Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / ПрочитайтевопросвА , выберитеипрочитайтеответвВ . 

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Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / ПрочитайтевопросвА , выберитеипрочитайтеответвВ .

1. What is stress? 2. Name the three leading sources of stress. 3. Do you know that forlornness or depression is a sin? 4. What are the behavioral changes?     a) The three leading sources of stress are money, family responsibility, and work.  b) Behavioral changes can include smoking, changes in eating habits and physical activity. c) Stress is the body's way of reacting to a challenge. d) Yes, I should remember about it.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box / Закончитепредложения, используяданныеврамкеслова.

reduce,suicide, short-term,long-term, deadlines

1) Students and workers may have stress from exams and project _________.

2) Acute stress is ________ and chronic or _______ stress is prolonged.

3) There are some methods to control and ______ stress.

4) Remember that forlornness or depression is a sin that may lead to a _________.

Level B

Practice saying the words

strain - напряжение

break ups – расставания

death, divorce – смерть, развод

poverty, unemployment - бедность, безработица

heavydrinking, insufficientsleep – алкоголизм, недосыпание

project deadlines – сроки проекта

acute, short-term – острый, кратковременный

stressor - стрессор

behavior – поведение

habits – привычки

cardiovascular – сердечнососудистые

cancer – рак

upper respiratory tract infection – инфекцииверхнихдыхательныхпутей

hypertension – гипертония

digestive system, chronic fatigue syndrome – ЖКТ, синдромхроническойусталости

depression, functional somatic syndromes – депрессия, соматическиесиндромы

forlornness - уныние

sin – грех

suicide - самоубийство

reduce – снизить, уменьшить

support - поддержка


Read and translate the text


The word “stress” had been in use in physicsto refer to the internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, resulting in strain. In the 1920s and '30s, biological and psychological circles occasionally used the term to refer to a mental strain or to a harmful environmental agent that could cause illnesses.

  In 2015 the American Psychological Association established the three leading sources of stress: "money", "family responsibility", and "work". Social issues can also cause stress, such as relationship conflict, or break ups, and major events such as birth and death, marriage, and divorce. Life experiences such as poverty, unemployment, heavydrinking,or insufficient sleep can also cause stress. Students and workers may face performance pressure stress from exams and project deadlines.

Stress is the body's method of reacting to a challenge. There are physiological and psychological stresses.Physiological stress represents a wide range of physical responses that occur as a direct effect of a stressor causing an upset in the homeostasis of the body.

There are two types of stress. Acute stress is short-term and chronic or long-term stress is just "prolonged stress".

Theories of the stress–illness link suggest that both acute and chronic stress can cause illness. According to these studies, both acute and chronic stress can lead to changes in behavior and physiology. Behavioral changes can include smoking, changes in eating habits and physical activity. Physiological changes can include these changes: the immune system may be heavily influenced by stress. The proposed imbalance leads to some forms of immune hypersensitivity, while also increasing risk of some illnesses associated with decreased immune system function, such as infection and cancer.

Some studies have observed increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection during chronic life stress. A link has been suggested between chronic stress and cardiovascular disease. Stress appears to play a role in hypertension. More generally, prenatal life, infancy, childhood, and adolescence are critical periods in which the vulnerability to stressors is particularly high. Stress may contribute to various psychosomatic disorders, such as general trouble with the digestive system, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and functional somatic syndromes.

There are some methods to control and reduce stress: do not leave tasks for the last minute, do things you like, exercise, do breathing routines – deep and rhythmic breathing, go out with friends, and take a break. Remember that forlornness or depression is a sin that may lead to a suicide. To be in a good mood, take more vitamins A, C, E in stressful periods of life. Social support helps to reduce stress but even more if the support is from a loved one.


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