Would You Like to Go to the Movies Tonight? 

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Would You Like to Go to the Movies Tonight?

Students practice the contraction I'd. Note the plural s in movies and the reduced vowel sounds in tonight and to when used in like to go to the movies tonight. This example may be contrasted with the full sound of to when it occurs at the end of the sentence, as in I'd love to. This chant also offers examples of the use of I do to / So do I / Neither do I.

Would You Like to Go to the Movies Tonight?

Would you like to go to the movies tonight?

I'd love to.

I'd love to.

I feel like going to the movies tonight.

I do too.

Let's go.

I feel like going to the movies tonight.

So do I.

Let's go.

I don't feel like studying tonight.

Neither do I.

Let's go.


Other ways of inviting someone to do something.

Other ways of accepting or refusing an invitation

How (what) about going to..? Как насчет того, чтобы пойти..?

Would you care to..? Вы не хотели бы..?

Would you like to...? He хотели бы вы..?

Could you..? He смогли бы вы..?

Will you join us? He присое­динитесь ли вы к нам?

Come (over) to my place. При­езжайте ко мне.

Are you engaged (busy)? Вы за­няты?


That's a good idea! Прекрасная мысль!


Perfect!            Прекрасно!

I'd be delighted.         С большим

With pleasure.        удовольствием.



No objections.

I don't mind.            Не возражаю.    

It's all right with me.


Would you like to...?

D'you want to...? (casual)

                                                             to a party on Saturday

                                                            and have dinner with me

                                   come           dancing/swimming

                                                            out with me one evening

                                                            on a holiday with me


                                                            join me for lunch

                                                           come and see me

                                                           see my holiday snaps/new car

                                                           listen to my new record

                                                           meet my wife/husband/parents



(Yes,)... (Acceptance)

             like to very much.          

I'd        love to.                    enthusiastic

I would/do. Thank you.  

If you want (me to).                       

If you('d) like (me to).        indifferent


(No,)... (Refusal)


(I'm) sorry, I can't.

I'd like to, but ….

I'd better not.

I'd rather not.

No, thanks.

No, I wouldn't/don't.              emphatic

Certainly not.




I. Choose a partner. Practice inviting, accepting, and refusing. The first speaker will choose one of the invitations and the second speaker will select any of the responses. Look at the example.



Student A: Let's go out for pizza!

Student B: I'd love to.


Do you feel like going to the movies tonight?

Let's go out for pizza!

Let's have coffee after class today.

Let's have lunch together sometime.

Can you come over for dinner tomorrow night?

We're going for a walk. Do you want to come with us?


Let's have dinner together tonight.

Let's get together for a drink some night.

Would you like to study English with me tonight?

Would you like to go to the movies this afternoon?




I'd love to.

That sounds nice.

I'd like that very much.

That's a wonderful idea.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm busy.

I wish I could but I'm afraid I can't.

I'm sorry I can't. Maybe some other time.

II. Invite someone to:

1. see (a film/a play/football match)

2. go for a walk with you    

3. have a cup of tea/coffee

4. telephone you tonight

5. play (bridge/tennis/golf with you)

6. borrow your umbrella/some money

7. spend an evening with you


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