Problem solving in architecture 

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Problem solving in architecture


I. Warming up (Разминка)

1. Group work. Reflect on the following questions and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

Do soft jobs exist in our life? Can you name them? Ground your answer.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:


to get clients to agree уговорить клиентов
to reach a compromise найти компромисс
to face a challenge стоять перед проблемой
to respect the client’s choice уважать выбор клиента
to find a mutual understanding найти взаимопонимание
to suit both parties устраивать обе стороны
to develop a report делать отчёт
to have a good grasp of something хорошо разбираться в чем-либо
legislation законодательство
to perform a сode analysis проводить анализ законов
material science материаловедение
to acquire a complete understanding достичь полного понимания
to meet a deadline успеть закончить работу к установленному сроку
to resolve unexpected issues решать непредвиденные проблемы
ins and outs of the profession тонкости професии


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Speaking and Listening

3. Group work. Discuss the following questions and report to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion (See appendix 1):

1. Is it hard to work as an architect?

2. What difficulties does a practitioner run into?

3. What is the secret of the architect’s success?

III. Realization (Осмысление)

4. Group work. Formulate several most actual problems which architects face in their work and describe these problems.

5. Group work. Set the problems on the upper bones of the fish skeleton and report about the existing problems to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion:

6. Group work. Discuss the following: What do you think the architects should change in their professional activity to begin solving these problems? Formulate your thoughts in your exercise books. Report your ideas to the class.




7. Group work. Find solutions to the problems. Set the solutions on the lower bones and report your solutions to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion:

8. Pay attention to the head of your fish and formulate the aim of your activity in class according to the problems and their solutions

9. Think over the result of your activity set it into the tail of the fish skeleton and report to the class.

IV. Reflection (Рефлексия)


10. Write a short essay entitled “Architect’s challenges”.


Module 2


Unit 4


I. Warming up (Разминка)

1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about a building, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your opinion. (See appendix 1):

“A building is hard to judge. It takes many years to find out whether it works. It's not as simple as asking the people in the office whether they like it.”   Helmut Jahn.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

wear proof износостойкий
load тяжесть, груз
load-bearing element несущая конструкция, несущий элемент
structural element/part часть здания, конструктивный элемент, несущая часть (здания)
footing фундаментный блок, опорное расширение (стопы, колонны, сваи)
foundation заложение фундамента, фундамент, основание  
structural system конструктивная система
concrete бетон
to pour заливать, укладывать бетонную смесь
trench ров
floor system конструкция перекрытия
masonry кирпичная кладка, кирпич
brick кирпич
to reinforce усиливать, армировать
steel bar арматурный стержень
pile foundation фундамент на сваях  
pile cap оголовок сваи
slab-on-grade бетонная плита на грунтовом основании, плита, уложенная вровень
basement подвал, подвальный этаж, цокольный этаж
beam балка
joist балка перекрытия
plywood фанера
floor joist балка перекрытия
intermittent перемежающийся
foam product пенопластовый, пенистый материал
partition wall перегородка


3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


wear proof несущий элемент конструкции
to carry weight фундаментный блок
load-bearing element фундамент, заложение фундамента
footing нести нагрузку
foundation износостойкий
structural element конструктивная система
concrete wall заливать бетонную смесь в ров
structural system конструкция перекрытия
to pour concrete into a trench часть здания
floor system бетонная стена


pier кирпич
conventional foundation wall расставлять с промежутками
masonry опора, свая
brick примыкающий к стене
to space обычная стена под фундамент
adjacent to the wall кирпичная кладка
to reinforce a steel bar слой почвы
pile foundation вбивать в землю
 layer of soil усиливать арматурный стержень
to hammer into the ground фундамент на сваях



floor joist подвал
slab-on-grade пенопластовый материал
beam фанера
flooring material бетонная плита на грунтовом основании
basement сложная стена
plywood настилочный материал
foam product балка
complicated wall балка перекрытия



wiring каркас
to attach to точка опоры
finish сводчатый потолок
frame шиферная плитка
bearing point прикреплять
to truss финиширование, отделочное покрытие
slate электропроводка, прокладка электрических проводов
vaulted ceiling опираться на
to bear on укреплять, связывать


II. Evocation (Вызов)  

4. Pair work.   Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements about the house or put (?) if you are not sure:


1. The structural elements of the house are often called load-bearing elements or load- bearing systems.

2. The structural elements of the house must support their own weight.

3. The footing is the structural element upon which the home rests.

4. The foundation consists of the foundation wallsand other vertical elements needed to support the floor (piers and steel columns).

