Answer the following questions using the information you have learnt from the text. 

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Answer the following questions using the information you have learnt from the text.

1. When was the first known use of antibiotics?

2. What did the early civilization notice about some substances?

3. When were the general principles of antibiotic action understood?

4. What did Louis Pasteur and his associate discover in the late 1870? What experiments did they perform?

5. What did Alexander Fleming notice in one of his culture plates?

6. Why did Alexander Fleming name the substance secreted by the mold Penicillin?

7. What is the meaning of the term ―antibiotic‖?


Write the key dates and facts of the history of antibiotics.

Тема 7.5. Keepingandstorageofdrugs /Правилахранениялекарственныхпрепаратов

Level A

We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова

source источник
leaf лист
stem стебель
root корень
rhizome корневище
Mold (=mould) плесень
digitalis (fox-glove) наперстянка
to obtain получать, добывать
Infusion,extract настой
tincture настойка
decoction отвар
vapour пар
jar баночка
label этикетка
to confuse перепутать
to indicate указывать, обозначать
direction указание к применению
administration назначение по применению
poisonous ядовитый
untoward неблагоприятный, побочный
the dose to be taken доза, которую надо принять


We read / Мычитаем

Sources, forms, keeping and storage of drugs

Drugs are chemical substances used in medicine in the treatment of diseases. These chemical substances can come from many different sources. They can be obtained from various parts of plants, such as leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, roots and rhizomes. Examples of such medicines are: digitalis from a plant called foxglove, antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin) from a plant called mold.

    Some drugs may be of animal origin. They are produced from the blood, serum, bile (желчь) and other tissues and organs of animals. Some drugs are synthesized in the laboratory (methatrexate and prednisone); vitamins are obtained from food substances. Mineral waters, salts and other natural substances are also used as drugs.

Drugs are produced in hard, soft, liquid and other forms. Hard forms of drugs are: tablets, pills and powders. Soft forms are oils, ointments, creams and so on. Liquid forms of drugs are: solutions, mixtures, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, etc. Gases, vapours and aerosols are also used in medicine.

Drugs are kept in bottles, boxes, parcels, tubes, ampoules and jars. Every small bottle or a box has a label with the name of medicine stuck on it. There are labels of three colors. White ones are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow labels indicate drugs for external use and blue labels show drugs that should be used for injections. The dose to be taken and directions for the administration are also written on the label. Nurses, doctors and patients themselves must not confuse different medicines because some of them are poisonous and their overdose may cause an untoward reaction and sometimes even death.

Drugs are stored at room temperature, in cool places and refrigerators where they are protected from sunlight and fire, in dark places and away from children.


Findthewordsinthedialog / Найти в диалоге слова и словосочетания

- химические вещества;

- этикетка с названием лекарства;

- получать из различных источников;

- вызывать неблагоприятную реакцию;

- животного происхождения;

- некоторые лекарства ядовиты;

- жидкие формы;

- хранить при комнатной температуре


Wewrite / Мы пишем

Fillinthegap / Заполните пропуски используя список слов

The dose to be taken, labels, vapours, are obtained, room temperature, poisonous

1. Drugs are stored at ….

2. Yellow … indicate drugs for external use.

3. Vitamins … from food substances.

4. … and directions for the administration are also written on the label.

5. Some of drugs are …

6. Gases, … and aerosols are also used in medicine.


Level B



source источник
leaf лист
stem стебель
root корень
Mold (mould); mouldy Плесень, заплесневелый
digitalis (fox-glove) наперстянка
extract Извлекать
develop Обрабатывать
destroy Разрушать
shrub Куст
Chew Жевать
Ease pain Облегчить боль
Relieve; relief Облегчать; облегчение
pure; purify Чистый; очищать



Medicines are used to treat or prevent disease. For thousands of years people have been using medicines. In the earliest times they used natural substances from fruits, leaves, roots to ease pain and bring relief. Some of the early remedies worked for some reasons. For instance, mouldy bread was used as a poultice (припарка) and the antibiotic produced by the mould helped to destroy the bacteria causing the infection. Many of “old wives’ tales” would still be useful if we did not have modern drugs.

Early examples of medicines include opium, which is found in Oriental poppy known as the “jolly plant”. This has been used as a sedative and pain killer for at least 7,000 years. In South America, the leaves of the coca shrub were chewed by the Incas to relieve fatigue and hunger.

Eventually, in 1859, the pure drug cocaine was extracted from these leaves. Cocaine was developed and used as local anesthetic in dentistry and surgery.

Many different herbs and plants have been used to provide natural extracts from which modern medicines have been extracted and developed. For example, morphine and codeine have been extracted and purified from raw opium for medical purposes. Digitalis, a heart drug, is made from foxglove leaves, and aspirin-like compounds can be developed from the bark of willow trees.


Put the sentences in order:

1. Many different herbs and plants have been used to provide natural extracts from which modern medicines have been extracted and developed.

2. Opium was used as a sedative and pain killer.

3. Many of “old wives’ tales” would still be useful if we did not have modern drugs.

4. Medicines are used to treat or prevent disease.

5. In the earliest times they used natural substances from fruit, leaves, and roots to ease pain and bring relief.

6. For instance, the antibiotic produced by the mould helped to destroy bacteria causing the infection.

7. Cocaine was used as local anesthetic in surgery.



Answer the questions

1. What are medicines used for?

2. What did people use to ease pain and bring relief in the earliest times?

3. What was mouldy bread used for?

4. What did early examples of medicines include?

5. Where was cocaine used?

6. What sources have modern medicines been extracted and developed from?


Выразите главную мысль каждого абзаца в одном предложении, используя следующие выражения:

- I’d like to point out that…

- …is still in question

- It seems unlikely/very likely…


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