Тема 8.8. AlcoholDependence/ Алкогольная зависимость 

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Тема 8.8. AlcoholDependence/ Алкогольная зависимость


Practice saying the words. / Прочитайтеслова

Alcohol [‘ælkohol] - алкоголь

Wine [wain] - вино

Beer [biә] - пиво

Spirits [‘spirits] – спиртныенапитки

Taken in moderation [in mode’rei∫n ] – принимаемоеумеренно

Pleasure [‘ple ә] - удовольствие

Drug [drΛg] - медикамент

Breath [breθ] - дыхание

Suspect [sә‘spekt] - подозревать

Measure [‘me ә] - измерять

Detect [di’tekt] – определять, обнаруживать


Read and translate the text / Прочитайтеипереведитетекст.


Alcohol is the basis for wine, beer and spirits. Taken in moderation, with a meal, or in the company of friends, it can be regarded as one of the pleasure sides of life. But as with any drug, there are dangers as well as advantages associated with alcohol. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and intestine and soon appears in the blood. As the blood circulates through the lungs, alcohol diffuses into the air in the alveoli. The higher the concentration of alcohol is in the blood, the higher its concentration is in the breath.

    This is the basis for the breath analyzer test used by the police for motorists suspected of driving while under the influence of drink. Alcohol can also be measured in the blood. It is metabolized (broken down) by the liver so that after 6 to 8 hours none can be detected in the blood or breath.

Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B. / ПрочитайтевопросвА, выберитеипрочитайтеответвВ.

1. Is alcohol drinking a harmful habit? 2. What is the basis of wine, beer and spirits? 3. Can alcohol be regarded as one of the pleasure sides of life if taken in moderation? 4. Can alcohol be detected in the blood or breath?     a) Alcohol is the basis of wine, beer and spirits. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, it can. d) Yes, it can. If it is taken in moderation.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box. / Закончитепредложения, используяданныеврамкеслова. 

liver, blood, measured, breath, drug

1) The higher the concentration of alcohol in the _______, the higher the concentration in the________.

2) Alcohol can also be_________ in the blood.

3) But as with any____, there are dangers as well as advantages associated with alcohol.

4) It is metabolized (broken down) by the____ so that after 6 to 8 hours none can be detected in the blood or breath.


Level B

Practice saying the words.

moderate [‘modәreit] -умеренный

harm, harmful [ha:m], [‘ha:mful] вред, вредный

distress [di’stres] - огорчение, депрессия

alcohol use [‘ælkәhol ju:z] - потреблениеалкоголя

alcohol abuse [ә’bju:z] - злоупотреблениеалкоголем

dependent, dependence [di’pendәnt], [di’pendәns] зависимый, зависимость

heavy drinking [‘hevi ‘drinkiŋ] -алкоголизм

increase [ in’kri:s] - увеличивать

avoid [ә‘void] – избегать

damage [‘dæmid ] - повреждать, повреждение

car crash [ka: kræ∫] - ДТП

injury [‘ind әri] - травма

homicide, suicide [‘homisaid], [‘sjuisaid] - убийство, самоубийство

health care provider [helθ kεә prә’vaidә] - лечащийврач

counseling [‘kaunsәliŋ] - консультирование (юридическое)

look “cool” [luk kul] - выглядетькруто

fit in peers [fit in piәz] - быть «своим» средисверстников

suspect  [sәs’pekt] - подозревать

mean [mi:n] – означать

lead [li:d] - приводить (к чему-либо)



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