If you study a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a US university, you’ll have many opportunities 

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If you study a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a US university, you’ll have many opportunities


·  To gain real work experience in the USA

· To have well-developed internship programs and career services

· To complete a degree in a STEM

 To get a distinct advantage in your career


3.The most common postgraduate degree is the Doctor of …


·  Physical Therapy

·  Social Work

·  Education

·  Philosophy

4. What do aspiring physicians have to do after finishing a bachelor’s degree?


·  Take four years of medical school

·  Take four years of medical school and then complete residency programs for another three to six years

· Take the qualifying test

· Take other rigorous doctoral programs

V. Fill in the gaps with suitable words given below:

Degree Courses School Broad-based Transfer Major


Following high1) ______, students can choose to study a bachelor’s (or “undergraduate”) 2) _______at a college or university.

Bachelor’s degrees in the USA typically take 4 years to complete. The first 2 years include common required3) _____, such as math, history, literature, and communications. This develops a 4) _________knowledge across many subject areas — an advantage for competing in the global workplace. The final 2 years focus on the chosen “major” subject.

US bachelor’s degrees are flexibly designed to allow students to change their 5) ______after 1 or 2 years. There is a huge choice of elective courses so you can customize your degree to your interests and strengths.

It is common for students to change university after 1 or 2 years of undergraduate study in the USA, or to 6) ______into a US university after studying in another country. It’s not necessary to complete all 4 years at the same university in order to get a degree from there.


Medicine Qualifying Complete Applied Rigorous Lawyers


1)_____doctorates are similar to professional degrees like the Doctor of 2) ______(MD) or the Juris Doctor (JD), which is a common degree for3) _______. These professional degrees allow entry into the highly paid professions as doctors or lawyers, along with 4) ______exams and possible work experience in the profession. After finishing a bachelor’s degree, aspiring physicians will take four years of medical school and then 5) ______residency programs for another three to six years. JD programs typically have three years of required coursework after the bachelor’s degree, though some allow students to attend part time and take four years. These programs, perhaps even more than other 6) _______doctoral programs, require hard work, long hours, and serious dedication for students to succeed.

VI. Put the words in the right order to form sentences:

1. US are recognized for degrees their academic worldwide excellence.

2. not to It’s complete all years 4 at necessary the university same.

3. develops This broad-based across many a subject knowledge areas.

4. Working a US company incredible is an opportunity for.

5. The is the qualification for usual people PhD who to postsecondary become full wish professors at institutions.

6. scientific social science For projects, the may include or results and study research design experimental.

7. dedication programs require hard These work, long, and serious for students to succeed hours.

8. For subjects, the will more likely process be deep scholarly theoretical research.


VII. Derive from the given verbs:

Verb Noun Adjective
  To consider    
  To enhance      
  To require      
  To compete    
  To complete      
  To improve      
  To continue    
  To categorize      

VIII. Discussion.

 Fill in the table and share your ideas about the information from the article with the class.

What I knew What I know now What I want to know

IX. Make a dialogue between a freshmen and a sophomore discussing the future degrees and prospects. (See Appendix 1, Section I)

X. Surfing the Internet.

For the next class prepare a report about the system of degrees in Higher Education Institutions in your institute / country. In terms of specializations, which do you think are the most promising nowadays?

  XI.Write an essay on the problems raised in the article. (150-200 words) (See Appendix 2, Section V)


Text E.


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