Read the following text. Write down the unknown words and remember them. Make a brief summary of the text 

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Read the following text. Write down the unknown words and remember them. Make a brief summary of the text

I was born in Yekaterinburg, it is my native city. Yekaterinburg is one of the largest cities of the Russian Federation. It is an administrative capital of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ural Federal District. Nowadays the city is an important centre of industry, transport, finance, science and culture. The city was founded in 1723 and it is situated in the heart of the Eurasian continent, on the border of Europe and Asia and in the middle of the Ural Mountain Range.

Modern Yekaterinburg is one of the major industrial centres of Russia, especially for heavy engineering. The Uralmash plant produces heavy machinery and it is the city’s largest enterprise; it once employed some 50,000 workers, though now the number of the workers has dramatically decreased.

Yekaterinburg is an important railway junction, with railways radiating from it to all the parts of the Urals and the rest of Russia. The city is the leading cultural centre of the Urals and has numerous institutions of higher education, including the Ural A.M. Gorky State University (founded in 1920), a conservatory, and polytechnic, mining, forestry, agricultural, law, medical, and teacher-training institutes. The Urals branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and many scientific-research establishments are located there.


What things are important to you when you choose a place to live or study? Why? Put these things in order.

 1 = very important 10 = unimportant


A good hospital              

Friendly people

Good leisure facilities

Good schools

Great shops

Interesting sights

Internationals restaurants

Lots of nightlife

Near the sea



Put the right article in the gaps

1. I saw... drop of blood on the floor.

2. There was... girl on the road.

3. I told you about... woman who is here now.

4. My best friend was in... North of the state.

5.... Gobi is one of the biggest deserts in... world.

6. You can buy it at... chemist`s.

7. I had dinner at... Sidorovs.

8.... cinema we are going by is one of main places of interest in Yekaterinburg.

Read the following information and learn it:

Местоимения many, much

Many – сисчисляемым (many books, many shops, many injections)

Much – снеисчисляемым (much water, much sugar)

A lot of употребляетсясисчисляемымиинеисчисляемымисуществительными (a lot of water, a lot of books)

Put “many” or “much” in the gap:

1. I saw... birds in the sky yesterday.

2. There is... milk in the fridge.

3. Does he need to take... pills?

4. She wanted to take... doses of this medicine, but the doctor prohibited it.

5. In the hospital there are... patients.

6. I spoiled... cheese because I hadn`t put it into the fridge.

7. In Yekaterinburg there is... snow in winter.

8. In Yekaterinburg there are... cars at rush hour.


Тема1.4.Достопримечательностигорода. Оборотthereis / thereare

Level A

Read and translate the text / Прочитайтеипереведитетекст:

Yekaterinburg, one of the most interesting cities in the Urals, is full of tourist attractions. There you can visit monuments, such as the monument to Vasiliy Tatischev and Wilhelm de Gennin. Also at Plotinka you can see beautiful fountains. Near the Medical College there is a famous new stadium. In summer and spring you can go to walk in parks, for example in the park near the shopping mall “Greenwich”. 

In Yekaterinburg one can find art galleries and museums, theaters and cinemas to spend time in. For example, the concert hall “Cosmos” is famous for musical concerts and cinemas. One may also go to spend an evening in any Yekaterinburg`s bar or restaurant. The main street here is Prospect Lenina with its many shops, museums and other cultural venues. Here, you will find one of the most beautiful buildings in Yekaterinburg – the arty Dom Sevastyanova from the late 19th century.

Yekaterinburg is famous with its military production in the factories, so you can go to the museum of Uralmash plant and watch the military stuff it produces.

Readandrememberthegrammarrule / Прочитайте и запомните грамматическое правило:

There is и there are используют, когда хотят сказать, что что-то существует (или не существует) или находится где-то. Подлежащее (предмет, о котором идет речь) ставится после глагола, а на первое место ставится слово there.

There’s a key in my pocket. – Вмоемкармане – ключ.

Используйте there are с подлежащим во множественном числе:
There are a lot of problems with this theory. – С этой теорией множество проблем.


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