Make up a dialogue between patient Orlov and doctor Smirnova after reading the given text 

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Make up a dialogue between patient Orlov and doctor Smirnova after reading the given text

A Case

    Patient Orlov called in a physician from the polyclinic. He couldn`t go to the polyclinic himself because his temperature was about 38C. Soon doctor Smirnova, an experienced therapeutist, came to the call.

     Doctor Smirnova wanted to know the patient’s complaint. The patient said that a short, painful, dry cough associated with rapid respiration had developed two days before. The patient complained the pain in the throat and behind the breastbone. Doctor Smirnova listened to the heart and lungs and then measured the patient`s blood pressure. The blood pressure and the heart sounds were normal. But dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs. The respiratory rate was considerably increased. The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane was large.

    On the basis of the findings the doctor made the diagnosis of (acute bronchitis, a cold?)


Тема 4.7. Physical Examinations. Palpation. Auscultation. Percussion /Осмотр пациента. Пальпация. Аускультация. Перкуссия

Level A

We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова

physical examination (exam) - физикальныйосмотр

а medical care - медицинскоеобслуживание

а procedure - процедура

thorough – тщательный

examination environment – среда (обстановка) обследования

vitalsigns - основные показатели жизнедеятельности

а thermometer –термометр

to measure the patient`s pulse – измеритьпульспациента

a stethoscope – стетоскоп

to conduct auscultation of the patient`s breathing – проведениеаускультациидыханияпациента.

percussion technique – техникаперкуссии

to check the condition of organs – проверить состояние органов

a general inspection of physical body parts - общийконтрольчастейфизическоготела

to make observations of – провестинаблюдениеза

the patient`s posture - положениепациента

evaluate - оценить

We read / Мычитаем

A physical examination is one of the most basic of medical care procedures. Follow these simple steps to be sure that your exams are thorough and effective every time.

1. Make sure the patient is comfortable and that examination environment is optimal.

2. Check vital signs. With the patient sitting, take his/her temperature using an oral thermometer. Then measure the patient`s pulse. Use a stethoscope to conduct auscultation of the patient’s breathing.

3. Have the patient lie down. Use percussion techniques to check the condition of organs beneath the abdomen.

4. Conduct a general inspection of physical body parts. Check the arms, legs, back, and neck with palpation. Evaluate the patient’s posture. Make observations of the patient’s posture. Make observations of the patient`s body language. It can reveal some symptoms.


Answer the questions after reading the text / Ответьнавопросыпослепрочтениятекста:


1. What is involved in giving a physical examination?

2. What does it mean to check a patient’s vital signs?

3. What does a general inspection of physical body parts include?


Read the instructions on giving a physical exam. Then, choosethecorrectanswers / Прочитайте инструкции по проведению осмотра пациента и затем выберите правильный ответ:

1. What is the purpose (цель) of the instructions?

A to explain how to give a physical exam

B  to demonstrate how to give a physical exam

 C to compare (сравнить) percussion and auscultation techniques

D to describe the importance of physical examinations

2. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of checking vital signs?

A   checking pulse

  B auscultation

C taking temperature

 D evaluating posture

3. What is one use for percussion techniques?

  A to measure a patient`s breathing

 B to determine the quality of a patient’s breathing

 C to check the condition of internal organs

D   to evaluate a patient`s mood



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