous of her success!

(her, less, success, jealous, were, you, wish, of, I).

5. It’s a pity your friend can’t come with us.

(I, could, us, come, your, have, wish, friend, with).

6. I can’t play football.

(wish, I, football, could, play, I).

7. I would like to give up smoking.

(could, smoking, I, to, wish, I, give up).

8. I don’t have a job as a radio announcer.

(as, a, I, job, had, radio announcer, wish, a, I).

9. It’s difficult for me to ride in a car because of traffic jams in the city.

(city, weren’t, I, traffic, in, wish, jams, there, the).

10. Don’t pay attention to his hurtful words!

(attention, didn’t, words, I, his, to, pay, you, wish, hurtful).

Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. David and his friends went on an excursion last weekend. However, when they arrived in the mountain, it started to rain. – They wish they (not/go) hadn’t gone to the mountains.

2. Many young people these days have a difficulty in finding a job because of the global financial crisis. I wish every graduate (can/find) a job.

3. The coach trip to Paris was very exhausting. I wish I (fly) there instead of taking the coach.

4. I have three books to study for my next exam. I wish I (read) some of them last summer!

5. I wish I (not/stay up) late last night! I feel very tired now.

6. I have lost my keys. I wish I (can/remember) where I put them. But I can’t.

7. I wish our personal things (be examined) fast.

8. There is no rain in our region this winter. I wish it (rain) these days. But it has been sunny.

9. I wish she (not/tell) them the truth before our meeting yesterday.

10. I have got only bad results for my English test. I wish I (have) better results.

11. There was an accident in the road yesterday, but I couldn’t help. I wish I (can/help).

12. David received an e-mail, but he doesn’t know who sent it to him. David wishes he (know) who sent e-mail to him.

13. He didn’t have time to watch the match between FC Bayern (Munich) and FC Arsenal (London). He wishes he (have) time to watch that exciting match.

Exercise 2 1. Translate into English:

1. Жаль, что вы не побывали на выставке.

2. Жаль, что он опоздал на свой рейс. Теперь ему придется поменять билет.

3. Жаль, что у вас возникли осложнения при оформлении визы.

4. Жаль, что вы не приняли во внимание все пункты контракта.

5. Жаль, что он не сдал экзамен.

6. Жаль, что мы не получили визу вовремя.

7. Жаль, что ты не справился с тестом.

8. Вот бы Вы объяснили эти правила заранее!

9. Жаль, что мой багаж был такой тяжелый. Мне пришлось нанять носильщика.

10. Жаль, что вы перестали работать таможенником.



ability способность, возможность
acceptable приемлемый, допустимый
accurate верный, правильный, точный
arguably спорно, возможно, вероятно
beneficial выгодный
berthing постановка к причалу
broker брокер; посредник
bulk прилагат. лежащий навалом; навалочный
cargo liner грузовоз, грузовой лайнер
consignment груз; партия товаров; консигнация
consumption потребление
convenient удобный
crucial ключевой, критический, решающий
defense[7] защита, оборона
diamond алмаз, бриллиант
efficient эффективный, действенный
emergency крайняя необходимость; непредвиденный случай
expertise экспертиза
flow поток
forwarding agent экспедитор
freighter транспортное средство, служащее для перевозок грузов, грузовой корабль
handler оператор, работник
hailier перевозчик; фирма- транспортировщик грузов
initiative инициатива
inland внутренний; расположенный внутри страны
link связь
negotiation переговоры
origin происхождение; начало
overseas заморский, заграничный
overseer контролёр; инспектор
ownership собственность, право собственности
particularly особенно; в частности, в особенности
quality качество
reverse противоположный
significant значительный, важный, существенный
similar подобный, похожий
supplier поставщик
theft воровство, кража
transaction сделка, транзакция
vessel судно, корабль
weight вес, масса
wharf пристань, причал, верфь
to ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать
to facilitate упрощать, облегчать
to govern управлять, регулировать
to handle обрабатывать; управлять (чем-либо), справляться (с чем-либо)
to implement выполнять, осуществлять
to issue выдавать, выпускать
to purchase покупать, приобретать


Module 4. Customs Union Procedures

Unit 4.1 Transit procedure



In this Unit, you learn: - what Customs transit is - how to speak on TIR Convention - about application of the TIR Convention in the Customs Union Grammar: -ing forms. The Gerund



Exercise 1. Match the following collocations:

1) release for home consumption 2) export 3) Customs transit 4) Customs warehousing 5) processing on the Customs territory 6) processing outside the Customs territory 7) processing for domestic consumption 8) temporary importation (admission) 9) temporary exports 10) re-import 11) re-export 12) free trade 13) destruction 14) refusal of the state 15) free Customs zone 16) free warehouse     a) таможенный склад b) переработка для внутреннего потребления c) беспошлинная торговля d) уничтожение e) экспорт f) выпуск для внутреннего потребления g) реимпорт h) отказ в пользу государства i) реэкспорт j) временный ввоз (допуск) k) переработка на таможенной территории l) свободный склад m) временный вывоз n) таможенный транзит o) свободная таможенная зона p) переработка вне таможенной территории


Exercise 2. Using the dictionary find the words synonymous to:

supervision, destruction, admission, free, production, consumption, enforcement, ensure, goods, mail, engine, agreement, member.

