The first five steps of discipline 

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The first five steps of discipline


Between the ages of 20 and 24 months, the toddler may begin the "steps of discipline" which the Illuminati use to teach their children. The age the child begins them will vary, depending upon the group, the parent, the trainer, and the child. These "steps of discipline" would be better called "steps of torment and abuse" as their purpose is to create a highly dissociative child, out of touch with their feelings, who is completely and unthinkingly loyal to the cult. The order of the steps may also be varied a little, depending on the whims of the trainer or parents.


I will first discuss the first five steps of discipline: (note: these steps may vary somewhat from region to region, but most follow this outline at least roughly, even if not in the same order)



First step:

To not need


The small toddler/child is placed in a room without any sensory stimulus, usually a training room with gray, white, or beige walls. The adult leaves and the child is left alone, for periods of time: these may vary from hours, to an entire day as the child grows older. If the child begs the adult to stay, and not leave, or screams, the child is beaten, and told that the periods of isolation will increase until they learn to stop being weak. The ostensible purpose of this discipline is to teach the child to rely on its own internal resources, and not on outside people ("strengthen it").


What it actually does is create a huge terror of abandonment within the child. When the adult, or trainer, returns to the room, the child is often found rocking itself, or hugging itself in a corner, occasionally almost catatonic from fear. The trainer will then "rescue" the child, feed and give it something to drink and bond with the child as their "savior". The trainer will tell them the "family" told the trainer to rescue the child, because its family "loves" it.


The trainer will instill cult teachings, at this point, into the helpless, fearful, and almost insanely grateful child who has just been "rescued" from isolation. The trainer will reinforce in the child over and over how much it "needs " its family, who just rescued it from death by starvation or abandonment. This will teach the very young toddler to associate comfort and security with bonding with its trainer, who may be one of its parents, and being with "family" members. The cult is very aware of child developmental principles, and has developed exercises like the above after hundreds of years of teaching very young children.



Second step:

To not want


This step is very similar to the first step, and actually reinforces it. It will be done intermittently with the first step over the next few years of the child's life. Again, the child is left alone in a training room, or isolated room, without food or water for a long period of time. An adult will enter the room, with a large pitcher of ice water, or food. If the child asks for either, as the adult is eating or drinking in front of the child, he/she is severely punished for being weak and needy. This step is reinforced, until the child learns not to ask for food or water unless it is offered first.


The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is that it creates a child who is strong, and can go without food and water for longer and longer periods of time. The real reason this is done is that it creates a child who is completely dissociated from its own needs for food, water, or other comforts, who becomes afraid to ask outside adults for help. This creates in the child a hyper-vigilance as she/he learns to look for outside adults for cues on when it is okay to fulfill needs, and not to trust her/his own body signals. The child is already learning to look outside itself to others to learn how it should think or feel, instead of trusting its own feelings. The cult now becomes the locus of control for the child.



Third step:

To not wish


The child is placed in a room with favorite toys, or objects. A kind adult comes into the room and engages the child in play. This adult my be a friend, aunt, parent, or trainer. The child and adult may engage in fantasy play about the child's secret wishes, dreams, or wants. This will occur on several occasions, and the child's trust is slowly gained. At some later point, the child is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with the adult, including the destruction of favorite toys, going in and undoing or destroying secret safe places the child may have created, or even destroying non cult protectors. This step is repeated, with variations, many times over the ensuing years.


Occasionally, the child's siblings, parents, or friends will be used to reveal inside fantasies the child has revealed to them during the daytime, or in unguarded moments. The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is to create a child who doesn't fantasize, who is more outwardly directed, less inwardly directed. In other words, the child is to look to adults for permission in all aspects of its life, including internal.


The reality is that this step destroys all safe places the child has created internally, to retreat from the horrors it is experiencing. This step creates in the child the feeling that there is no true safety, that the cult will find out everything it thinks. Exercises like this are also used to create young alters in the child who will self report to the cult trainers any secret safe places, or covert wishes against the cult, that other alters have. This will then begin to set up intersystem hostility and divisiveness, which the cult will manipulate throughout the person's life span in order to control them.



