After / before / when / as soon as / no sooner / till / until 

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After / before / when / as soon as / no sooner / till / until


After                   ماضي تام                 ماضي بسيط                         

As soon as


As soon as I had seen her, I knew there was something wrong.

After he had read the report, he went to bed.

¨ لاحظ أنه يمكن أيضا استخدام الماضي البسيط بدلا من الماضي التام بعد after/as soon as:

¨ As soon as I saw the robber, I tried to catch him.

¨ لاحظ أن   after / before / when / as soon as يمكن أن تأتي في وسط الجملة أو بدايتها:

¨ Before he saw the film, he tidied / had tidied the room.

¨ He tidied / had tidied the room before he saw the film.

¨ لاحظ استخدام comma  بين الجملتين إذا بدأت الجملة بالروابط السابقة

After/As soon as + فاعل  + ماضي تام = Having + PP

After/As soon as he had done/ = Having done

● He worked in a restaurant after he had left school.     

Havingleft school, he worked in a restaurant.

As soon as we had arrived, we phoned our parents.    

Having arrived, we phoned our parents.

¨ في حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد  after / before / when نستخدم v.+ing:


Before  + v.+ing


¨ يمكن استخدام اسم بعد after / before:

After his father's death, he left the country.

= After his father had died, he left the country.

¨ لاحظ استخدام by the time   في الماضي:

By the time + ماضي بسيط                     ماضي تام

           ● The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.


¨ بصفة عامة عندما يكون الفعلان مع  when  في الماضي البسيط فان الفعل الذي يليها هو الذي حدث أولا:

When the play ended, the audience went home.

When he opened the window, the bird flew out.


¨ أحيانا تستخدم on  بدلا من  when   ويأتي بعدها الفعل مضافا له: ing

When she saw the snake, she screamed.

On seeing the snake, she screamed.


Before + ماضي بسيط                 ماضي تام


● First he passed the test. Then he got the license.

Before he got the license, he hadpassed the test.



¨ ماضي بسيط منفى + till / until             ماضي تام

¨ تأتي till/ until  في وسط الجملة و قبلها الماضي البسيط (غالبا منفي) و بعدها الماضي التام:


¨ Before he left, I had given him permission.

He didn’t leaveuntil I had given him permission.

¨ After she had typed the letter, she posted it. 

She didn’t post the letter until she had typed it.


¨ لا يكون الماضي البسيط قبل till/until  دائما منفي بل قد تكون الجملة أحيانا مثبتة:

¨ He stayed in bed until half past nine.

¨ أحيانا يستخدم الماضي التام  بعد  because بشرط أن تكون الجملة في الماضي والحدث بعد  because  هو الذي حدث أولا:

¨ Because he had been in prison, employers were unwilling to offer him a job.

¨ He looked tired yesterday because he had slept badly the night before.

¨ Leila was late for school because the bus had broken down.

¨He was angry because she had insulted him.

  ¨ يستخدم الماضي التام  مع الكلمات الدالة علي المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضي بسيط:

     for / ever / never / already / yet / just

§ The film has already started. (present perfect)

¨ في الجملة السابقة استخدمنا المضارع التام لوجود فعل واحد مع already:


§ The film had already startedwhen I arrived. (past perfect)

¨ ولاحظ الفرق أيضا بين الجملتين الآتيتين:

The man sitting next to me on the plane is nervous. He hasnever flown before.

The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous. He had never flown before.

More Examples:

§ When I met him, he hadn't finished his homework yet.

§ When I arrived home, my father had just left.

§ It was the best novel I had ever read.

§ The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it yet.

¨ لاحظ ما يلي:

¨ Before that + ماضي تام          ¨ After that + ماضي بسيط

§He went back home. Before that, he had finished his job.

§ She had seen the film. After that, she went to bed.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا في غير المباشر:

¨ She said she had seen the film the night before.

¨ وهذه الجملة كانت أصلا ماضي بسيط في المباشر وحولناه إلي الماضي التام في غير المباشر:

¨ She said, "I saw the film last night."

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام بعد By then/By+time   ومعناها قبل ذلك الوقت:

¨ He arrived home at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, the rain had stopped.

¨ By 2010, the project had been completed.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام بعد  wish  للتعبير عن التمني في الماضي:

¨ I wish I had worked harder last year.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا بعد  if  في الحالة الثالثة:

¨ If she hadn't called, I wouldn't have known.

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع التعبيرات الآتية:


It was only when   + ماضي تام       that + ماضي بسيط

¨ As soon as he had paid his debts, he left the town.

It was only when he had paid his debts that he left the town.

It wasn't until + ماضي تام         that + ماضي بسيط

¨She didn't leaveuntil she had got permission

It wasn't until she had got permission that she left.

