Answer the questions to the text 

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Answer the questions to the text

1. What is stress?

2. Name the three leading sources of stress.

3. Do you know that forlornness or depression is a sin?

4. What are the behavioral changes?

5. Tell the class about physiological changes caused by stress.

6. What diseases may appear during chronic life stress?

7. Name some methods to control and reduce stress.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

acute and chronic, cause, behaviordisease, suicide, strain


1. The word “stress” had long been in use in physicsto refer to the internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, resulting in ______.

2. Social issues can also _________ stress.

3. Theories of the stress–illness link suggest that both ________stress can cause illness.

4. Both acute and chronic stress can lead to changes in________ and in physiology.

5. A link has been suggested between chronic stress and cardiovascular ______.

6. Remember that forlornness or depression is a sin that may lead to a ______



Тема 8.7. UsefulandHarmfulHabits/Полезные и вредные привычки

Level A

Write and learn. Запишитеивыучите: Practice saying the words. Произнесите:

1. early [‘ә:li] – рано                                                   1. Christians [‘krist∫iәnz] - христиане
2. healthy [‘helθi]– здоровый                                    2. idle talk [aidl to:k] – пустословие
3. realize [riә‘laiz] - осознавать                                 3. denounce [di‘nauns] – осуждать
4. harmful [‘hΛmful] – вредный                         4. spiritual [‘spirit∫uәl] - духовный
5. contrary [‘kontrәri] - встречный                          5. moderate[‘modәreit] – умеренный                                   
6. on time [on taim] – вовремя                                  6. overeating [ouvә’ri:tiŋ]- переедание
7. huge [‘hju:d ] – огромный                                  7. grow good thoughts [grou gu:d θo:ts] -                  - взращивать благие помыслы                                                                                                            
8.appear[ә‘piә ] – появляться                                8.create[kri’eit] – создавать 9.mood [‘mu:d] - настроение
10. ourselves [auә’selves] – сами                              9. the evil of the world [ðә i:vl of ðә wo:ld]-                                                                                           - зло этого мира
11. change [t∫eind ]– изменить                              10. soul [soul] - душа 12.mix[miks]-смешивать 13. repeat [ri’pi:t] - повторять

Read and translate the text / Прочитайтеипереведитетекст.

                                                       Useful Habits

1. Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” It is nice to realize that you have time to do so many things!

2. Don’t say “tomorrow” if you can do it today. Try to do everything on time.Huge problems appear because of many tiny things are not done on time.

3. Read books. It is a good habit to fill the day with some new content.

4. Keep away from idle talk. Usually a person starts to speak quickly and emotionally when he/she denounces someone.

5. Be moderate in eating. Moderation in eating helps in spiritual life. Aggression starts with overeating.

6. Grow good thoughts. We need a special art to transform the negative things into positive ones. If we understand and forgive another person in a conflict situation, we both will benefit.

7. Use even the contrary winds. We create our mood by ourselves. We can’t change the rainy weather. We “change” ourselves: we put on a raincoat and we take an umbrella. Fish swims in salty water, but fish isn’t salty itself. So a Christian person should not mix with the evil of the world.

8. Every evening analyze the day. At the end of the day we should analyze our bad thoughts, words and acts so that we don’t repeat our own mistakes again and again. By analyzing a Christian person keeps the soul healthy every day.

Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B. / ПрочитайтевопросвА, выберитеипрочитайтеответвВ.

1. Why should we try to do everything on time? 2. Why is it useful to get up early? 3. Why should we keep away from idle talk? 4. Why do we need a special art to transform the negative into positive? a) It is nice to realize that you have time to do so many things! b) Because we should not denounce anyone. c)Huge problems appear because of many tiny things are not done on time. d) It will be only positive that we can get in return.

Level B

Practice saying the words

1. early [‘ә:li] – рано                                                   1. Christians [‘krist∫iәnz] - христиане
2. healthy [‘helθi]– здоровый                                    2. idle talk [aidl to:k] – пустословие
3. realize [‘riәlaiz] – осознавать                                 3. denounce [di‘nauns] – осуждать
4. harmful [‘ha:mful] – вредный                         4. spiritual [‘spirit∫uәl] - духовный
5. contrary [‘kontrәri] - встречный                           5. moderate[‘modәreit] – умеренный                                   
6. on time [on ‘taim] – вовремя                                   6. overeating [ouvә’ri:tiŋ]- переедание
7. postponement [post‘pones] - отсрочка                         7. in accordance with [in ә‘ko:dәnce wið] - delays [di’leiz]                                                             - в соответствии с
8. huge [‘hju:d ] – огромный                                     8. God’s commandments 9. appear [ә‘piә ] – появляться                                      [godz kә‘ma:ndmәnts] – Божьизаповеди                                                             9. grow good thoughts [grou gu:d θo:ts] - 10. mood [‘mu:d] - настроение                                   - взращиватьблагиепомыслы
11. ourselves [auә’selves] – сами                               10. create [kri’eit] – создавать
12. change [t∫eind ]– изменить                                11. the God’s help – помощьБожья 13. mix [miks] - смешивать                                        12. the evil of the world [ðә i:vl әf ðә wo:ld]- злоэтогомира 14. internal [in’tәnal] - внутренний                         13. soul [soul] - душа 15. pay attention [pei ә‘ten∫n] – уделятьвнимание 14. mud [mΛd] – грязь

Read and translate the text.

 Useful Habits for the Young People

1. “Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” It is useful to go to bed and to wake up at the same time. And it’s very nice to realize that you have managed to do so many things!

2. Don’t say “tomorrow” if you can do it today. Try to do everything on time and without delay and postponement till “tomorrow”. Who knows, may be this “tomorrow” will never come. Huge problems appear because of many tiny things are not done on time.

3. Read books. Read just a page but every day. It is a useful habit to fill the day with some new content.

4. Keep away from idle talk. One ancient Russian proverb says: “Speaking is silver, silence is gold”. Usually a person starts to speak quickly and emotionally when he/she denounces someone.

5. Be moderate in eating. Moderation in eating helps in spiritual life. There is a motto: “Ne quid nimis (=Ничегосверхнормы Latin). Aggression starts with overeating.

9. Grow good thoughts. We need a special art to transform the negative things into positive ones. In a conflict we need to think over an excuse for another person. If we understand and forgive another person in a conflict situation, we both will benefit.

6. Use even the contrary winds. A person can say he has no mood to do something. But we create our mood ourselves. For example, we can’t change the rainy weather. But we can “change” ourselves: we put on a raincoat and we take an umbrella. For example, fish swims in salty water, but fish isn’t salty itself. So a Christian person should not mix with the evil of the world. For a Christian person an internal position in accordance with God’s commandments is very important and also he/she hopes for God’s help.

7. Every evening analyze the day. At the end of the day we should analyze our bad thoughts, words and acts so that not to repeat them again and again. If we don’t analyze, it stays in our soul as mud on our body. By analyzing a Christian person keeps the soul healthy every day. The more we pay attention to the health and purity of our body, the more we should pay attention to the health and purity of our soul.

Answer the questions.

1. Why should we read books?

2. Why should we keep away from idle talk?

3. Do we create our mood ourselves? Give examples.

4. What should a Christian person do so that not to mix with the evil of the world?

5. What should we do just not to repeat our own mistakes again and again?


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