Read the text and do the test, using the expressions: True, False, No information. Прочтите текст и выполните тест. 

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Read the text and do the test, using the expressions: True, False, No information. Прочтите текст и выполните тест.

(1 – true-верно, 2 – false- неверно, 3 – no information-нет в тексте)

1. Гиппократ родился в 530 году до нашей эры.

2. Он был сыном учителя.

3. Он изучал медицину.

4. Он ездил из города в город, где практиковал хирургию.

5. Он открыл медицинские школы в Италии и других городах.

6. Гиппократ учил своих учеников осматривать пациента внимательно.

7. Гиппократ лечил болезни с помощью трав и разных лекарств.

8. Он наблюдал за болезнями, такими как холера, чума и другими.

9. Некоторые его работы, книги до сих пор важны.

10. Он является основателем периодической таблицы.

Choosetherightwordandfillingap / Заполните пропуски подходящей по смыслу формой слова.

1. Hippocrates was born in 460 BC…

(in Greece, on the Island, in the USA).

2. Hippocrates studied (music, History, medicine) and then he… (run jumped, went) from town to town;

3. It is known that he (established, drove out) the plague from (Greece, France, Italy, Athens)

4. Hippocrates is known as an/a… (bad, poor, serious, excellent) doctor and a teacher of …(biology, surgery, chemistry music, medicine).

5. Hippocrates treated … (diseases by exercise, gymnastics, drugs, diet, salt water baths, massage, and suitable medicine).

6. He observed diseases such as … (mumps, anemia, malaria, chicken pox, pneumonia, tuberculosis).

7. Hippocrates made medicine a/an…(profession, business, science, trade, art).

8. He is often called «the father» of… (Chemistry Biology, Humanities, Philosophy, Medicine).

9. The Hippocratic Oath is a collection of… (laws, works. compositions, promises).

Answer the following questions / Ответьте на следующиевопросы:

1. When was Hippocrates born?

2. How did he practice the art of medicine?

3. How did Hippocrates drive out the plague from Athens?

4. Was Hippocrates an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine?

5. How did Hippocrates teach his pupils to examine the patient?

6. How did Hippocrates treat diseases?

7. What are the words added to the medical language by Hippocrates?

8. Who is the most famous of all the Greek doctors?

9. Why is Hippocrates called «the Father of Medicine»?

10. How is a collection of promises written by Hippocrates called?

Тема3.3.HistoryofNursing. FlorenceNightingale / Историясестринскогодела. ФлоренсНайтингейл

Level A

Мыучимновыеслова /We learn the new words

сonditions - условия generous - великодушный
nurses’ training programmes – курсысестермилосердия selfless - самоотверженный
remember – помнить award - награда
kind - добрый establish - учреждать


Мычитаем /We read

Florence Nightingale


Florence Nightingale is a national heroine. She was a nurse in the army. She did much to reform hospital conditions. She often worked twenty-four hours a day. She helped doctors, washed floors, and organized the cooking. She changed the whole system of the army hospital organization. She organized new nurses’ training programmes.

People remember her as a kind, generous, and delicate lady. She was so selfless.

In 1912 the International Red Cross League established the Florence Nightingale Medal as the highest international award to nurses.


In pairs, discuss the questions / Обсудитевопросывпарах

1 When did Florence live?

2 What did she do for the British nation?

3 What kind of person was she?

4 How did people honour (оказыватьчесть) her?

Level B


Read the three texts and do the exercises after them

Florence Nightingale


Florence Nightingale was born on 12 May 1820 in the city of Floren­ce in Italy. Her rich parents hoped that she would follow the path of most upper-class Eng­lish girls and spend her time visiting friends and going to parties, in the hope of meeting a wealthy husband. But Florence had other ideas.

When she was eighteen, Florence became convinced that her aim in life was to care for the sick. This idea horrified her parents, because in those days nurses were usually rough women, with little or no medical trai­ning. But in spite of her parents’ objections, Florence secretly studied nursing and worked out plans for improving the running of hospitals. Gradually she overcame her parents’ opposition, and began visiting and working in hospitals.

In 1854 Florence Nightingale was asked to lead a group of nurses to care for British soldiers wounded in the bloody battles of the Crimean War. Florence went to the Crimean War together with 38 nurses to help soldiers get better.

When she arrived with her nurses, Florence Nightingale found thousands of sick and wounded British soldiers crammed into a filthy hospital with not enough food and supplies. Within a few weeks she arranged for the hospital to be cleaned and organized food and medical supplies.

As a result, the sick and wounded were far more comfortable. She was devoted to the care of her patients and the soldiers loved her. They called her the “Lady of the Lamp” because each night she walked through the dark wards with her lamp, bringing comfort to the sick and dying.

Florence Nightingale returned home in 1856 and was met as a he­roine. But she took no notice of all the praise and instead set about working to improve army hospitals in England. She also concerned herself with health problems in British colonies overseas, especially India.Florence Nightingale became a well-known adviser on nursing all over the world. In 1860 she established the first training school fornurses, the Nightingale School for Nurses at St Thomas's Hospital in London.

 She did not teach at the school, but instead organized the trai­ning and provided much advice. She laid down strict rules for the be­haviour of nurses and made sure they were taught basic skills of first aid and hygiene. The nurses were also taught to run hospital wards in an organized and orderly way. Many of them went on to work abroad and brought her ideas to other countries.

After a long life of service to other people, Florence Nightingale died in 1910, at the age of ninety.

In pairs, discuss the questions:

1. Was Florence Nightingale Italian? Did she come from a poor family?    

2. In what way did she help the British soldiers in the Crimean War?

3. Why did the soldiers call her the “Lady of the Lamp”?

4. What kind of school did Florence Nightingale establish in London?

5. Why is she remembered today?

Project work

To learn more about Florence Nightingale, go to

Then make a presentation and report in class.

Text 2


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