Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и 

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Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и

Иностранный язык

Для специальностей:

Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и

Гражданских зданий

Мастер контрольно-измерительных приборов и автоматики

для профессий:

Мастер жилищно – коммунального хозяйства

(электрогазосварщик-слесарь – сантехник)

Мастер столярного и мебельного производства

Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)


Разработчики: Качур М.Ю., Тарабрин Е.В., Лакеенко Е.П.- преподаватели


Абакан, 2020

Пояснительная записка

На выполнение административной контрольной работы для студентов 2 курса по иностранному языку дается 45 минут. Работа включает в себя 6 заданий по следующим грамматическим темам:


1. «Образование временных форм глагола»,

2. «Степени сравнения прилагательных»;

3. Глаголы “to be”, “to have”, ”to do”;

4.  «Порядок слов в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях различного типа»

5. «Типы вопросительных предложений».


Критерии выставления оценки:

Оценка «удовлетворительно» ставится, если обучающийся ответил на от 55 до 70% вопросов.

Оценка «хорошо» ставится, если обучающийся получил от 71 до 85%.

Оценка «отлично» ставится, если обучающийся получил 86% и более.



Administrative Test Paper (2nd course)

Ist Variant

1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

A Frenchman, who was going to travel in the United States heard many tales about how difficult it is to get food and good service in the restaurants in America.

On his first day in the USA when he wanted his dinner he went from restaurant to restaurant but could not get a meal - it was the dinner hour and there were so many peo­ple in restaurants that the waiters didn't even want to talk to him.

After some time very tired and hungry he came to a small eating place. To his surprise, a waiter met him at the door took him to one of the empty tables and asked: " What will the gentleman order?"

" A plate of beef and a few friendly words".

A few minutes later the waiter put a hot plate of beef before the Frenchman.

" Well." said the man happily. " The beef looks nice. And how about those friendly words?" The waiter took a sheet of paper and wrote:" Don't eat that beef!"

1. What tales did the Frenchman hear about the USA?

a) how dangerous it was to drive there

b) how hard it was to get good meals

c) how difficult it was to find a room in a hotel

2. Why couldn't he get a meal on his first day in the USA?

a) It was too late.

b) The restaurants were overcrowded.

c) He couldn't speak English.

3. How did the waiter meet him in the small eating place?

a) He did not pay attention to him.

b) Не greeted him warmly.

c) c)Не sent him away from the restaurant.

4. What did he order?

a) soup

b) meat course

c) fried potatoes

5. What were the few friendly words the writer wrote?

The waiter welcomed him to their restaurant.

The waiter wished him good appetite.

The waiter didn't advise him to try the dish.

Выбрать правильный ответ

1.What a pretty little box to keep my letters …!

a) on                  b)in                        c)for                       d)-

2.We got … the car and drove along the road.

a)into            b)on                 c)off                d)from

3.Exams begin … the 23 rd of July.

 a)at                    b)on                       c)in

4.The standard of living … at the moment.

a)is rising           b)raises                  c)increases

5.Don't you think it's time you give … smoking?

a)away               b)up                       c)in                        d)off

6.Will you please look … this word in the dictionary?

a)for                   b)up                       c)through               d)after

7.Who is mainly responsible … the child.

a)for       `      b)in                        c)with

8.If you require any … information, contact me.

a)farther             b)further                c)nearest

9.I didn't believe … he said.

a)who                b)that                     c)what        d)whom

10.I am trying to lose … weight.

a)the            b)a                   c)-


Выбрать правильный ответ

1.We've come from a holiday … the country.

a)in                     b)at                 c)on       d)to

2.Has police arrested … thief yet?

a)the                   b)a                   c)-

3. Have you got … money left?

     a)any                                      b)else                                c)much             d)a lot

4. She plays the guitar ….

   a)nice                         b)good                   c)nicely      d)better

5.We haven't got any cheese and we haven't got any butter ….

   a)too                          b)also                     c)neither     d)either

6. What is … furniture made of?

a)the                   b)a                   c)-

7. He has worked here … this time last year.

     a)on                            b)in                        c)for           d)since

8.I arrived … the hotel at 5 o'clock.

   a)to                            b)in                        c)for           d)at

9.The wounded man was … on the road.

   a)lying                        b)laying                 c)looking

10.We got … the bus and walked on.

     a)from                  b)of                 c)out      d)off


Иностранный язык

Для специальностей:

Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и

Гражданских зданий


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