For the next class discussion search the Internet and find out if there are any similar ranking lists of higher educational institutions in your country. Share what you discover with your partner(s). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


For the next class discussion search the Internet and find out if there are any similar ranking lists of higher educational institutions in your country. Share what you discover with your partner(s).

XII. Writing (a news report):


Imagine that your university magazine has a weekly column called “Performing EXTRA”. As part of their investigation into extracurricular activities of young people, they have asked you to write a news report based on the results of your
own survey demonstrated in Appendix 2, Section IV.

Write 150 -200 words.



Text D.

US higher education

Flexibility and choice in degree studies


Before reading:

I.  Brainstorm.

The headline of the article you are going to read is “US higher education. Flexibility and choice in degree studies”. What do you think it might be about?

Read the text


Higher education in the US is recognized worldwide for its quality and variety. There are three main levels of higher education: undergraduate studies (bachelor’s degree), graduate studies (master’s degree) and postgraduate studies (doctor’s degree). In the following text you will find everything you need to know about college degrees in the US.


While reading:

II. Take notes on the types of degrees available for US students for the further analysis.


US higher education

Flexibility and choice in degree studies

The US higher education system is considered one of the best in the world, and offers flexible study opportunities at over 5,000 colleges and universities. US degrees are recognized worldwide for their academic excellence and enhanced learning experiences.

Undergraduate studies

Following high school, students can choose to study a bachelor’s (or “undergraduate”) degree at a college or university.

Bachelor’s degrees in the USA typically take 4 years to complete. The first 2 years include common required courses, such as math, history, literature, and communications. This develops a broad-based knowledge across many subject areas — an advantage for competing in the global workplace. The final 2 years focus on the chosen “major” subject.

US bachelor’s degrees are flexibly designed to allow students to change their major after 1 or 2 years. There is a huge choice of elective courses so you can customize your degree to your interests and strengths.

It is common for students to change university after 1 or 2 years of undergraduate study in the USA, or to transfer into a US university after studying in another country. It’s not necessary to complete all 4 years at the same university in order to get a degree from there.

This flexibility means students can improve their grades for transfer to a more selective college or university.

Graduate studies

After a bachelor’s degree, some students choose to continue on to a master’s degree (also called a “graduate” degree).

A US master’s degree usually takes 2–3 years to complete, but fast-track 1 year programs are available for some degrees. Graduate-level education lets you study a subject in greater depth, and can either be academic or more career-focused.)


Career preparation

If you study a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a US university, you’ll have many opportunities to gain real work experience in the USA. Most universities have well-developed internship programs and career services. International students are eligible to work off-campus after completing the first year of their degree program — and work in on-campus jobs in the meantime.

International students can also participate in Optional Practical Training (OPT), which allows study visa-holders to work in the USA in their chosen field for 12 months after graduation. If you complete a degree in a STEM (S cience, T echnology, E ngineering or M athematics) field, you can extend your work placement to 36 months.

Working for a US company is an incredible opportunity, and gives international students a distinct advantage in their career.

There are two basic categories of doctoral degrees: a research degree, which is often a PhD, or a professional degree like an MD or JD. Both represent the highest level of training in the specific field, and both can be required for certain jobs or to qualify for higher salaries.

Postgraduate studies

 After a master’s degree, some students choose to continue on to a doctor’s or a doctorate degree (also called a “postgraduate” degree).


Typically, a doctorate degree takes four years to complete, depending on the field. If you already hold a master’s degree, you may be able to complete a doctorate in the same subject area with only three years of additional full-time study. Most people will take closer to six years to complete the degree. Many schools have a limit on how long they will allow students to complete the degree, which is often eight years.


The most common degree is the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which is awarded in most humanities and scientific subjects. The PhD is the usual qualification for people who wish to become full professors at postsecondary institutions. The PhD is also required in many research jobs in everything from plasma physics to population studies. PhDs are available in many different specific subjects.


The course of study will usually include two years of advanced courses and then an allotted time such as two years to complete a final project that advances the field of study in some way. These advances may be the discovery of a whole new phenomenon or theory, or they may build on advanced research of previous scholars. For scientific or social science projects, the research may include experimental results and study design. For theoretical subjects, the process will more likely be deep scholarly research and the development of original ideas.


Applied & Professional Doctorates


For applied fields, there are numerous other special doctoral degrees such as Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Public Health (DrPH), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), or the Doctor of Social Work (DSW). These degrees are more geared towards applying the knowledge gained in the industry or field, and there are often licensure requirements for the specialized and advanced jobs that they qualify students to obtain.


Applied doctorates are similar to professional degrees like the Doctor of Medicine (MD) or the Juris Doctor (JD), which is a common degree for lawyers. These professional degrees allow entry into the highly paid professions as doctors or lawyers, along with qualifying exams and possible work experience in the profession. After finishing a bachelor’s degree, aspiring physicians will take four years of medical school and then complete residency programs for another three to six years. JD programs typically have three years of required coursework after the bachelor’s degree, though some allow students to attend part time and take four years. These programs, perhaps even more than other rigorous doctoral programs, require hard work, long hours, and serious dedication for students to succeed.

After reading:

   Study the vocabulary:

Flexibility – n. the ability to change or be changed easily according to the situation

Internship – n. a period of time during which a student works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work

Eligible – adj. having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions

Complete – v. to finish doing something

Major–adj. the most important subject that a college or university student is studying, or the student himself or herself

Customize – v. to make or change something according to a customer's or user's particular needs

Selective – adj. involving the choice of the most suitable or best

Depth – n. the state of having serious qualities or the ability to think seriously about something

Optional – adj. not necessary or demanded but possible or available; depending on what you decide to do

Applied - adj. relating to a subject of study, especially a science, that has a practical use

Licensure - n. the act of conferring a license, esp. one that permits the practice of a profession

Qualifying - adj. training, serving to make fit or competent
III. Comprehension questions:

1. What does the US higher education system offer?

2. Are US degrees recognized worldwide? And why?

3. How long does it take to complete Bachelor’s degrees in the USA?

4. How long does it take to complete Master’s degrees in the USA?

5. How long does it take to complete Doctor’s degrees in the USA?

6. What are the two basic categories of doctoral degrees?

7. What are applied doctorates similar to?

8. What professions do these professional degrees allow entry into?

9. What events can International students also participate in?

10. What does Optional Practical Training (OPT) allow study visa-holders to do in the USA after graduation?


IV. Multiple choice quiz:



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