Зоксъ збедузд збялнс гд збвбзк збкн мъбк ннзке гуеб жгялс сзнй. 

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Зоксъ збедузд збялнс гд збвбзк збкн мъбк ннзке гуеб жгялс сзнй.

· Man invented a lot of machines that they have made his life easier and more comfortable. ЧЧ


· · Man invented a lot of machines that have made his life easier and more comfortable ь ь

· · гЛЗб ВОС – ЗбгжЗП ЗбЯнгнЗЖнЙ ЗбКн дУКОПгеЗ Эн ЗбТСЗЪЙ КУИИ ЦССЗр ЯИнСЗр ббЕдУЗд.

· Chemicals, which we use them in agriculture, cause a lot of harm to man. ЧЧ

· Chemicals, which we use in agriculture, cause a lot of harm to man. ь ь

Ё КУКОПг who  бКНб гНб ЗбЭЗЪб  Гж ЗбгЭЪжб. ГгЗ whom ЭКНб гНб ЗбгЭЪжб ЗбЪЗЮб ЭЮШ ж ЫЗбИЗ КУКОПг гЯЗдеЗ who ЕбЗ ЕРЗ УИЮеЗ НСЭ МС

·  This is the woman. She owns the house.

= This is the woman who owns the house.

·  The talk was given by a man. He used to live in Russia.

= The talk was given by a man who used to live in Russia.  

·  I spent two hours talking to Ali. I'd met him only once before.

= I spent two hours talking to Ali whom / who I'd met only once before.

·  The people are friendly. I work with them.

    = The people, with whom I work, are friendly. ь ь

The people, with who I work, are friendly. ЧЧ


Ё КУКОПг which  бКНб гНб ЗбЭЗЪб ж ЗбгЭЪжб ЫнС ЗбЪЗЮб:

·   The job was very tiring. He applied for it a week ago.

= The job, which he applied for a week ago, was very tiring.

= The job that he applied for a week ago was very tiring.

= The job, for which he applied a week ago, was very tiring.


Ё бЗНЩ Гд which  ен ЦгнС ЗбжХб ЗбжНнП ЗбРн нФнС Ебн МгбЙ ЯЗгбЙ ЮИбеЗжбЗНЩжМжПComma ЮИбеЗ

·   He got very bad marks in the test, which made his parents very sad.

·   One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed the teacher very much.


Ё КУКОПг whose    ббгбЯнЙ ббЪЗЮб жЫнС ЗбЪЗЮб жКНб гНб ХЭЙ гбЯнЙ гЛб his/her/their, etc.

·   The man felt very sad. His wife died in the accident.

The man, whose wife died in the accident, felt very sad.

Ё нгЯд Гд дУКОПг НСЭ МС ЮИб whose  :

· Ali had an accident last night. We had a party inhis house.

= Ali, in whose house we had a party, had an accident last night.

Ё бЗНЩ Гд едЗЯ джЪЗд гд ЪИЗСЗК ЗбжХб Ў ЗбджЪ ЗбГжб нЪШн гЪбжгЙ ГУЗУнЙ Ъд ЗбФнБ Гж ЗбФОХ Гж ЗбгЯЗд ЗбРн дКНПЛ Ъде ждУКОПг Эн еРЗ ЗбджЪ who / which / whom   жбЗ дУКОПг comma   ЮИб Гж ИЪП ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб

· The company which / that he works for sells computers.

  = The company forwhich he works sells computers.

·  The woman who / that killed her husband was sentenced to death.  НЯг ЪбнеЗ ИЗбЕЪПЗг

Ё жЗбджЪ ЗбЛЗдн бЗ КЮПг ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб гЪбжгЙ еЗгЙ Ъд ЗбФнБ Гж ЗбФОХ Гж ЗбгЯЗд ЗбРн дКНПЛ Ъде жбЗ ИП гд ЗУКОПЗг comma   ЮИб жИЪП ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб ж бЗ КУКОПг that   Эн еРЗ ЗбджЪ:

·  Mr. Ahmed, who is 45 years old, is a famous politician.

·  The company, which is in Cairo, employed 200 people.

Ё бЗНЩ Гд that / who  бЗ нУИЮегЗ НСЭ МС:

· The man for whom he works is German.

· The man that he works for is German.

Ё бЗНЩ едЗ ЪПг жМжП comma ЮИб жИЪП ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб бГд ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб гЪ that бЗ КдЭХб Ъд ЗбМгбЙ

· The man, that he works for, is German. ЧЧ

Ё бЗНЩ Эн ЗбМгбЙ ЗбКЗбнЙ жМжП commas ЮИб жИЪП ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб

· The man, who (=whom) he works for, is German. ь ь

Ё бЗНЩ Эн ЗбМгбЙ ЗбВКнЙ Где бЗ нгЯд ЗУКОПЗг that  ИПбЗ гд  which  ЕбЗ ЕРЗ КСЯдЗ НСЭ ЗбМС Эн гЯЗде ЗбГХбн:

·   The house cost him a lot of money. He lived in it.

The house inwhich he lived cost him a lot of money.

The house that he lived in cost him a lot of money.

Ё КхУКОПг what  ббЗФЗСЙ бЫнС ЗбЪЗЮб жбЗ нУИЮеЗ ЗУг жИЗбКЗбн бЗ КЪКИС гд Цгд ЦгЗЖС ЗбжХб:


What = the thing that / the things that

·  The things that we saw astonished us. = What we saw astonished us.

·   The thing that annoys him is that his friend always comes late.

= What annoys him is that his friend always comes late.

Ё жнгЯд Гд дУКОПг ЮИбwhat  НСЭ МС:

·  We laughed at what she said. (We laughed at thethingswhich she said.

·   We were interested inwhat she offered.

· We were interested in the thing which she offered.


Ё жнгЯд Гд дУКОПг what   ЯГПЗЙ ЗУКЭеЗг ббУДЗб Ъд ЫнС ЪЗЮб ЭЗЪб Гж гЭЪжб:

What did you buy yesterday?

What caused the fire?

Ё жнгЯд Гд дУКОПг what   Эн ЗбКЪМИ:

What a beautiful day!


Ё нгЯд ЗУКОПЗг to + inf. ИПбЗ гд ЪИЗСЙ ЗбжХб ЕРЗ ЯЗд ЦгнС ЗбжХб Эн ЗбМгбЙ нНб гНб ЗбЭЗЪб жЭн НЗбЙ жМжП гЗ нбн:


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