Exercise 126.  Make up collocations using words from both columns. 

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Exercise 126.  Make up collocations using words from both columns.

fish resources
growing retention
animal program
protein farming
hatchery population
natural trade
aquarium welfare


Exercise 127.Look through the text to find out more information about:

- aquaculture can happen all over the world;

- aquaculture as the production of aquatic animals;

- large-scale hatchery programs produce fishes for release;

- seaweeds may be consumed directly by man;

- the primary responsibility of aquaculture.


Exercise 128. Define the term and remember it's definition.

Aquaculture, overfishing, seafood, aquarium, hatchery.


Exercise 129. How do you understand the following statement? Give your opinion and examples.

Aquaculture has the potential to improve the health of our planet and the health of our population, as long as it is done in a manner that is environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and considers food safety and animal welfare.


Exercise 130. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. А квакультура - это контролируемый процесс культивирования водных организмов, особенно для потребления человеком.
2. Аквакультур ой также называют рыбоводство.

3. К ак правило, существует четыре стадии производственной цепочки, начиная с инкубатор ов и заканчивая прилавком морепродуктов в продуктовом магазине.
4. Первым этапом в производственной цепочке аквакультуры является инкубатор.
5. Именно здесь происходит разведение рыбы, высиживание яиц и выращивание рыбы на ранних стадиях жизни.
6. О сновная задача аквакультуры заключается в эффективном дополнении вариантов добычи дикой рыбы для увеличения количества морепродуктов, доступных во всем мире.
7. А квакультура обладает потенциалом для улучшения здоровья нашей планеты и здоровья нашего населения.

Exercise 1 31. Test yourself by answering these questions and summarize given information.

What is aquaculture?

Where and when was first aquaculture practiced?

What is the purpose of aquaculture?

What are aquatic plants produced for?

How many stages are in the aquaculture production chain?

Which program is responsible for improving the fish farming industry across the globe?

What problem does overfishing of our oceans and other natural resources cause?

What is an important role of aquaculture in providing future generations welfare?

What is the primary responsibility of aquaculture?

Where does aquaculture usually take place?


Text B



breeding n [ˈbriːdɪŋ] размножение
intervention n [ɪntəˈvɛnʃ(ə)n] вмешательство
shellfish n [ˈʃɛlfɪʃ] моллюск
biotechnology n [ˌbʌɪə(ʊ)tɛkˈnɒlədʒi]  биотехнология
crustacean n [krʌˈsteɪʃn] ракообразное
overfish v [əʊvəˈfɪʃ] истощать рыбные запасы
nursery n [ˈnəːs(ə)ri] питомник
terrestrial  adj [təˈrɛstrɪəl] наземный
suffocate v [ˈsʌfəkeɪt] подавлять
irreversible adj [ɪrɪˈvəːsɪb(ə)l] необратимый
deplete v [dɪˈpliːt] истощать, исчерпывать
mitigate [ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt] смягчать`
chub  n [tʃʌb] карповые


Exercise 13 2. Read and translate the following word s and word combinations from English into Russian.

Mariculture, cultivation, harvest,   endangered species, flora, fauna, human intervention, breeding programs, salt-water plants, biotechnology development, ornamental fish, finned fish, Tilapia, catfish, striped bass, yellow perch, walleye, salmon, trout, crawfish, shrimp, shellfish, nursery, sandy substrate, natural resources, sea lice, crippling native stock, organic pollution, effluent, farming pens, counterparts, nutrient loading, irreversible toll, carnivorous fish farms, oxygen depletion, eutrophication, pesticides, fungicides, parasiticides, algicides, herring, anchovy, chub, life span.


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