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع:

no sooner                          than

فاعل  + had +    hardly + PP        when + ماضي بسيط         

Scarcely                            when


§ She left the house. She was run over by a car.    

She had no soonerleft the house than she was run over by a car.

§ He entered the office. His boss shouted at him.

He had hardly entered the office when his boss shouted at him.

§ إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى الكلمات السابقة ، تكون الجملة علي شكل سؤال:

§She left the house. She was run over by a car.

No sooner had she left the house than she was run over by a car.

¨ وفي حالة المبني للمجهول نستخدم:

     Had been + PP

¨ He said that he had cleaned the room.

He said that the room had been cleaned.

Exercises on Grammar

Choose the correct answer:

1-   At the age of seven, my parents (are taking – were taking – took – take) me to Jordan.

2- At the age of seven, he (gave – was given – has given – had given) a prize for a drawing of an animal.

3- Someone phoned me while I (cook – was cooked – am cooking – was cooking) the dinner.

4- While my car (was mending – was being mended – has mended – had mended), I went shopping.

5- While my mother was doing the washing up, my baby sister (was looking – has been looked – was being looked – had looked) after.

6- As soon as he (takes – has taken – will take – had taken) the photograph, he showed it to his friend.

7- As soon as the robbers (had arrested – had been arrested – were arresting – are arrested), they were taken to jail.

8- I (have seen – saw – would see – was seen) him a few days ago.

9- He (didn't use to - isn't used to – used – uses) need much sleep, but he does now.

10- (Are – Is – Did – Does) you use to play with dolls?

11- While he was finishing one story, he (thinks – is thinking – was thinking – has thought) of another one.

12- My last e-mail (send – was sending – has sent – was sent) to six people.

13- When she (is – was – was being – has been) seven, she wrote a poem which won a prize.

14- She (writes – has written – wrote – will write) poetry for 7 years, but now she writes novels.

15- This film (directed – had directed – was directed – was directing) by Thomas Wilson.

16- Yesterday, my sister (gives – has given – gave – would give) me a book she had finished reading the day before.

17- The washing machine (delivered - delivers – was delivered – had delivered) while I was reading the newspaper.

18- While I (have come – were coming – was coming – had come) to school today, I saw an old friend.

19- At six o'clock yesterday evening, I (was watching - am watching – have been watching – watch) TV.

20- As soon as we arrived at school, the first lesson (began – has begun – had begun – begins).

21- What (did you do – have you done – were you doing – do you do) when I called you? You sounded very busy.

22- I (had had – have had – was having – have) my own computer for 3 years before anything wrong went with it.

23- While my sister (does – has done – was doing – had been doing) her homework, she was listening to music.

24- A few years ago, my parents (are lived - were lived – have lived – lived)  in a small flat in the city centre.

25- Yesterday evening, we (were revising - revised – have revised – was revising) for our English test when all the lights went out.

26- Our school (was opening – has opened – was opened – opening) exactly 25 years ago today.

27- Our block of flats (was built - build – has been built – was building) five years ago.

28- Yesterday evening, the programme (was watching - to watch – was watched – has been watched) by a million people.

29- The room (was cleaning – was being cleaned – would clean)  when the earthquake happened.

30- My mother made me a cake. It (tasted - was tasting – is tasting – has tasted) of lemons.

31- It was dark when we reached the beach because the sun (had gone – has gone – is gone – will go) down.

32- After Mona had played the piano, she (was helping – has helped – helped – will help) her sister with her homework.

33- After leaving school yesterday, I (visit – was visiting - visited – have visited) my grandfather.

34- I (was starting – have started – am starting – started) this school in 2016.

35- Before I (had had - had – was having – have had) breakfast this morning, I had brushed my teeth.

36- When I was younger, I used (to play – play – playing – played) tennis with my friend.

37- Before the start of this lesson, I (spoke – have spoken – speak – was spoken) to my English teacher.

38- By the time he was 12, my brother (learnt – had learnt – has learnt – learns) 3 languages.

39- When I went to my friend's flat, she (already left – has already left – had already left) for school.

40- Last year, I spent a month in France. I (dream – had dreamt – has dreamt – was dreaming) of going there since I was a child.

41- Leila and her husband (move – have moved –moved – had been moving) into their own flat last weekend. Before that they had lived with Leila's parents.

42- My father retired last week. He (worked – has worked – has been working – had worked) for the same company for 25 years.

43- Karim fell asleep during the football match because he (had gone – has gone – was going – is going) to bed late the night before.

44- Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he (wasn't having – had not had – doesn't have – won't have) enough time to eat before it started.

45- Hassan (borrows – has borrowed – borrowed – was borrowing) money from Ali because he had left his money at home.

