Match the sentences in list A with the sentences in list B / СоотнеситепредложениявАспредложениямивВ : 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Match the sentences in list A with the sentences in list B / СоотнеситепредложениявАспредложениямивВ :


1. Какая у вас сегодня температура?

2. Вы выполняете все мои указания?

3. Продолжайте внутривенное введение антибиотиков.

4. Поставьте градусник больному.

5.Врач должен назначать лечение.

6. Промойте желудок больному немедленно.

7.Сделайте внутривенную инъекцию этому больному.

8.Просматривать температурный лист ежедневно - важно длямедсестры.


A. It is important for a nurse to review the temperature chart daily.

B. A doctor must prescribe some treatment.

C. Go on the intravenous antibiotic therapy.

D. Insert a thermometer to the patient.

E Are you following all my instructions?

F. Give the patient a stomach wash as soon as possible.

G. Give an intravenous injection to this patient.

H. What’s your temperature today?

Match the words (1-3) with the definitions (A-B) / Соотнеситеслова (1-3) сихопределениями:

1 nurse   A a medical professional who works with samples in a laboratory
2 general practitioner   B a medical professional who works with a doctor and cares for patients
3 lab technician   C a doctor who provides many kinds of care to adults and children


Whom do the following statements belong to? / Комупринадлежатследующиеутверждения?

1. What’syourtemperaturetoday?

2. Are you following all my instructions?

3.Go on intravenous antibiotic therapy!

4. You must insert a thermometer to the patient!

5. The doctor will prescribe you some treatment.

6.Give the patient a stomach wash out as soon as possible.

7.Give an intravenous injection to this patient.

8. It is important for a nurse to review the temperature chart.

Level В


to carry on the medical examination -проводитьмедицинскийосмотр

to listen to the patient`s lung and heart-выслушатьсердцеилёгкиепациента

to measure one’s blood pressure - измерятькровяноедавление

to take one’s temperature - измерятьтемпературу

laboratory findings - лабораторныеисследования

blood analysis - анализыкрови

to make an accurate diagnosis - поставитьправильныйанализ

to administer the proper treatment - назначитьправильноелечение

to receive a sick-leave - получитьбольничныйлист

to treat patients - лечитьпациентов

to fill a personal patient`s card - заполнятьличнуюкарточкупациента

а diagnosis of the disease - диагноззаболевания

а cause of the disease - причиназаболевания

to give the administered injections - поставитьназначенныеинъекции

to carry out the doctor`s administrations - выполнятьназначенияврача

under the supervision of the physician - поднаблюдениемврача

applyinganice-bag - применение пузыря со льдом

hygienicprocedures - гигиенические процедуры

tochangebedclothes - смена постельного белья

weighing - взвешивание

to apply cupping glasses, mustard plasters, a heat compress - постановкабанок,

горчичников, согревающего компресса

togive / administeranenema - постановкаклизмы

to fill in the temperature chart - заполнятьтемпературныйлист

to wipe down skin with a disinfecting solution - протираниекожидезинфицирующимраствором



During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient what he complains of and according to the complaints carries on the medical examination. The physician listens to the patient's heart and lungs and measures his blood pressure and if necessary asks the patient to take the temperature. The laboratory findings which include blood analysis, the analysis of urine and other tests help the physician to make an accurate diagnosis of the disease and administer the proper treatment.

Every patient has a personal patient's card which is filled in by his physician. Everything about a patient – the diagnosis of the disease, administrations made by a doctor, the cause of the disease, the changes in the patient's condition after the treatment - are written down in the card.

   The nurse is a chief assistant of a doctor and carries out his instructions. She may weigh and measure the patients, check their temperature and pressure, examine skin integument, write a referral for laboratory tests. She may also send the patient to X - ray and ultrasound examinations, to ECG and to different specialists. She gives necessary explanations, health certificates to the patients and many other things.

The doctor and the nurse work together for the sake of patient’s health.

Match the sentences in list A with the sentences in list B:


1. Какая у вас сегодня температура?

2. Вы выполняете все мои указания?

3. Продолжайте внутривенное введение антибиотиков.

4. Поставьте градусник больному.

5. Врач должен назначать лечение.

6. Промойте желудок больному немедленно.

7. Сделайте внутривенную инъекцию этому больному.

8. Просматривать температурный лист ежедневно - важно длямедсестры.


A. It is important for a nurse to review the temperature chart daily.

B. The doctor must prescribe some treatment.

E. Go on the intravenous antibiotic therapy.

F. Insert a thermometer to the patient.

E Are you following all my instructions?

F. Give the patient a stomach wash as soon as possible.

G. Give an intravenous injection to this patient.

H. What’s your temperature today?


Match the words (1-3) with the definitions (A-B):

1 nurse   A a medical professional who works with samples in a laboratory
2 general practitioner   B a medical professional who works with a doctor and cares for patients
3 lab technician   C a doctor who provides many kinds of care to adults and children



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