Fourth step:

The survival of the fittest


This step is used in order to begin creating perpetrator alters in the young child. ALL CULT MEMBERS WILL BE EXPECTED TO BECOME PERPETRATORS; THIS BEGINS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. The child is brought into a room where there is a trainer and another child of approximately the same age, or slightly younger, that the child being taught.


The child is severely beaten, for a long period of time, by the trainer, then told to hit the other child in the room, or they will be beaten further. If the child refuses, it is punished severely, the other child is punished as well, then the child is told to punish the other child. If the child continues to refuse, or cries, or tries to hit the trainer instead, they will continue to be beaten severely, and told to hit the other child, to direct its anger at the other child. This step is repeated until the child finally complies.


This step is begun around age 2 to 2 1/2, and is used to create aggressive perpetrator alters in the young child. As the child becomes older, the punishing tasks become more and more brutal. Children are expected to become perpetrators of others at very young ages, and will "practice" on children younger than themselves, with the encouragement and rewarding by the adults around them. They will also be mimicking these adults, who role model perpetration constantly as normal. The child will be taught that this is the acceptable outlet for the aggressive impulses and rage that are created by the brutality the child is constantly being exposed to.



Fifth step:

The code of silence


Many, many different stratagems are used to put this in, starting at around the age of two years old, when a child starts becoming more verbal. Usually, after a ritual or group gathering, the child is asked about what they saw, or heard, during the meeting. Like most obedient young children, they will comply. They are immediately severely beaten, or tortured, and a new alter is created, who is told to keep or guard the memories of what was seen, on pain of their life. The new part always agrees. The child and this new part are put through a ceremony of swearing to never ever tell; and alters are created whose job it is to kill the body, if the other parts ever remember.


The child is also put through severe psychological torture to ensure that it will never be tempted to tell, including: being buried alive; near drowning; watching "traitor's deaths" involving slow painful torture, such as being burned, or skinned alive; being buried with a partially rotted corpse and being told that they will become a corpse like it if they ever tell, etc. The scenarios go on and on, invented by people with endlessly cruel imaginations, in order to ensure the secrecy of the young child.


These methods have been perfected over hundreds of years of practice by the cult with its children. The reason these things are done is self evident: the cult is involved in criminal activities, as explained in the first few chapters of this book, and they want to ensure the continued silence of its children. This is one reason why the cult has survived so long, and with its continued shroud of secrecy; why more survivors are afraid/unwilling to disclose their abuse.


In order to reveal cult secrets, a child must go against some of the most tremendously horrendous psychological trauma and abuse imaginable; even as an adult, the survivor has difficulty putting these things aside, when discussing their abuse. Children and adults alike are told that if they ever tell, they will be hunted down and shot (the assassin training lets the child know that this is no idle threat); that they will be tortured slowly. The child will be exposed to setups and role plays throughout their growing up that reinforces this step.





I believe in also offering some ideas on how to undo some of the above mentioned programming, as I do not believe in knowledge, only for knowledge's sake. The survivor often needs tools, in order to try and undo some of the horrendous abuse that the cult places him/her through, especially as memories of these things occur. THESE ARE JUST MEANT AS HELPFUL HINTS AND DO NOT REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A GOOD THERAPIST.



1. Early milieu programming:


This is difficult to undo, since it hits on core abandonment issues, and rejection, for the survivor. This will often have been the survivor's very first, earliest experiences as an infant, involving its relationship with its parents and primary family members. Working on this requires the whole hearted effort of all alter systems inside, to join in nurturing the core splits who experienced severe parental rejection, and the cognitive recognition that the DAYTIME was important, too; that the adults around the infant were the unhealthy ones.


The infant's often feel unlovable, overly needy, depressed; but nurturing alters inside can help comfort them, and share the reality that the infant really was loveable, no matter what the outside adults around it were like. Here, too, an outside supportive therapist, and a strong, nurturing faith system, can help tremendously in the healing process, as new messages are brought in to the abandoned, wounded parts. Sorting through what happened, grieving over the real issues of abandonment, and bringing reality to very young, deeply wounded parts will take time.




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