46- Adel asked which team was red because he (doesn't see – hasn't seen – can't see – had not seen) these teams before.

47- Jack knew Steve was at the match because Steve (had phoned – phones – was phoning – would phone) him before he went.

48- By the time she (finishes - finished – has finished – was finishing) writing her report, she had drunk six cups of tea.

49- The town was flooded. It (has rained – had been raining – has been raining – rains) for 3 days.

50- After I (finish – have finished – had been finishing – had finished) my homework, I watched my favourite TV programme.

51- Before (wrote – writing – had written – has written) this novel, he had become famous as a playwright.

52- After his father had died, the mother (doesn't send – won't sent – hasn't sent – didn't send) her son to school.

53- By the time Ahmed was 20, his father (had spent – was spending - has spent – is spending) all his money.

54- He (has found – found - finds – will find) work as a secretary to someone who had been a friend of his father's.

55- The man Ahmed (may work – will work – worked – works) for in Paris had known his father.

56- We didn't want to go and see the film again. We (have already seen - had already seen – will have already seen – may have already seen) it twice.

57- When Patricia got into her car, she remembered she (was leaving – has left – had left – has been leaving) the water boiler on.

58- Grandpa (has – has had – was having – had had) his last car for thirty years when he sold it last year.

59- Although he (spent – was spending – has spent – spends) his early childhood in Germany, he doesn't remember anything from that time now.

60- Vegetables and fruits don't taste as delicious as they (used to be – used to do – were used to – used to have) when I was a kid.

61- What were the two boys talking about when we (were arriving – had arrived – have arrived – arrived).

62- Ali moved to this city five years ago, but it seems he still (hasn't – didn't – isn't – doesn't) used to living with the heavy traffic here.

63- I have lost my pen, and I don't remember where I last (was using – used – have used – use) it.

64- It was a real surprise because she had no idea that they (had organized – have organised – organize – to organize) a birthday party for her.

65-   Children soon (get used to – used to – is used to – was used to) spending much of their free time online.

66- When the film finished, I (had set – was setting - set – have set) the alarm clock and went to bed.

67- Nora had asked all her friends for advice before she (decided – has decided – had decided – decides) to quit her job.

68- They had evacuated أخلواthe whole building by the time the fire (spreads – has spread – spread – had spread) to all the floors.

69- I don't seem to be able to concentrate on my work because I (don't have – didn't have – haven't had – wasn't having) enough sleep last night.

70- When we met again, Sally and I (don't see – didn't see – haven't seen – hadn't seen) each other for more than fifteen years.

71- The plumber wanted to repair our washing machine that (had broken – was breaking – has broken – would break) a few days before.

72- The reporter said that a car (had been crashing - had crashed – was crashing – has crashed) into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.

73- That's terrible! A four-year old boy (fall - fell – was falling – has been falling) from a bridge while he was running after his dog.

74- The lights went out as we (were discussing – have discussed – were discussed – discuss) the plans for the wedding.

75- I was driving on a road in the mountains when I (was running - ran – have run – have been running) out of petrol.

76- Nora bought an ice cream and then she (went – was going – had gone – goes) home.

77- By the time they got to the theatre, the play (has already started – was already starting - had already – was already being started) started.

78- After the orchestra had finished the concert, they (had received – were receiving - received – have received) standing ovations. صفق لهم الحاضرون وقوفاً

79- No sooner (had the sun risen – the sun had risen – was the sun risen – the sun rose) than the fog disappeared.

80- Nobody (didn't leave - left – were leaving – leaves) the room until the police had arrived.


Language Functions

Asking for opinion السؤال عن الرأي Giving opinion التعبير عن الرأي
How do you think (we can reduce pollution)? I think that..
What's your opinion about (modern novels)? I don't think that..
What do you think I should do (to improve my English)? I'd say that …

What do you think of / about (yesterday's match)?

As far as I am concerned..
In my opinion..
From my point of view..


Test 1 on Unit ONE

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:

1. Early black and white photos show people in (old-fashioned / ancient fashioned / new fashioned / torn) clothes.

2. The Sun is at its strongest at (midnight – midyear – dawn – midday).

3. I do not really have a (protein - routine – valentine – bulletin) during the holidays.

4. My friend and I are going to enter an athletics (connection – combination – competition – compression). We all hope to win something.

5. I sent an e-mail with two (attachments – attainments – developments – adjustments). They were photos of my friends.

6. I really enjoyed this book. It is written in a very simple (direction – establishment – style – location).

7. Yehia Haqqi came from a poor (district – restrict – instinct – distinct) of Cairo.

8. My brother wants to be a lawyer when he graduates, so he's studying (low - law – blow – throw) at university.

9. The windows at school (have to clean – were cleaned – cleaned – has been cleaned) this morning.

10. My father (is taking – has taken – took – takes) me to the football match two days ago.

11. We (told – are telling – was told – were told) to give in our homework on Thursday.

12. There was a strong smell and the sound of frying. Obviously Mrs. Jones (cooks – was cooking – has cooked – was cooked) fish.

