About Higher Education in Great Britain 

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About Higher Education in Great Britain


The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. The main sources of higher educational institutions are: universities (including the Open University 1), teacher-training colleges and polytechnics.

British universities come in all ages, sizes and shapes. The oldest of them, Oxford and Cambridge, founded in the 12-th and 13-th centuries took the students from all over the country. The younger civic 2 or “Redbrick” universities 3 serving the needs of their cities were organized in the 19-th century. The newest “Whitebrick” universities 4 came into existence during the 1960s.

Admission to universities is by examination or selection in the form of interviews. Applications from candidates for admission to nearly all universities are submitted to the Universities’ Central Council on Admissions (UCCA) 5.

It is the UCCA that sends the copies to different universities and each university selects its own students.

British universities are independent, self-governing institutions. Although they all receive financial support from the state (about 79 per cent), the Department of Education and Science 6 has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations and the way in which the money is spent.

Teacher education includes all forms of education provided mostly by teacher-training colleges which receive their grants directly from the Department of Education and Science. The great majority of colleges are maintained by the Local Education Authorities 7. The most usual route to a teaching qualification is by way of three or four year course, leading to the Bachelor of Education Degree.

The universities and teacher-training colleges are classed as higher educational institutions because they award degrees. The normal duration of a first degree course is three of four years. At the end a Bachelor Degree is awarded on the results of examinations. A Master Degree is usually awarded after a further year or two years of studies. The highest degree is the Doctor of Philosophy. It is awarded for research and submission of a thesis-normally after Bachelor and Master Degrees.

Apart from the Universities and teacher-training colleges there are 30 polytechnics in England and Wales and 14 Scottish central institutions.

The work of the Polytechnics is of university level. But the universities, funded directly by the state, are less controlled than the Polytechnics. Local Education Authorities are responsible for the budgets of the Polytechnics. Their work is planned and financed by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council 8.

Most degrees in Polytechnics are awarded by a national body called the Council for National Academic Awards 9. The Council ensures that the degrees awarded in polytechnics are equal to the degrees awarded by universities.

Polytechnics award the Diploma in Technology. The usual course for the diploma is 3 years for full-time students and 4 years for “sandwich” course ones. The “sandwich” course students alternate periods of full-time education and full-time employment. These courses provide many people with the opportunity of receiving higher technical education.

Notes to the text:

1Open University – открытый университет

2civic university – городской университет

3“Redbrick” university –“краснокирпичный” университет

4“Whitebrick” university = new university – новый «белокирпичный» университет

5The Universities’ Central Council on Admission(UCCA) – Центральный совет по вопросам приема в университет

6The Department of Education and Science – Министерство просвещения и науки

7Local Education Authorities – местные органы народного образования

8Polytechnics’ and Colleges’ Funding Council – Совет по финансированию колледжей и политехнических институтов

9the Council for National Academic Awards – Совет по национальным академическим квалификациям.


Задание 6. Просмотрите текст и найдите информацию о том, какие типы высших учебных заведений существуют в Великобритании. Дополните нижеприведенную схему полученными сведениями:

higher educational establishments








2 3



a b c d    


Задание 7. Прочитайте 2-й абзац текста и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

British universities are divided into groups according to:

a) age;           b)size;          c) shape


Задание 8. Во втором абзаце текста встречается словосочетание «civic universities – городские университеты». Почему они получили такое название? Выберите ответ на этот вопрос из приведенных ниже:

а). Они получили такое название потому, что принимали только жителей данного города.

б). Они так названы потому, что противопоставлялись старым университетам, принимавших студентов со всей страны.

в). Они названы «городскими» потому, что находились в черте города.


Задание 9. Найдите в третьем абзаце текста перевод следующего предложения с усилительной конструкцией:
«Именно Центральный совет по вопросам приема в университеты рассылает копии в разные университеты».

Задание 10. Из предложенных пунктов плана по теме «Высшее образование в Великобритании» выберите те, которые затронуты в тексте, и расположите их в порядке следования в тексте.

1. The main sources of higher education in Great Britain.

2. Academic year in British higher educational establishments.

3. Types of British universities.

4. Admission to British universities.

5. Differences between public and private educational establishments.

6. Functions of the Department of Education and Science.

7. Teacher education and the way to it.

8. Financial aid of the government to the students.

9. Scientific degrees awarded by the British higher educational establishments.

10. Polytechnics and their educational and financial authorities.

11. Types of courses provided by Polytechnics.


Задание 11. Выберите из текста и переведите предложения (абзацы), где описываются:

1) особенности приема в британские университеты,

2) органы, финансирующие и контролирующие высшие учебные заведения Великобритании.