5. A pile can be described as a fence hammered into the ground.

6. Load-bearing walls support their own weight and partition walls support the load of the ceiling and the roof.

7. The simplest ceiling is formed by a roof truss.

8. The primary function of a pitched roof is to shed water from a dwelling in poor weather conditions.

III. Realization (Осмысление)


5. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

crushed stone щебень
siding облицовка, наружная обшивка стен
sheathing опалубка
drywall стена сухой кладки; стена, сложенная без раствора,сухая штукатурка, гипсокартон
lumber пиломатериал
roof truss стропила
ceiling joist потолочная балка
to be stick built быть собранным на месте из комплектующих изделий
plywood decking опалубка из фанеры
roofing shingles кровельный гонт, асбестошифер
 gable roof двускатная крыша, щипцовая крыша
to frame a roof сооружать каркас крыши
load carrying system снаряжение для переноски тяжестей
pitched roof двускатная щипцовая крыша
clay tile керамическая облицовочная плитка
concrete tile бетонная плитка, бетонная черепица
framework каркас
rafters стропила
batten обрешётка
tar смола, гудрон
roof sagging проседание крыши
vault a ceiling покрывать потолок сводом
secure закреплять, укрепить
engineered slab сконструированная плита
cable напрягаемая арматура
cure выдерживание бетона, затвердение
crack resistant трещиностойкий
cable напрягаемая арматура
to install устанавливать, монтировать


5. Read the text and correct agree (+) or disagree (-) statements.

The structure of the house

The structure of the house is an extremely important part of the building as it makes the construction wear proof. The structure carries the weight of the house to its supporting element - the ground. The structural elements of the home are those which carry the weight or load of the home to the earth on which it rests. Hence, they are often called load-bearing elements or load-bearing systems. They include the footings, foundation, floor, walls, ceiling and roof.

It is important to design and construct these elements properly. The fact is that they must not only support their own weight, but the weight of the ceiling and the roof.

Let’s consider the component parts of the house.


The footing is the structural element upon which the home rests, and it is the first member of the load bearing structural systems of the home. It is also an integral part of the structure foundation upon which the first floor is built.

The footings are placed under all load-bearing parts of the foundation, i.e. piers, columns, foundation walls, etc.

And they are almost always made of concrete. The footing is usually formed by concrete poured into a trench and constrained by some kind of forms.

The foundation consists of the foundation walls and other vertical elements needed to support the floor (piers and steel columns).
The house foundation is the system on which the home sits. Sometimes the house foundation rests upon the footings and supports the floor system - as with conventional foundation walls and piers.

Sometimes the home foundation is also the footing - as with a home built on piles driven into the ground. Sometimes the footing, the foundation, and the floor system are an organic whole - as with the monolithic slab.


Types of Foundations
masonry  foundations
Many foundation systems consist of a masonry (brick or concrete block) perimeter wall sitting on a concrete footing. Inside the perimeter wall there may also be a number of piers, columns, or posts spaced within the area surrounded by the wall or immediately adjacent to and built into the wall itself.

Concrete  Foundations
Concrete foundation walls are popular in many areas of the country, and are almost always used where there is to be a basement.

Wood or metal forms are set on the footings, reinforcing steel bars which strengthen the wall, and concrete is poured into the forms. Before the concrete is "set," anchor bolts are pushed into the concrete along the perimeter of the home.

A pile foundation is a special type of foundation that enables a structure to be supported by a layer of soil found below the ground surface. A pile foundation comprises two basic structural elements, a pile and a pile cap. The pile cap is a structural base that supports a structural column, wall, or slab.A pile can be described as a structural stilt hammered into the ground.

Piles are typically used where soils are unable to support the necessary loads with more traditional footings and they are supported with masonry or concrete foundation walls.


Floor systems are either wood or concrete. In residential construction, concrete floors are slab-on-grade (concrete poured on the ground). This type of floor system is usually used for the garage and basement, or for the main floor in southern areas. As a matter of fact, the wood floor is the standard. The wood floor consists of the supporting members - beams and joists - and the flooring material is usually a plywood product.
  Typically, there is a beam supporting the floor joists. The beam is supported by the foundation walls and intermittent piers or posts.


Concrete slabs are common foundation/floor systems in many parts of the world, particularly in warmer climates with soils that are stable.

Typically, building a concrete slab consists of sand, gravel, or crushed stone. The edge of the slab is insulated, typically with a rigid foam product.


