An overview of some basic types of programming 

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An overview of some basic types of programming



In the first few chapters, I defined Illuminism, its reach, and some of the philosophy, money making enterprises, and agendas that help explain WHY they program people. I believe that these are important to understand, as a preface to the next few chapters. Why? The programming techniques that I will describe take an incredible amount of effort, time, dedication, and planning on the part of the cult to place in the individual. Only a very motivated group of people would spend the time it takes to do this.


These chapters are very hard for me to write, as an individual, since my role in the cult was that of a programmer. So, the very techniques you will be reading about were often those that I used to place programming in individuals that I worked with. I no longer do these things, nor do I espouse doing them; the reason I am writing this book is that I believe that therapists who work with DID, as well as survivors, deserve to know WHAT is done to people, HOW it is done, as well as be given some ideas on how to undo the programming that the cult places in people.





First, I would like to address unintentional programming versus intentional programming. This is also known as the environmental milieu the child is raised in. The programming of a generational Illuminati infant often begins before its birth (this will be addressed later) but once it is born, the very environment the infant is raised in becomes a form of programming. Often, the infant is raised in a family environment that combines daytime abandonment with dysfunction in the parental figures. The infant soon learns that the nighttime, and cult activities, are the truly important ones. The infant may be deprived of attention, or even abused, in the daytime; and is only treated as special, or "seen" by the parent, in the cult setting. This can lead to very young alters around the core or core splits, who feel "invisible", abandoned, rejected, unworthy of love or attention, or that they don't even exist, unless they are doing a job for their "family".


Another milieu and conditioning process the infant must face is that the adults around him/her are INCONSISTENT, since the adults in a generational cult family are almost always also multiple, or DID. This sets up a reality for the infant/toddler that the parents act one way at home; an entirely different way at cult gatherings; and yet a different way in normal society.


Since these are the infant's earliest experiences of adults and adult behaviors, it has no choice but to accept this reality that human beings act in shockingly different ways in different settings. While unintentional, this sets the infant up for later dissociation, in mimicry of the adults around it.





Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins before birth. Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus is very capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma. This is usually done between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy.


Techniques used include: placing headphones on the mother's abdomen, and playing loud, discordant music (such as some modern classical pieces, or even Wagner's operas). Loud, heavy rock has also been used. Other methods include having the mother ingest quantities of bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus inside the womb. The mother's abdomen may be hit as well. Mild shock to the abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday. Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date is desired.


Once the infant is born, testing is begun at a very early age, usually during the first few weeks of life. The trainers, who are taught to look for certain qualities in the infant, will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check its reflexes to different stimuli. The infant's strength, how it reacts to heat, cold, and pain are all tested. Different infants react differently, and the trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and reaction times. They are also encouraging early dissociation in the infant with these tests.


The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants). The intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from pain (yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.)


Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well, in a rudimentary sense. The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. This is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with "love" and attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or "family". The infant will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security.


As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more methodically. This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding with the infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled and terrified, crying. It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or exposed to short periods of isolation.


Deprivation of food, water, and basic needs may begin later in this stage. All of these methods are done in order to create intentional dissociation in the infant. The infant of this age may be taken to group meetings, but outside of special occasions, or dedications, will have no active role yet in the cult setting. The small infants are usually left with a cult member, or caretaker, who watches them during the group's activities; this caretaker role is usually rotated among lower level or teenage members.




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