Задание 12. Подберите в правой колонке слова для определений в левой колонке. Найдите в тексте и переведите пред-ложения с этими словами.

1) to help financially 2) a list of subjects which are to be taught at some educational institutions 3) academic title given by a university to one who has passed an examination or defended a thesis. 4) a request, especially in written form. 5) to give as a result of an official decision, e.g. a degree, a prize, a medal. 6) money given by the state for a particular purpose, e.g. to a university or a student 7) a group of persons who do smth. together in a planned way. 8) to provide money for smth. a) application b) to award c) curriculum d) to fund e) to support f) degree g) body h) grant


Задание 13. Из списка, приведенного после предложений, подберите эквиваленты к выделенным словам:

1. The main places of full-time education in Great Britain are: universities, teacher-training colleges and polytechnics.

2. The oldest universities Oxford and Cambridge were organized in the 12-th century.

3. Written requests from candidates for acceptance in Britain are sent to the UCCA.

4. Each university chooses its own students.

5. The department of Education and Science has no control over their rules, programs and examinations.

6. The most usual way to teaching profession is by means of teacher-training colleges.

7. The universities and teacher-training colleges are classed as higher education sector, because they confer (give) degrees.

8. Polytechnics are officially called as higher education sector.

9. The “sandwich” course students change periods of full-time education and full-time employment.


alternate, describe, award, qualification, route, curriculum, regulations, selects, admission, applications, were founded, sources.

Задание 14. Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.


Задание 15. Сравните университеты Великобритании, выбрав подходящее по смыслу прилагательное или сравнительную конструкцию для слов, данных в скобках.

1). The two (старейший) universities in England date back to the Middle Ages. 2). Oxford is (такой же старый, как) Cambridge. 3). Redbrick universities are (не такие старые, как) Scottish universities. 4). The Scottish universities St. Andrew’s, Glasgo and Aberdeen belong to the (старейший) universities. 5). St. Andrew’s university is (почти такой же старый, как) Cambridge. 6). “Whitebrick” universities are (моложе), than “Redbrick” ones. 7). The (более новые) universities in Great Britain concentrate on technology. 8). Open university is the (самый революционный) of all post-war universities. a) most revolutionary b) younger c) al old as d) oldest e) newer f) almost as old as g) not so old as  


Задание 16. Найдите причастия I и II в следующих предложениях и определите их функции. Предложения переведите:

1. The Open University founded in 1971 is one of the most revolutionary universities in Great Britain.

2. Students enrolled to the Open University study from several weeks to 3 or 4 years.

3. Receiving lessons and lectures by means of special TV and radio programmes, students of the OU study at home.

4. Sending educational materials to students by mail the Open University enables people to study without leaving their job.

5. After a course of studies lasting 3 or 4 years a student may sit for a final examination.

6. A qualification awarded on the basis of 3 or 4 years course is called a Bachelor Degree.

7. The course leading to a Bachelor Degree is called a degree course.

8. The courses of Arts and Science offered by the OU lead to the first scientific degree.

9. The degree-awarding body in Great Britain is the Council for National Academic Awards.


Задание 17. Вспомните названия учреждений, контролирующих и финансирующих высшие учебные заведения Великобри-тании. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями, основываясь на инфор-мации текста. Используйте выражения:

That’s right!

I think so.

Of course not.

I don’t think so.

That is wrong!

1. The applications for admission to British universities are sent to the Department of Education and Science.

2. The Department of Education and Science does not control rules, programs and examinations in most British universities.

3. Almost all teacher-training colleges receive their grants directly from the Department of Education and Science.

4. The work of the Polytechnics is planned and financed by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council.

5. Local Educational Authorities do not bear responsibility for the budgets of the Polytechnics.

6. Most degrees in Polytechnics are awarded by the Council for National Academic Awards.

7. The Council for National Academic Awards ensures that the degrees awarded by Polytechnics are equal to the degrees awarded by Universities.


Задание 18. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. The main sources of British higher educational establishments are:...,..., and....

2. British universities come in all ages,... and....

3. Admission to the universities is by... or....

4. British universities are self-governing....

5. Teacher education is provided by.......

6. The universities and teacher-training colleges are classed as higher education sector because they.......

7. Polytechnics are officially described..........

8. Polytechnics provide many people with the opportunity of receiving..........

9. Polytechnics award.......

10. The usual course for the diploma is 3 years for...... and 4 years for..........


Задание 19. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the main sources of higher education in Great Britain?

