Instruction: Fill in the chart / Заполнитетаблицу 

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Instruction: Fill in the chart / Заполнитетаблицу

1. Growth hormone

2. Insulin

3. Thyroxine

4. Estrogen, progesterone

5. Testosterone

6. Parathormone

7. Regulates growth

8. Adrenaline

9. Controls the metabolism rate

10. Controls calcium balance of the body

11. Controls growth and development of female reproductive system

12. Controls glucose level of the blood

13. Controls growth and development of male reproductive system

14. Controls the functioning of endocrine glands

15. Prepares body for emergency

16. It also brings about balanced growth

Glands Hormones Functions

Level B


endocrine system - эндокриннаясистема

coordinate - координировать

motor - моторный

perceptual - персептивный

voluntary - добровольный

involuntary - непроизвольный

thyroidgland - щитовиднаяжелеза

adrenalmedulla - мозгнадпочечников

emergency - чрезвычайнаяситуация

adrenalcortex - коранадпочечников

removal - устранение

failure - сбой

endocrineglands - эндокринныежелезы

internal - внутренний

ductless - безводный

secretion - секреция, выделение

hormones - гормоны

excite - возбудить, волновать

bloodstream - кровоток

deliver - доставлять

depress - угнетать

neither... nor... - ни... ни...

disturbance - нарушение

accompany - сопровождаться

increase - увеличение

hyperfunction - гиперфункция

decrease - уменьшение

hypofunction - гипофункция

secrete - выделять

superfluous - избыточный

insufficient - недостаточный

fraction - фракция, доля

interconnect - взаимосвязанный

hypothesis - гипофиз

exercise - осуществлять

nerves - нервы

neurohumoral –нейрогуморальный

Reading     There are two organ systems - the nervous system and the endocrines - which coordinate the activities of all others. Almost nothing can happen to the body anywhere without appropriate response either motor or perceptual, voluntary or involuntary. Similarly, various parts of the endocrine system act upon each other and other organs, stimulating them to do their special jobs. Thus, the thyroid gland stimulates the metabolism of all bodily parts. The adrenal medulla mobilizes the activities of many organ systems in case of the emergency. And the adrenal cortex exercises control over many body functions, so important that its removal results in failure of the functions and the death of the animal.

     Endocrine glands or glands of internal secretion are ductless glands, that is, they empty their secretions - chemical substances called hormones (from the Greek word «hormao» - excite) - directly into the blood stream. The hormones are carried through out the organism with the blood and are delivered to various organs whose activity they either stimulate or depress. Neither single hormone nor endocrine gland acts wholly by itself at any time.

    We know hormones to play a very important part in the organism. Many of them affect metabolism and the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems. A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. These changes may be not only due to an increase in the function of a gland (hyperfunction) but to a decrease (hypofunction).

     A hyperfunctioning gland secretes a superfluous amount of hormones and a hypofunctioning gland secretes an insufficient amount. The amount of hormones produced by the endocrine glands in 24 hours measures fractions of a milligram. The functions of all the endocrine glands are interconnected so that the glands make up a single system. Physiologists consider the hypophysis to be the chief gland of this system; they consider it to produce special substances which stimulate the activities of other endocrine glands.

     The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the nervous system. It is known to exercise direct control over the endocrine glands through the nerves and neurohumoral control, particularly through the hypophysis. The hormones in their turn affect the functions of the different parts of the nervous system.

Answer the questions

1. The functions of various endocrine glands are different, aren't they? What are they?

2. Is the disturbance in the activity of the endo­crine glands accompanied by any changes throughout the organism?

3. What is hyper- or hypofunction?

4. Why is hypophysis considered the chief gland of the endocrine system?

5. How do the endocrine and nervous systems interact?


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