SayitinEnglish / Скажите это по-английски: 

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SayitinEnglish / Скажите это по-английски:


первая помощь при...; очистить желудок; в каждом слу­чае; пациенты нуждаются в быстрой медицинской помощи

Определите правильные ответы на вопрос: ' Whataretheaidsforpoisoning?

1. lay the person down; 2. give the person four or eight glasses of water; 3. take off the person's dress; 4. examine the person’s mouth


Text 2

The Patients Need Your Help

Situation: If you help a person with poisoning:


1. Empty his stomach as soon as possible.

2. Give him much water to drink.

3. Call in a doctor immediately.


Say it in English / Скажитепо - английски:

потерять сознание, побрызгать холодной водой, вдохнуть нашатырный спирт, положить на спину, под­нять ноги, накрыть одеялом, теплое питье, опорожнить желудок, как можно быстрее, вызвать врача немедлен­но, прохладное, тенистое место, поднять голову и пле­чи, обтереть кожу губкой.


Level B

Abbreviations: learn these abbreviations

CV cardiovascular system
DM diabetes mellitus
HTN hypertension
IM intramuscular
inj injury
INJ injection
RRR regular rate and rhythm
SOB shortness of breath




Laughter is the Best Medicine


“Doctor,” called a small boy, "come up to our house quickly.

“Who is ill at your house?” asked the doctor.

“Everybody but (кроме) me. I was naughty (капризни­чал) so they didn't give me any of the nice mushrooms (гри­бов). Father had picked (собрал) in the forest.


Accidents in the home

    In the UK, about 2.8 million people every year seek treatment at an Accident and Emergency department after an accident in the home. More than 3,000 people die every year as a result of home accidents, and the total cost of home accident injuries has been estimated at £25 billion per year.

Research shows that most home accidents occur in the following categories:

a. falls

b. poisoning

c. fires

d. DIY accidents (do-it-yourself)

e. choking

f. packaging accidents

g. burns and scalds

h. garden accidents

i. drowning

Which of the categories in the text do these home accidents belong to?


Lucy Mann left a candle burning when she went to bed.


Two-year-old Toby Smith fell into a neighbour's swimming pool.


76-year-old Eric Baker slipped on a wet bathroom floor.


One-year-old Ben Brown put a small toy in his mouth and it lodged in his throat.


Justine Singh cut his hand badly while opening a tin of peaches.


Ten-year-old Jason Gold swallowed some of his father's medicine.


82-year-old Iris Watts dropped a pan of boiling water on her foot.


Nick Young suffered cuts, bruises, and a broken arm when he was putting up some shelves in his home.


Lee Fenton was hit by a falling tree which he was cutting down.



Join these word combinations used in the text.

a. resources

b. cost

c. services

d. guidelines

e. campaigns

f. safety

g. total

h. simple

i. limited

j. advice

k. emergency

l. leaflets

Many of these accidents could be prevented by following simple guidelines. With this in mind, the government produces a range of safety campaigns and advice leaflets to warn people about dangers around the home. This would clearly reduce the load on Accident and Emergency departments and emergency services, such as police, fire and ambulance, allowing them to use their limited resources for other work.


Тема 9.7. Preparing for the Worldskills Championships. Oral Speech Practice / ПодготовкакчемпионатуWorldSkills. Практикаустнойречи







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