We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова 

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We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова

Chemist’s; drugstore; pharmacy аптека
Prescribe; prescribtion прописывать;рецепт
Fill the prescription Купить лекарство по рецепту
Take medication (a drug) Принимать медпрепарат (лекарство)
Side effect Побочный эффект
Mix Смешивать
headache Головная боль
Sore throat Боль в горле
frequency Частота
compatibility Совместимость
avoid Избегать
lozenge Таблетка-Леденец
supplement Добавка
Condition Состояние, заболевание
administer Назначать (медпрепарат)
sedative успокоительное средство (лекарство)
cause Вызывать, являться причиной


We read / Мычитаем

At the Pharmacy

Angela: Excuse me! Is there a pharmacy near here?            

Passerby: Yes, there is. If you go down this street and then turn left, you'll find one.        

Angela: Thank you!              

Passerby: Not at all.    

Pharmacist: How can I help you, madam?                 

Angela: I would like to fill this prescription.              

Pharmacist: May I see it, please?   

Angela: Yes, here you.

Pharmacist: I'll be back in a minute.        

Pharmacist: Are you taking any other medication at the moment?                 

Angela: Yes, some antibiotics.                

Pharmacist: Make sure you don't mix them with this drug, as it has some side effects.         

Angela: Which side effects?  

Pharmacist: Sometimes, when mixed with other drugs, it can cause a headache or a skin rash. So, you should be careful.               

Angela: Thanks. I won't mix it then.       

Pharmacist: Speaking about the frequency, you should take them twice a day after your meals.        

Angela: I see. And what about its compatibility with alcohol?              

Pharmacist: Avoid drinking any alcohol drinks, while taking this medication.

Angela: Ok, anything else that I should know about this drug?             

Pharmacist: No, I guess that's all. Here is your prescription, madam.            

Angela: Thank you! By the way, do you have any vitamins for kids? I'm looking for some vitamin supplement for my 6-year old son.                

Pharmacist: Yes, of course. Here it is. Anything else?        

Angela: Yes, I need something for a sore throat. It's also for the kid.              

Pharmacist: We have both lozenges and sprays. Which do you prefer?          

Angela: Lozenges, please.     

Pharmacist: Here you are. Anything else?                 

Angela: No, that's it.             

Pharmacist: It's 18 pounds all together, madam.       

Angela: Here you are. Thanks a lot!                 

Pharmacist: Welcome! Goodbye.   

Say it in English:

Чем я могу вам помочь?


принимать лекарства


побочный эффект

оловная боль

кожная сыпь

ринимать лекарства дважды в день после принятия пищи


боль в горле

Wewrite / Мы пишем


Fill in the gap s. / Заполните пропуски используя слова:


To treat, prescription, medicine, to choose, sedatives, ointments.

1. … has various treating methods for people suffering from a disease.

2. Some medicines and drugs are used …chronic conditions which have no cure such as diseases of the central nervous system.

3. I have ordered the medication on my….

4. …. are administered in case of neurological disorders.

5. In any pharmacy you can … any drug you need.

6. … heal wounds.

Level B


pharmaceutical фармацевтический
to choose выбирать
stall прилавок, стойка
shelving полки, стеллажи
bandage повязка, бинт
implement инструмент
perfumery парфюмерия
partition перегородка
toappoint назначать (время)
prescription рецепт
sedative успокоительное средство (лекарство)
powder порошок
ointment мазь
dropper Капельница, пипетка



Description of a Pharmacy

The pharmaceutical service in our country is an inseparable part of the health protection. You can’t treat people successfully without highly effective medical aids.

The pharmacy has a hall, the single place people may come in; a special room for keeping drugs; an assistants’ room where medicines are prepared and a room for the first medical aid.

In the hall you can see special glass stalls and shelving with different drugs. People may choose here any drug they need. On the stalls and shelving you can find all kinds of sedatives, vitamins and bandages. Here there are pills, powders, bottles of drops and mixtures, tablets, ointments, syringes, needles, thermometers, hot water bottles, medicine droppers and other things necessary for medical care. In this department you can buy some implements for personal hygiene and even perfumery. The department where chemists will give you anything you need without prescription is the Chemist’s department.

In the hall there is a special department – Prescription – where a patient can order the prescription and have his/her medicine made up. A glass partition separates you from the pharmacist.

Through a small window in this partition you hand in your prescription to the pharmacist and he/she gives you a medicine immediately if they have this medicine prepared or he/she appoints a special time to come for the drug. There are two drug cabinets in this department. In the drug cabinet, marked with a big letter A, poisonous drugs are kept. In the drug cabinet, marked with a big letter B, all strong-effective drugs are kept.


Say it in English and make up sentences with these words:

- охрана здоровья;

- отдел ручной продажи;

    - лечить людей;

- рецептурный отдел;

- хранить лекарства;

- заказать лекарство по рецепту;

- на прилавках и полках;

- назначитьвремя.



Complete the sentences:

1. The (фармацевтический) service in our country is an inseparable part of the health protection.

2. In the hall you can see special glass (прилавки).

3. On the stalls and shelving you can find all kinds of (успокоительныхсредств),

vitamins and (перевязочныйматериал).

4. At the chemist’s you can buy (принадлежность) for personal hygiene and even (парфюмерия).

5. Through a small window in this partition you hand in your (рецепт) to a pharmacist.

6. A pharmacist (назначать) a special time to come for the drug.



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