13. While the guests (were dancing – dance – have danced – had danced), thieves broke into the house and stole a lot of money.

14. How long (you know – do you know – have you known – you knew) Mr. Ahmed? –For ten years.

15. We (miss – had missed – are missing – have missed) the bus. Now, we'll have to walk.

16. After the room (paint – was painting – is painted – had been painted), it was decorated.

B - Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Many people wonder what blood is. Is it just a red liquid? In fact, blood is a clear, somewhat gold-colored, protein-rich liquid full of red and white cells. The presence of red cells gives it the red colour. When separated from the rest of the blood, the clear fluid, called plasma, is almost like water. The reason that blood is more like syrup than water is the addition of red and white cells, and platelets, which combine to make up 40 to 45 percent of blood volume. Just as a glass of mud is more difficult to pour than a glass of water, because mud is actually a mixture of water plus dirt particles, blood is thicker because its plasma has red and white blood cells. From this standpoint, blood truly is thicker than water. The “thickness” of a liquid is known as its viscosity. The slower something flows, the more viscous it is. Blood, for example, is three to four times more viscous than water.


All of the various components of blood have vital functions. As an
example, the plasma serves as the liquid that suspends the red and white
blood cells, along with all of the other chemical compounds and various
materials that use the bloodstream to travel throughout the body. It also
regulates the movement of heat from the body’s core to the skin, the head, and the parts of the human body furthest from the heart, for example, the toes and nose. The red blood cells have a primary role of transporting oxygen from lungs to cells, while the white blood cells help defend against infection from invading organisms and foreign proteins.

Choose the correct answer:

1-According to the passage, white blood cells help humans to ---------.

a) breathe normally                     b) avoid viruses

c) sleep well                                           d) get up early


2-Without red blood cells, man will certainly --------.

a) die                                            b) live longer

c) feel happier                              d) work harder



3-It is understood from the passage that water flows ---------- blood.

a) as fast as                                 b) faster than

c) more slowly than                    d) as slowly as


4-The underlined word “ it “ refers to ---------.

a) bloodstream                            b) the human body

c) plasma                                      d) a chemical compound


Answer the following questions:

5-Why is blood thicker than water?

6-Mention just one function of plasma.

7-What is the main role of red blood cells?

8-Find words in the passage which mean:

a) in addition to                 b) different


C- Writing

Write an email of ONE HUNDRED AND Eighty (180) words:

Your name is Ahmed. Your friend’s name is Ali. His address is
You're going to write about:  " the important role of women in society"

A)Translate into Arabic:

1-Egyptian women have always played a vital role in development projects.

1. 2-Unless we solve the problem of global warming, our planet would be in great danger.

B) Translate into English:                

1- ينبغي علي الشباب تعلُم مهارات جديدة لكي يكونوا قادرين علي مواجهة المنافسة الشرسة في سوق العمل.

2- يُعتبر إرنست هيمنجواي أحد أعظم كتاب الرواية في القرن العشرين.

Test 2 on Unit ONE


1- That author's books are very successful, so I think he will easily find a (washer – writer – publisher – destroyer) for his next book.

2- He was a successful writer when people realized that his books (had written – written – had been written – wrote) by other people.

3- The writer checked what his assistants (have written – were writing – had written – have been writing).

4- When I saw him, he (hadn't finished - hasn't finished – wasn't finishing – doesn't finish) his work yet.

5- He didn't know the truth until he (reads - has read – would read – had read) the newspaper.

6- No sooner (he had – has he – had he – would he) left the building than it collapsed.

7- I was terribly afraid because I (have – am – was – had) never flown before.

8- The child was so exhausted because he (has been playing – has played – was playing – had been playing) all day.

9- You have (done - made – acted – achieved) two mistakes in the test.

10- Ali (did - made – acted – achieved) a good job when he made that new table.

11- Ali still (detests – resists – insists – assists) that he did nothing wrong.

12- Prices have risen by a/an (average – coverage – barrage – rage) of 4% over the past year.

13- The teacher is (impatient – independent - insistent –inconvenient) that the school is not to blame for the situation.

14- My grandmother has spent a lot of time reading since her (development – amazement – arrangement – retirement).

15- We haven't yet (accomplished - established – cashed – smashed) the cause of the accident.

16- The course is designed to help students (develop – destroy – avoid – delete) their speaking skills.

B-Reading Comprehension


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