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II. Put 10 questions to the text.

III. Read and translate into Russian.

to observe — observation, to invent — invention, to transform —transformation, to transmit — transmission, to produce — production. to connect — connection, to construct — construction, to depend — dependence, to apply - appliance, to require — requirement, to develop – development


IV. Give Russian equivalents to the following adjectives, paying attention to the suffixes.

scientific, electric, experimental, industrial, cultural, natural, useful, peaceful, principal, active, attractive, negative, central, various, famous, dangerous


V. Give Russian equivalents and compare them with English words.

publish, transformer, transformation, transmission, electromagnetic, specialist, modern, automation, transportation, communication, system, to lead, industry, electricity, construction, atomic, to operate, atom, hydroelectric, academician, contribution.

VI. Retell the text.




Lesson 5.



                      Great Russian scientist



                                    M.V. Lomonosov


Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist and poet, was born in 1711 not far from Kholmogory in Archangeiskaya region.

He began his working life when he was still a boy. The son of a fisherman, Misha often went with his father to the White Sea and to the Arctic Ocean. He learned much about nature and about the life of his country. At an early age Lomonosov was eager to learn and read every book he could find in his village of Denisovka. Soon he knew by heart a few books that he had found.

At the age of 19 the young man left his home and went on foot to Moscow where he succeeded to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy, the only higher educational institution at that time. His first years of study were difficult, but Mikhail worked hard and made great progress. His teachers saw how clever and industrious he was and five years later he was sent to the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences in St. Peters­burg. His unusual ability as a student became evident very soon, and Lomonosov was sent to Germany to study chemistry and metallurgy.

In 1745 Lomonosov was elected to the Academy and appointed professor of chemistry.

M. Lomonosov founded the first chemical laboratory in 1748. His discover­ies enriched many branches of knowledge. Lomonosov's ideas forestalled the science of that time. Lomonosov was a great physicist, chemist and astrono­mer. He formulated the main principles of one of the basic laws of physics — the law of conservation of matter and motion.

Lomonosov developed a corpuscular theory of the structure of substance in which he anticipated the present-day theory of atoms and molecules. He constantly emphasized the nessesity of a close connection between chemistry and physics.  

Besides this M. Lomonosov wrote poetry (verses) that had a great effect on the development of the Rus­sian literary language. The first Russian grammar was written by him as well.

Moscow University was founded on the initiative of Lomonosov in 1755.

M. Lomonosov was generally recognized as one of the most outstanding persons in the world in the 18th century.

Lomonosov was a great patriot deeply loving his Motherland and had a great desire to make it a prosperous country.

Lomonosov died in 1765, at the age of 54.


Words and word combinations:

eager – полный страстного желания, стремящийся

 fisherman - рыбак

to know by heart – знать наизусть

ability - способность, умение

Arctic Ocean – Северный Ледовитый океан

 White Sea - Белое море

succeed – достигать цели, преуспевать,

to enter – поступать (в высшее учебное заведение)

industrious – трудолюбивый, усердный, прилежный

the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy – Славяно-греко-

                         латинская академия

evident – очевидный, ясный

appoint –назначать, определять

enrich - обогащать

forestall – опережать, предупреждать, предвосхищать

the law of conservation of matter and motion-

      закон сохранения материи и движения

a corpuscular theory – корпускулярная теория

anticipate – предвидеть, ускорять, приближать

emphasized – придавать особое значение, подчеркивать

initiative – инициатива

 desire - сильное желание

outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый

a prosperous - процветающий


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:


Сын рыбака, самая выдающаяся личность, постоянно подчеркивал необходимость, знал наизусть, ему удалось поступить, единственное высшее учебное заведение, его необычные способности, был избран и назначен, послали в Германию, сформулировал главные принципы, первая русская грамматика, огромное желание.      


II.Translate the following international words.


Academy, metallurgy, professor, formulate, atom, theory, astronomer, corpuscular, substance, molecules, patriot, chemistry, basic.




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