Requirements for CSI Expansion 

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Requirements for CSI Expansion

In order to be eligible for CSI expansion a port must demonstrate the capability of six required standards.

Ø The Customs Administration must be able to inspect cargo originating, transiting, exiting, or being transshipped through a country.

Ø The seaport must have regular, direct, and substantial container traffic to ports in the United States.

Ø Commit to establishing a risk management system to identify potentially high-risk containers, and automating that system.

Ø Commit to sharing critical data, intelligence, and risk management information with the United States Customs and Border Protection in order to do collaborative targeting, and developing an automated mechanism for these exchanges.

Ø Conduct a thorough port assessment to ascertain vulnerable links in a port’s infrastructure and commit to resolving those vulnerabilities.

Ø Commit to maintaining integrity programs to prevent lapses in employee integrity and to identify and combat breaches in integrity.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Container Security Initiative based on?

2. What elements does CSI consist of?

3. What requirements are needed for CSI expansion?

Exercise 13. Rewrite the sentences below translating the Russian parts into English. Consult Text 2.

1. Under the Программа безопасности контейнерных перевозок, the тщательная проверка опасных контейнеров is accomplished by teams of сотрудники таможенной службы США.

2. Through CSI, контейнеры, перевозимые морским путем that pose a risk for терроризм are identified and examined at иностранные порты before they are shipped to the United States.

3. In order to be eligible for CSI распространение there must be an established система управления рисками to identify potentially контейнеры высокой степени риска at the port of entry.

4. One of the main elements of CSI includes maintaining integrity programs to prevent отклонение от принципов или правил поведения in employee integrity and to identify and combat нарушения честности и неподкупности сотрудников таможни.

Exercise 14. Translate into English using the following phrases:

(The) Container Security Initiative (Program);   container shipments;to be intended to (for); to prevent from terrorist attacks; to include the development of criteria; to identify suspect (dangerous) containers; before arrival at the port of entry.

       Программа безопасности контейнерных перевозок предназначена для повышения контроля над контейнерными грузами и предотвращения использования контейнеров террористами для ввоза оружия. Программа включает разработку критериев выявления опасных контейнеров и проверку подозрительных контейнеров до их прибытия в порт.


Exercise 15. Interpret the phrase: “Customs clearance implies a process of completing all necessary formalities during cargo transportation over the border or changes in Customs treatment”.

Exercise 16. Make up short dialogues about formalities related to Customs clearance of the cargo.

Exercise 17. Prepare a presentation on one of the following points:

1. Customs control of exhibition goods.

2. Customs control of dangerous goods.

3. Customs control of perishable goods.

Exercise 18. Speak on the advantages of the US Container Security Initiative (Program).

Exercise 19. Translate the sentences with I wish... into Russian.

1. She wishes she had more free time.

2. I wish I had known his name.

3. Jennifer doesn’t wish she went to school.

4. Do you wish you had more friends?

5. Does he wish he lived in London?

6. They don’t wish they were bankers.

7. I wish I had thought of that idea before!

8. I wish I had bought Jane a present then.

9. I wish we had caught the train then. We had to wait for the next one so long!

10. I wish he hadn’t paid too much money for this thing.

Exercise 20. Write sentences beginning I wish...

1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). – I wish I knew more people.

2. I don’t have a key (and I need one). I wish __________.

3. Ann isn’t here (and I need to see her). I wish __________.

4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).

5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it).

6. I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to).

7. I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed).

8. I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).

9. I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach under palms (and that’s a pity).

10. I’m at the lesson now (but I’d like to be at home).

Exercise 21. Write your own sentences beginning I wish...

1. (Somewhere you’d like to be now – at the seaside, in New York, in Paris, at the mountain resort, at home, etc.)

I wish I __________.

2. (Something you’d like to have – a computer, a job, a car, lots of money, etc.)

3. (Something you’d like to be able to do – skate, sing, speak a language, fly, etc.)

4. (Something you’d like to be – beautiful, strong, rich, famous, etc.)

5. (Somewhere you’d like to work at – Customs post, big company, Customs department, Operative Customs, city administration, etc.).

Exercise 22. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish...

1. You’ve made too many mistakes in your test and now you feel upset. You say: I wish I had made too many mistakes in my test.

2. There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think that your decision was wrong.

You say: I wish I __________.

3. When you were younger, you didn’t learn to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this.

You say: __________.

4. You’ve painted the wall bright orange. Now you think that it doesn’t look very nice.

You say: __________.

5. You are walking in the country (in the nature). You would like to take some photographs but you didn’t bring your camera.

You say: __________.

6. You have some unexpected guests. They didn’t tell you they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them.

You say (to yourself): __________.

7. You have failed your exam. You think that you didn’t study well. Now you regret this.

You say: __________.

Exercise 23. Translate the sentences into English. Use I wish...

1. Жаль, что   он такой невнимательный.

2. Жаль, что он живет так далеко от центра города.

3. Вот бы сейчас было лето!

4. Жаль, что у нас нет доступа к этой информации.

5. Я бы хотел, чтобы наши спортсмены выиграли соревнование.

6. Жаль, что мне надо готовиться к семинару.

7. Вот бы таможенный контроль закончился через несколько минут!

8. Жаль, что они не могут перевести текст.

9. Жаль, что у нас нет времени навестить друзей.


breach брешь, пролом; нарушение
capability способность, возможности; умение
chemicals химикаты, химические вещества
collaborative совместный
consumer потребитель
counterpart коллега; человек, находящийся на аналогичной должности или выполняющий сходную работу
delivery доставка, поставка
disruption разрушение, распад, раскол
environment окружающая среда
employee служащий; сотрудник. работник
evident явный, очевидный
expansion расширение, распространение
hazardous опасный
initial первоначальный, начальный, исходный
integrity честность, неподкупность
maritime морской
perishable скоропортящийся
preferably предпочтительно
property собственность, имущество
requirement требование; необходимое условие
shipping перевозка груза (отправка, доставка)
smart умный, сообразительный
storage хранение
substantial существенный, значительный
value стоимость, ценность
vulnerable уязвимый
vulnerability уязвимость
to accomplish совершать, выполнять
to ascertain выяснить, установить
to be eligible for иметь возможность, право на
to commit совершать, вводить в действие
to deploy дислоцировать, развертывать
to distinguish различать, распознавать
to identify выявлять, идентифицировать, распознавать
to impede затруднять, препятствовать
to maintain выполнять, поддерживать
to pre-screen проводить предварительную проверку
to resolve решать



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