Exercise 3. Practice useful expressions related to Unit 4.1:

1. under Customs supervision под таможенным контролем;
2. Customs authority of departure таможенный орган отправления;
3. Customs office of destination таможенный орган назначения;
4. the territory of a state not a member of the Customs Union территория государства, не являющегося членом Таможенного союза;
5. goods transported by air товары, перевозимые воздушным транспортом;
6. intermediate/emergency (technical) landing промежуточная/ вынужденная (техническая) посадка;
7. international mail международные почтовые отправления;
8. goods transported by rail товары, перемещаемые железнодорожным транспортом;
9. agreement of the states-members of the Customs Union договор государств-членов Таможенного союза;
10. to present transit declaration представлять транзитную декларацию;
11. enforcement of Customs transit соблюдение таможенного транзита;
12. to ensure identification of goods обеспечивать идентификацию товаров.


Exercise 4. Fill in the table of derivatives.


Verb Noun Adjectiv e / Participle

Exercise 5. Match words and their definitions:


  1. convention 2. commission 3. container 4. amendment 5. transport 6. annex 7. carnet 8. solution 9. vehicle a) a very large metal box in which goods are packed to make it easy to lift or move them onto a ship or vehicle; b) a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another; c) a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation; d) a machine with an engine that is used to take people or things from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck; e) a group of people who have been given the official job of finding out about something or controlling something; f) a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this; g) a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests; h) a part that has been added to the end of a document, report, etc.; i) an official document that allows you to go somewhere, especially to drive across the border into another country for a limited period.

Exercise 6. Scan Text 1 for certain true/false information.

1)  ‘TIR’ stands for Transports International Train Transport.

2) The TIR Convention was revised in 1975.

3) The TIR Convention facilitates air transportation.

4) The vehicles move effectively by using the TIR Carnet.

Exercise 7. Read the text to answer the following questions:


1. What was the aim of the TIR Convention?

2. What does the abbreviation “TIR” mean?

3. How many countries signed the TIR Convention?

4. Why was it updated several times?

Text 1

The TIR Convention

The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975) was elaborated under the aegis of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

The solution was found by using approved vehicles which were effectively sealed and by using the TIR Carnet.

Today, the TIR Convention has 68 Contracting Parties worldwide.

The TIR Convention was revised in 1975 to take into account new methods of transport with the sea containers, followed by the inland containers and swap-body to facilitate rail-road combined transport.

Since its entry into force in 1978, the TIR Convention of 1975 has been updated over 20 times. The most recent relevant amendments came into force on 12 August 2006 with the addition of Annex 10, regarding the electronic control system for TIR Carnets commonly known as SafeTIR.

Exercise 8. Cover the Russian sentences with a sheet of paper and translate the English sentences into Russian, line by line, to check yourself:

1. SafeTIR system was created because of the need to upgrade risk management practices in order to maintain the security of the TIR system in the expansion and modernization of the market. 2. Statistics in the system SafeTIR shows that the amount of data received and processed by the system is constantly growing.   3. Real Time SafeTIR enables communication with Customs authorities in on-line mode   1. Система SafeTIR была создана в силу необходимости обновления методов управления рисками в целях поддержания безопасности системы МДП в условиях расширения и модернизации рынка. 2. Статистика по передачи данных в системе SafeTIR показывает, что объем данных, полученных и обработанных системой, постоянно растет. 3. Real Time SafeTIR позволяет осуществлять обмен данными с таможенными органами в режиме реального времени


Exercise 9. Scan Text 2 for certain true/false information:

1) Customs transit facilitates the movement of goods between the countries.

2) Customs transit system is based on 5 essential principles.

3) SafeTIR was ratified in August 2006.

4) ‘TIR’ is an international harmonised system of Customs control.

Exercise 10. Find in the text the words which follow the verbs below:

to facilitate, to travel, to cover, to accompany, to take, to ratify, to confirm, to stand for, to accept, to open, to serve.

Exercise 11. Find in the text the words which follow the nouns below:

Example: Customs – Customs regime, Customs territory, Customs procedure, etc.

Customs, movement, transit, country, unloading, control, termination, authorization, access, taxes.

Use the following word-combinations in the sentences of your own.

Text 2

Customs Transit: TIR

Customs transit is a Customs procedure used to facilitate the movement of goods between two points of the Customs territory, via another Customs territory, or between two or more different Customs territories. Goods move under cover of an internationally accepted Customs transit document, the TIR carnet.

‘TIR’ stands for Transports Internationaux Routiers (International Road Transport) and is an international harmonized system of Customs control.

The TIR Customs transit system is based on six essential principles, or basic requirements – the six pillars of the TIR System. These are:

1) Goods should travel in secure vehicles or containers;

2) Throughout the journey, duties and taxes at risk should be covered by an internationally valid guarantee;

3) Goods should be accompanied by an internationally accepted Customs document – the TIR Carnet, opened in the country of departure and serving as a Customs control document in the countries of departure, transit and destination;

4) Customs control measures taken in the country of departure should be accepted by all countries of transit and destination;

5) Access to the TIR procedure shall be dependent on prior authorization by national authorities (Customs);

6) The sixth principle, SafeTIR was ratified in August 2006. SafeTIR information should be sent by Customs to confirm the unloading of goods on termination of a TIR operation.

(TIR Handbook- UNECE)

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Customs transit?

2. What documents must be presented?

3. How does transit work?

4. Can one transit document cover all the goods in a consignment?

5. What are essential principles of the TIR Customs transit system?

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using the text below:

1) Customs transit is ___________.

2) Foreign goods are transported __________.

3) The TIR system allows Customs authorities to ___________.

4) TIR Carnets reduce __________.

5) The security measures are _________.

6) Payment of Customs taxes and duties may be secured by __________.

Text 3


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