2. How are British universities classified?

3. How are the British students admitted to the universities?

4. What is the role of the Department of Education ad Science in controlling universities?

5. What financial support do the universities get from the state?

6. What are the main sources of teacher education in Great Britain?

7. How are the teacher-training colleges maintained?

8. What is the usual way to get a teaching qualification?

9. Why are universities and teacher-training colleges classed as higher educational institutions?

10. How many years do the students study to get a Bachelor Degree, a Master Degree?

11. When is the highest degree awarded? What is it?

12. How many Polytechnics are there in Great Britain and Scotland?

13. Are the British Polytechnics of the university level?

14. What organizations fund the Polytechnics?

15. What bodies control the work of the Polytechnics?

16. Are the degrees awarded by Polytechnics comparable in level to the degrees awarded by Universities?

17. What national body awards degrees and diplomas at the Polytechnics?

18. What types of courses do the Polytechnics provide?

19. How many years do the students study there?

Задание 20. Перечертите схему в тетрадь и дополните ее недостающими данными. Расскажите о структуре высшего образования Великобритании:



Sources of higher educational

institutions in Great Britain







































“Redbrick” universities




30... in...


14... in...















Admission to universities




2 types of courses
















Sources of financial support


Sources of financial support


Sources of financial support
















Scientific degrees



Diploma in Technology























Text 2B


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие интернациональные слова. Проверьте их значения по словарю.

to combine [kəm’bain], monopoly [mə’nɔpəli], alternative [ɔ:l’tə:nətiv], officially [ə’fiʃəli], sector [‘sektə], contrast [‘kɔntræst], business [‘biznis], engineering [,endʒi’niəriɳ], integral [‘intiɡrəl], financial [fai’nænʃəl], federal [‘fedərəl], personal [‘pə:snl], organization [,ɔ:gənai’zeiʃən].


Задание 2. Почитайте и запомните следующие словосочетания. Они помогут вам лучше понять содержание текста:

campus – университетский городок

innovative – новаторский, передовой

private – частный

parents’ income – доход родителей

obviously – очевидно, ясно

to administer – контролировать, распределять

sponsoring agency – попечительское агентство


Задание 3. Зная значения выделенных слов, переведите следующие словосочетания:

support – поддержка, помощь(материальная);

financial support; government support

source – источник;

local, state, and federal sources

grant – субсидия, дотация, стипендия;

Parliamentary grants; students’ grants


Задание 4. Прочитайте текст 2В и выберите заглавие из приведенных ниже:

1. The structure of British and American universities.

1. Educational aims of universities in the USA and Great Britain.

2. American and British universities: resemblance and differences.



Text 2B


There is no national system of education and Ministry of Education in the Usa such as exists in Great Britain. The British Department of Education and Science controls higher education sector in the country. In contrast, education in America is largely a business of the individual state, not of the Federal Government. Each of fifty states has its own system of education. Universities and colleges of Great Britain are usually small and traditional. American higher educational establishments, combining a number of different colleges and professional schools are usually larger and more innovative than British ones, sometimes with 25.000 to 35.000 students on one campus. Universities have never had a monopoly on higher learning. Teacher training colleges and polytechnics are alternatives to universities for some English students. Some of them are of university level and their work is officially described as the higher education sector. On the contrary, all schools of education, engineering and business studies are integral parts of universities in the U.S. British universities receive about 79% of their financial support through Parliamentary grants. Similarly in the USA, public institutions get about 75% of their funds from local, state or federal sources, but private colleges and universities receive little or no government support. In Britain personal financial aid provided by the government to over 80% of the students is administered according to the parents’ income. In the U.S., students’ grants are administered by the university or the sponsoring agency and are supplied by private organizations and the state or federal governments. Obviously, British and American universities have similar educational goals but different sources of financial support.


Задание 5. Выберите наиболее подходящее вводное предложение, определяющее главную идею текста, из приведенных ниже вариантов:

A. The organization and aims of the universities in the Usa and Great Britain are different.

B. British universities differ from American ones in size and operation.

C. American and British universities have identical educational aims and sources of financial aid but are different in organization and operation.


Задание 6. Прочтите текст еще раз и разделите его на абзацы, соответствующие логическим частям текста.

Задание 7. Сформулируйте основную мысль каждой логической части текста.

Задание 8. Расположите пункты плана в соответствии с содержа-нием текста.

1) American and British higher education systems compared.

2) Sources of financial support.

3) The organization and size of U.S. and British universities.

4) Students’ grants in Great Britain and in the USA.

5) Types of higher educational establishments and their structure.


Задание 9. Перечертите данную таблицу в тетрадь и письменно ответьте на вопросы о системе высшего образования США и Великобритании.

