IV. Reflection ( Рефлексия ) 

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IV. Reflection ( Рефлексия )

Listening, Speaking & Writing

18. Pair work. Discuss the following: What is your concept of the ancient architecture from the professional point of view? What contribution have ancient architects made to the development of architecture? Share some extra information you have learnt answering your own questions. (See appendix 1.)

19.Make an annotation to the text “Ancient structures”. (See appendix 7.)

Grammar Focus

Participle I, II

20. Read the following sentences paying attention to the words in italics in the function of attribute (определение). Translate the sentences:

1. The tents raised on branches, became the first tents.

2. The Neolithic Age was also the period of megalithic structures erected for religious or mystical purposes.

3. In form Stonehenge is a series of concentric rings of standing stones around an altar stone at the center.

4. The hieroglyphics or symbol writing surround ed these pictures were usually descriptions of the person and prayers that would be helpful in the afterlife.

5. A landscaped trench separated the site from the surrounding land.

6. The Egyptians were a people already highly civilized and skilled in the arts of peace and war.

7. Columns were generously proportioned and closely spaced because the stone lintels had limited spanning capability.

8. The entrance pylon was formed by two massive towers, with battered or inclinedwalls which were united by a tall door.

9. The first pyramid-shaped tomb was built around 2700 BC at Saqqara.


21. Pair work. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

1. Used for ancient worship or other mystical rites, Stonehenge was a highly symbolic place.

2. The earliest historic tombs were the mastabas generally constructed for the noble men and the middle class.

3. Served to protect and express the perpetuity of the soul within, the pyramid was the most stable of all geometric forms.

4. The first pyramid-shaped tomb was the stepped Pyramid of King Zoser which was, strictly speaking, not a pyramid at all.

5. Conveying the message of authority and eternity, the essential pyramidal form was overpowering.

6. Being axially organized, the temple plan consisted of three parts: a colonnaded courtyard, a hypostyle hall, and a sanctuary.


Unit 8


Part I


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking


 1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about Greek architecture, interpret it and share your ideas with the class:

“Proportions are what make the old Greek temples classic in their beauty. They are like huge blocks, from which the air has been literally hewn out between the columns. “- Arne Jacobsen.


Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

to hew out вырубать, высекать
order архитектурный ордер
molding лепное украшение, архитектурный облом
supporting element поддерживающая часть, опорный элемент
accepted way общепринятый метод
entablature антаблемент
spanning element перекрывающий элемент
architrave архитрав, архитравная балка
frieze фриз
cornice карниз
base пьедестал, цоколь, основание колонны
shaft ствол колонны
capital капитель колонны
stylobate стилобат
flat pavement мощение, каменный пол
plinth плинт
remainder of the base оставшаяся часть базы
torus (tori) полукруглый фриз
scotia скоция, трохил
fillet/ band горизонтальный поясок, выкружка
concave profile вогнутый профиль
fluting рифление
groove канавка
necking обвязка колонны, выкружка колонны
bulge выдаваться, выступать
abacus абака
echinus эхин

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and their translation:


molding различаться
accepted way служить эстетической цели
spanning element каменный пол, мощение
to distinguish лепное украшение
circular block скопление лепных украшений
supporting element круглый блок
to serve an aesthetic purpose вертикальная канавка
distinct characteristics общепринятый метод
flat pavement индивидуальная особенность
assemblage of moldings опорный элемент
vertical groove перекрывающий элемент
  architrave рифление
convex molding стилобат
shaft of the column канавка
capital горизонтальный поясок, выкружка
stylobate антаблемент
torus архитрав, архитравная балка
groove ствол колонны
fillet/ band выпуклое лепное украшение
fluting капитель колонны
entablature полукруглый фриз

4. Pair work. Match the words to their explanations:

Frieze A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital.
Capital The uppermost part of an entablature, located above the architrave and the frieze.
Cornice   A horizontal band that runs above doorways and windows or below the cornice. In classical architecture, it is a part of the entablature, located between the architrave and the cornice.
Abacus The lowest element of the entablature which rests on top columns.
Echinus The uppermost element supported by the column. Its components include the architrave, the frieze and the cornice.
Plinth A crowning member of a column, providing a structural support for the horizontal member (entablature) or arch above. In the Classical styles, it is the architectural member that most readily distinguishes the order.
Architrave  The stepped platform on which colonnades of temple columns are placed.
Entablature The base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument or structure rests.
Stylobate   The uppermost portion of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave.


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

  5. Group work. Read the questions and write down individually everything you know about ancient orders. Then discuss ideas with your group.

1. What ancient orders do you know?

2. What is an order?

4. What parts does an order consist of?

5. What are the most distinct characteristics of an order?

6. Group work. Report the class your concept of ancient orders.


7. Fill in the first column of the “logbook” (бортовой журнал)

  I know about ancient orders  I have learnt about ancient orders



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