     The Walls divide the interior space into rooms and are subdivided into load-bearing walls and partition walls. Load-bearing walls support the load of the ceiling and the roof and partition walls support their own weight.

As far as exterior walls are concerned, they are pretty sophisticated systems! They are designed to keep the elements out, keep your conditioned air in, and provide support for your roof. Exterior walls as a system include not only the structural parts but also the siding, sheathing, insulation, and drywall, as well as the exterior doors and windows. It may also contain parts of other systems like plumbing or wiring. Most walls are constructed of lumber.


   Ceilings are supported by the walls below or by a ceiling beam. The ceiling does not actually support a vertical load. It is included in the load bearing elements of the home because it supports rather significant weight of the drywall attached to it. Ceilings are not as complicated as walls. The simplest ceiling is formed by a roof truss. In this case, there is no additional step to constructing a ceiling. The roof truss is simply set in place.

If trusses are not used, the ceiling is constructed much like the wood floor. In fact, in a two-storey house, the ceiling of the first level is the floor of the second. The members are called ceiling joists. They rest on the walls, or on beams which span between the walls.

There are some other kinds of floors. For example, ceilings can be vaulted in an infinite variety of ways. A vaulted ceiling adds volume to your rooms to create a space sense. Even flat ceilings can be adorned with a variety of textured materials and finishes.

   The Roof Structure will either be “stick built”, trussed, or a combination of the two. The weight of the roof, with the wood members, the plywood decking, and the roofing shingles, are significant. All of this weight must be carried down through the walls, floor, foundation walls, and footings to the ground.

Roof Trusses
Roof trusses are roof shaped frames which are engineered and shop built for each construction activity.

Roof truss design is done by engineers, specializing in this area of expertise. If your construction will be inspected by a local building official, they will want to see the truss plans before construction begins.

Trusses are designed to concentrate the entire roof load at the ends of the truss. This means that the trusses actually span the distance between their two end bearing points.

Although there may be walls under the trusses, they are "partition" (non-load bearing) walls. The advantages of using trusses are cost and speed and ease of installation.

Trusses can be constructed to accommodate almost any roof configuration, but in a practical sense, the simpler the roof, the more attractive trusses are to use. They are ideal for a gable roof.

Stick Built Roof
The alternative to using trusses in framing a roof is to "stick build" the roof. It means that all of the roof members are cut and installed on the site.

The photo (right) shows you some of the members involved in a stick built roof. One advantage is the additional storage space you'll have in the attic.

A disadvantage may be a more complicated load carrying system throughout the house.
Pitched roof

A pitched roof is a roof for which one or more roof surfaces is pitched more than 10 degrees, and alternately a roof with two slopes that meet at a central ridge.

The pitched roof is the most common type of roof construction used in new dwellings today. The primary function of a pitched roof is to shed water from a dwelling in poor weather conditions.

Most pitched roofs are covered with either slate, synthetic slate, clay tiles or concrete tiles. They are usually laid upon a framework of timber rafters across which are fixed timber battens.

Flat Roof

A flat roof is a type of covering for a building. In contrast to the more sloped form of roof, a flat roof is horizontal or nearly horizontal. Materials that cover flat roofs should allow the water to run off freely from a very slight inclination. Traditionally flat roofs would use a tar and gravel based surface which is sufficient to prevent penetration. However, these surfaces tend to fail in colder climates, where ice dams and the like could block the flow of water.


7. Read the text once again and answer the following questions:

1. What are the structural elements of the house?

2. What is the footing?

3. What is the house foundation?

4. What types of foundations can you name?

5. What types are the walls divided into?

6. What is the ceiling formed by?

7. What is a stick built roof?


Vocabulary Focus

8. Match the words from two columns to create a phraseand make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The house structure, its footing and the foundation”. Share your ideas with the partner:


to make under all load-bearing parts
to carry part of the structure foundation
to support wear proof
an integral into a trench
to constrain upon the footings
to place the weight of the ceiling and the roof
to pour the weight to the supporting element
to rest by some kind of forms
conventional within the area surrounded by the wall
to build on steel bars
to space foundation walls and piers
to reinforce the construction piles driven into the ground


9. Match the words from two columns to create a phraseand make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The floor system of the house”. Share your ideas with the partner:


to consist by the foundation walls
to use soils
to support concrete floor
common of the supporting members
stable for the garage and basement
to insulate foundation system
slab-on-grade with a rigid foam product


