Раздел 1. Страноведение. Англоязычные страны. 

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Раздел 1. Страноведение. Англоязычные страны.

Тема 13. Канада

Essential vocabulary:

Ø border ['bɔ:də] — граничить

Ø Ottawa ['otəwə] — Оттава

Ø maritime ['mærɪtaɪm] — приморский

Ø Nova Scotia [,nəuvə'skəutjə] — Новая Шотландия

Ø New Brunswick ['brʌnzwɪk] — Нью-Брансуик

Ø Quebec [kwɪ'bek] — Квебек

Ø Ontario [ɔn'tɛərɪəu] — Онтарио

Ø prairie ['prɛərɪ] — степь

Ø Manitoba [,mænɪ'təubə] — Манитоба

Ø Saskatchewan [səs'kætʃəwən] — Саскачиван

Ø Alberta [æl'bə:tə] — Альберта

Ø Yukon ['ju:kɔn] — Юкон

Ø Inuit [ɪ'nju:ɪt] — канадський эскимос

Ø scenery ['si:nərɪ] — пейзаж, ландшафт

Ø flat [flæt] — плоский


Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia). The area of the country is 9 976 000 sq. km. It is over 5000 kilometres from Newfoundland in the east to British Columbia in the west. It takes about four days to travel across Canada by car or train. Canada is so large that there are six time zones.

Canadians live in only one-third of Canada. There are about 27 million Canadians. Most Canadians live close to the United States, within 160 kilometres of the United States border. The capital of Canada isOttawa.

Canada has ten provinces and two territories. In the east, the four Maritime (Atlantic) provinces are Newfoundland (Nfld.), Nova Scotia (N.S.), New Brunswick (N.B.), and Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) Two of these provinces are islands. Quebec(Que.) and Ontario (Ont.) are Canada's two largest provinces. They are in central Canada. Most of Canada's French speaking people live in Quebec. More than one-third of all the people in Canada live in Ontario.

The three prairie provinces of western Canada are Manitoba (Man.), Saskatchewan (Sask.) and Alberta (Alta.)

Canada's Pacific province is British Columbia (BC). It begins in the Rocky Mountains and continues west to the Pacific Ocean. Canada also has two territories in the north. They are the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories (N.W.T). They are the home of the Inuit. The Inuit are Canada's native people of the far north, just below the Arctic Circle.

Canada is a land of different kinds of scenery. It is a land of beautiful beaches and rocky shores, of high mountains and rolling hills, of flat, yellow prairies and green pastures. Northern Canada is a land of large forests and many rivers and lakes. In the far north there are not many trees and plants. Southern Canada is a land of farms and big, modern cities.

Ex.3       Answer the following questions: 1. What is the territory and the population of Canada? 2. How many time zones are there in Canada? 3. What is the capital of Canada? 4. How many provinces and territories does Canada have? 5. Where are large forests and many rivers and lakes situated? 6. Where are farms and big, modern cities situated?

Ex.1          Give the English equivalents:

1. Канада — вторая по площади страна в мире (после России). Ее площадь составляет 9 976 000 км2. 2. Канада имеет десять провинций и две территории. 3. В западной Канаде расположены три равнинные провинции: Манитоба, Саскачеван и Альберта. 4. Канада — земля разнообразных пейзажей. 5. Южная Канада — земля ферм и крупных современных городов. 6. Тихоокеанская провинция Канады — Британская Колумбия. 7. Канада большая страна — она содержит шесть часовых поясов. 8. Эскимосы — коренные жители далекого севера Канады, района, что как раз ниже Северного полярного круга.


Ex.2 Read the text and decide which answer a, b, c, d best fits each space

The early period of Canadian history 1)______ in the struggle between the two 2)_______: Franceand England. The French played the main role in the early 3) ______ of Canada. In 1605 Samuel de Champlain 4)____ the settlement of Port Royal, around which the French colony of Arcadia grew up, which later was 5) attacked by the English. In 1608 Champlain founded the township of Quebec which later became the centre of a large French colony 6) ____ New France. The two largest 7)_____ of Canadian Indians, the Algonquins and the Iroquois, were 8)______ enemies and 9)_____ at war with each other. They too became 10) ____ in the struggle, the Algonquins on the French side and the Iroquois on the British side.


  a b c d
1 moved walked ran passed
2 powers governments colonies teams
3 industrialization organization colonization development
4 landed founded grew found
5 repeatedly never lately recently
6 sounded titled named nicknamed
7 parts teams crews tribes
8 alive hardly dead deadly
9 permanently constantly never hardly ever
10 influenced changed involved invited


Answers: 1d 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7d 8d 9b 10c


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