Treatment is most effective when instituted early, which makes a prompt diagnosis important. 

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Treatment is most effective when instituted early, which makes a prompt diagnosis important.

Treatment aimed at countering the bacterial effects has two components:

§ Antitoxin - also known as anti-diphtheritic serum - to neutralize the toxin released by the bacteria

§ Antibiotics - erythromycin or penicillin to eradicate the bacteria and halt their spread.


Patients with respiratory diphtheria and symptoms would be treated in an intensive care unit in the hospital, and monitored for respiratory and cardiac complications. Health care staff would take isolation precautions to prevent the spread of the infection via respiratory droplets or physical contact.

Such treatment conditions are maintained until tests for bacteria repeatedly return negative results in the days following the completion of the course of antibiotics (or until the death of the patient).

Prevention of diphtheria through vaccination

Vaccines are routinely used to prevent diphtheria infection in almost all countries. The vaccines are derived from purified toxin that has been removed from a strain of the bacterium. The cell-free C. diphtheriae toxin is treated with formaldehyde before being absorbed onto an aluminium salt to help trigger an immune system response that leads to the creation of antibodies to the toxin.

Two strengths of diphtheria toxoid are used in routine diphtheria vaccines:

§ 'D' - a higher-dosed primary vaccine for children under 10 years of age. This is usually given in three doses - at two, three and four months of age

§ 'd' - a lower-dosed version for use as a primary vaccine in children over 10 years, and as a booster for reinforcing the usual immunization in babies, about three years after the primary vaccine, normally between 3.5 and 5 years of age.

In the 1940s in the US, diphtheria toxoid was routinely incorporated in the tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine.

Modern vaccination schedules continuing to this day include diphtheria toxoid in the childhood immunization known as DTaP (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine).

This vaccine is the option of choice recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The doses are given as follows:

§ Age 2 months

§ Age 4 months and after an interval of 4 weeks

§ Age 6 months; interval 4 weeks

§ Age 15-18 months; interval 6 months

Booster doses of the adult form of the vaccine, tetanus-diphtheria toxoids vaccine (Td), may be needed every ten years to maintain immunity.

In pairs, discuss the questions

1. What is diphtheria?

2. What are the causes of diphtheria?

3. What are the signs and symptoms of the disease?

4. Are there any complications?

5. How should doctors diagnose the patient with diphtheria?

6. What is the treatment?

7. How should we prevent this disease?


Редкое инфекционное заболевание; универсальный доступ; ревакцинация;

непривычные случаи; в целом; восприимчивый; первичный эффект; клетка; белок; промежуточные предметы; при помощи; столбнячный токсин; поддерживать иммунитет.


Тема 6.10.Свинка / Mumps


Welearnthenewwords / Учимновыеслова

1. mumps [mΛmps] свинка, эпидемический паротит

2. communicable [kəˈmjuːnɪkəbl] инфекционный

3. attack [əˈtæk] поражать

4. parotid [pəˈrɒtɪd] околоушной

5. gland [ɡlænd] железа

6. angle [ˈæŋgl] угол

7. jaw [dʒɔː] челюсть

8. to occur [əˈkəː] иметь место, встречать

9. acquiring [ә'kwaiәriŋ] приобретение

10. moderate [ˈmɔdərɪt] умеренный, средний

10. gap [gæp] интервал, промежуток

11. testicle [ˈtɛstɪkl] яичко (анат.)

12. ovary [ˈəuvərɪ] яичник (анат.)

13. puberty [ˈpjuːbətɪ] половая зрелость


Mumps is a communicable virus disease, that usually attacks one or both parotid glands located near the angle of the jaw. It commonly occurs between 5 and 15 years of age. The incubation period, i.е., the period between acquiring the infection and the first symptoms, is usually three weeks. One attack gives immunity.

There is pain on opening the mouth or chewing, a moderate degree of fever, loss of appetite, headache and body pain. Both sides of the face may swell at the same time or there may be a gap of a few days between one side and the other. The swelling lasts about 6—7 days.

Mumps may affect testicles in boys and ovaries in girls, resulting in sterility. This is rare before puberty, and so it is best if children acquire the disease at a younger age. Treatment consists of bed-rest during fever, mouth-washes to keep the mouth clean and aspirin for fever and pain. Mumps can be prevented by immunizing the child with mumps vaccine.




Поражать околоушные железы, первые симптомы, умеренная степень лихорадки, половая зрелость, проме­жуток в несколько дней, опухоль длится, может пора­жать, лечение состоит из..., может привести к беспло­дию.


Answer the questions:

1. What is the main symptom of mumps?

2. At what age can people usually get mumps?

3. What is the incubation period of mumps?

4. What are the other symptoms of the mumps?

5. How many days does the swelling last?

6. What complications can mumps lead to?

7. What is the treatment of mumps?

Translate the sentences:

1. Свинка – инфекционное заболевание, которым обычно болеют дети от 5 до 15 лет.

2. Переболев однажды свинкой, человек приобретает иммунитет.

3. Для свинки характерна боль при открывании рта и жевании.

4. У пациента со свинкой опухает лицо, опухоль длится 6-7 дней.

5. Свинка может привести к бесплодию, как у мальчиков, так у девочек.

6. Больному свинкой во время лихорадки нужно оставаться в постели.

7. Пациенту, который болеет свинкой, необходимо промывать рот.

8. Вакцинация может предотвратить заболевание свинкой


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