Instruction: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks / Заполнитепропускииспользуясловаврамке 

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Instruction: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks / Заполнитепропускииспользуясловаврамке

Stomach        rectum                waste                system                  acid Chewed                 liver                     saliva                swallow             absorbed Food                  mouth              large intestine        tongue               liquids Energy            small intestine   digestion          pharynx       esophagus


All animals need to eat ______________ to get ____________ to live. But in order to use this food, they have to break it down in a process called __________________. And so, all animals have a group of connected organs called the digestive __________________.

In humans, the process of digestion begins in the _____________ where food is ________________ into small pieces by the teeth. The _______________ helps by moving these pieces around. These pieces are covered by ________________, or spit. The saliva makes the food slippery so that it is easier to _______________. It also helps to break down the food.

Once the food is swallowed, it passes through the _______________, which is like a gate that sends food into the ______________ and air into the lungs. The food travels down the esophagus and into the ______________. Once in the stomach the food is mixed with _____________ and crushed some more.

After spending some time in the stomach, the food is sent into the ________________________ where nutrients are ______________. The _____________ helps by producing some digestive juices called bile. Next, the remaining food goes into the _________________________ where the _______________ are absorbed. The remaining food is called _________________ and it is pushed into the ________________ where it waits before leaving the body.

Level B



fuel - топливо

broken down - расщеплена

chemicals - химическиевещества

digestion - переваривание

esophagus - пищевод

stomach - желудок

small intestines - тонкийкишечник

large intestines - толстыйкишечник

gallbladder - желчныйпузырь

pancreas - поджелудочнаяжелеза

liver - печень

sac – мешок

acid – кислот

lining – внутреннепокрытие

squeezing – сжатие

peristalsis –перистальтика

growling – рычание

villi – ворсинки

absorb – всасывать

feces – фекалии

colon – толстаякишка

elongated – удлиненный

to store – запасать

lobe – доля

bile – желч

hepaticducts - печеночные протоки


    The human body needs fuel to live. We eat food for fuel. But just getting the food into the body is only a small part of the process. The food must be broken down into chemicals that the body can use. This whole process is called digestion. Some of the organs involved in digestion are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, pancreas and liver.

Traveling Food

The stomach is a sac shaped like a "j" and is about eight inches long. In the stomach, food is mixed with acids. The muscles in the stomach move, which helps break down the food. The stomach is protected from the acid by a lining. From the stomach, the food pulp is sent to the small intestine. Food leaves the stomach a little bit at a time.

    The small intestine is the final place for digestion. Measuring about twenty feet in length, the small intestine is one inch in diameter. Digestive juices released in the small intestine finish breaking down the food.

    The food is moved along the small intestine in a squeezing motion known as peristalsis. This motion is much the same as squeezing a tube of toothpaste. All of this movement causes the noise when we say our stomach is "growling."

Lining the small intestine are millions of fingers called villi. These absorb the chemicals that we need from the food into the body. It is at this point the food is actually in the body.

    Waste products and food that are not absorbed in the small intestine pass into the large intestine. This waste material is called feces. The large intestine is only five feet long but is larger in diameter than the small intestine. The large intestine includes the colon.

    In the large intestine, feces are formed from water, undigested food and bacteria. Water is absorbed back into the body so the waste material becomes more solid as it travels through the colon. It may take as long as twenty hours for food to pass completely through the large intestine.


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