10. Match the words from two columns to create a phraseand make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The walls and the ceiling”. Share your ideas with the partner:


to divide support for the roof
to subdivide volume to the room
to support by a roof truss
to provide the interior space into rooms
to form into load-bearing and partition walls
to adorn between the walls
to span the load of the ceiling and the roof
to vault a space sense
to add with a variety of textured materials and finishes
to create in an infinite variety of ways


11. Match the words from two columns to create a phraseand make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The roof structure ”. Share your ideas with the partner:


roof shaped the distance
to lay any roof configuration
to concentrate frames
to span the roof
to accommodate water from a dwelling
to stick build the roof load
to install load carrying system
additional on the site
complicated with clay tiles
to meet upon a framework
to shed at a central ridge
to cover storage space


Reflection (Размышление)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

12. Individual work. Create a text about the house structure

1. Discuss the following points:

a) subject;

b) a role;

c) audience;

d) a form of presenting information;

e) details concerning a plotline;

f) details concerning your projecting into a chosen character.

2. Individual work. Create a text.

Help each other to improve your texts

13. Present your text to the class.

14. Write a reflection on the text «The house structure” (See appendix 3.)


Unit 5


I. Warming up (Разминка)

1. Pair work. Read the three building material quotes and discuss the following: Which of the three quotes attracts your professional attention? Why? What is the importance of building materials in building construction in your professional opinion?


a. When we build let us think that we build forever. John Ruskin.

b. “An architect must begin at the beginning… Architects must exercise well trained imagination to see in each material, either natural or compounded plastics, their own inherent style. All materials may be beautiful, their beauty much or entirely depend upon how well they are used by the architect.” – F.L. Wright.

c. “Each material has its own message, and to the creative artists, its own song…. Every new material means a new form, a new use if it is used according to its nature.” – F.L. Wright.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

residential building жилое здание
availability of resources наличие вспомогательных средств
floor board доска для пола
hardwood твёрдая древесина
structural material конструкционные материал
finishing material облицовочный материал
functional material (utility) функциональные материал
natural stone природный (строительный) камень
waterproofing водонепроницаемость
insulation изоляция
to withstand the pressure and moisture противостоять, выдерживать давление (нагрузку) и влажность
concrete бетон
earth-sheltered construction глубинное сооружение
floor slab панель перекрытия
to absorb and store heat поглощать и сохранять тепло
temperature swing скачок температуры
precast concrete железобетон в готовых изделиях, сборный железобетон
cast-in-place уложенный на месте, бетонируемый на месте
watertight водонепроницаемый
masonry кирпичная/каменная кладка
steel bar арматурный  стержень
high stress тяжёлая нагрузка
structural work строительная работа
to treat with preservatives пропитывать сохраняющим составом
framing material каркасный материал
to make use of использовать, применять
to expose to подвергаться воздействию

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


residential building наличие вспомогательных средств
structural material облицовочный материал
availability of resources твёрдая древесина
durable building material природный (строительный) камень
hardwood выдерживать нагрузку
finishing material характерные свойства
natural stone сборный железобетон
floor slab жилое здание
characteristic properties прочный строительный материал
precast concrete панель перекрытия
to resist load конструкционный  материал


masonry строительная работа
steel bar поглощать и сохранять тепло
floor board тяжёлая нагрузка
to withstand the pressure and moisture арматурный  стержень
to absorb and store heat кирпичная/каменная кладка
high stress доска для пола
structural work выдерживать давление (нагрузку) и влажность
cast-in-place concrete принимать вертикальную и горизонтальную нагрузку
to receive vertical or lateral pressure водонепроницаемость
insulation уложенный на месте, бетонируемый на месте
waterproofing изоляция


to increase pressure заливать и укреплять
earth-sheltered construction делать стыки водонепроницаемыми
to pour and reinforce служить защитным барьером
to prevent temperature swings обрабатывать пропиточным составом
to make the joints watertight каркасный материал
strength глубинное сооружение
to treat with preservatives предупреждать скачки температуры
framing material увеличивать нагрузку
to make use of wood   подвергаться воздействию грунтовых вод
to expose to the groundwater прочность
to serve as a protective barrier применять дерево

II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

4. Group work. Make assumptions about the content of the text. Answer the following questions and report your ideas to the class.

1. What types of building materials do you know?

2. Can you describe these materials?

3. What are their characteristic properties?



5. Individual work. Fill in the first column of the “logbook” (бортовой журнал):



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