Questions in Great Britain in the USA
1. Is there a national system of higher education in the country? Yes, there is a national system of higher education in Great Britain. No, there is no national system of education in the USA.
2. What government bodies control higher education in the country?    
3. What is the size of universities and colleges?    
4. What types of higher educational institutions exist in the country?    
5. Where do the universities receive their financial support from?    
6. How is financial aid provided for the students?    


Задание 10. Используя предыдущие упражнения, составьте описательную аннотацию на русском языке на основе следующей схемы:

В тексте под названием «.....» сравниваются (описываются)...

Главная идея текста заключается в том, что...

Текст можно разделить на... логические части.

В первой части приводятся данные о...

Во второй части рассматриваются...

Третья часть информирует о...

Далее сообщается о...

В связи с этим излагаются сведения о...

В заключение обобщается информация... (делается вывод..., суммируются данные...)



Text 2C


Задание 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст без словаря.


Higher Education in the USA


There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Higher education is given in colleges and universities. There are over 2100 various higher educational institutions including colleges, technological institutes and universities. The average college course of studies is 4 years. The academic year usually has 2 terms of four and a half months each.

Students choose a major subject and in 4 years they get a traditional Bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school 1 and with a year or two of further studies get a Master’s degree. After another year or two years of studies and research they may get a still higher degree – Doctor of Philosophy.

The student’s progress is evaluated by means of tests, term works and final examinations. The student’s work is given a mark, usually on a five point scale 2. Letters indicate the level of achievement: “A” is the highest mark and “F” is the worst (the lowest) one.


Notes to the text:

1graduate school – старшие курсы

2five point scale – 5-бальная система


Задание 2. Переведите текст письменно со словарём:


Types of University Degrees in Great Britain


In Britain the most usual titles for the first degrees are Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science and for the second ones are Master of Arts and Master of Science accordingly. Doctor of Philosophy is the highest scientific degree.

After a course of studies lasting three or four years the student sits for a final examination. The present three-year degree course in Great Britain is one of the shortest in the world.

Throughout the Middle Ages studies in Arts were the first stage of university education. Following this tradition Oxbridge 1 still calls the first degree in most faculties Bachelor of Arts.

First degree courses are of two main kinds: those in which the students specialize with some intensity, and those which allow them to spread their studies over a wider field but with less intensity.

Having finished the first-degree courses the graduates may follow the post-graduate ones. They lead to higher degrees, most of which are Master’s or Doctor’s degrees.


Notes to the text:

1Oxbridge – сокращенное название двух старейших университетов Великобритании – Оксфорда и Кембриджа


Text 2D

Задание 1. Запомните произношение и значение следующих слов и словосочетаний.

chancellor [‘tʃa:nsələ] – ректор или президент

to elect for life – избирать пожизненно

don [‘dɔn] – преподаватель британского университета

tutor [‘tju:tə] – преподаватель, куратор, руководитель группы студентов в британских университетах

tutorial system – университетская система обучения в Оксфорде и Кембридже; тьюторская система

tuition [tju:’iʃn] – обучение

to guide [‘gaid] – руководить

to require [ri’kwaiə] – требовать, приказывать

gown [‘gaun] – мантия


Задание 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания, включающие Participle I and II:

the university located at the Cam river; a self-governing body; the chancellor elected for life; the teachers called “dons” and “tutors”; lectures organized by the university; teaching carried out by tutorial system; tutor guiding the students.


Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.




Cambridge is one of the two main universities in England located at the Cam River. It was founded at the beginning of the 12-th century. The University consists of 24 different colleges including 4 colleges for women. Each college is a self-governing body.

The chancellor elected for life is the head of the University. The teachers are commonly called “dons” and “tutors”. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the University. Besides lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system for which the Cambridge University is famous all over the world. This is a system of individual tuition organized by the colleges.

Each student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor plans the student’s work and once a week the student goes to his tutor to discuss his work with him.

The training course lasts 4 years. The academic year is divided into 3 terms. The students study natural and technical sciences, law, history, languages, geography and many other subjects.

After three years of study a student may proceed to a Bachelor’s degree, and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor. The older the University is, the more traditions it has. Students of Cambridge are required to wear gowns at lectures, in the University library, in the street in the evening, for dinners in the colleges and for official visits. All the students must pay for their education, examinations, books, laboratories, university hostel, the use of libraries, etc. Very few students get grants. Not many children from the working class families are able to get higher education, as the cost is high. The cost of education depends on the college and speciality.


Задание 4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

располагаться, самоуправляемый орган, избирать пожизненно, быть известным, тьюторская система, преподаватели (Оксфорда и Кембриджа), ректор (президент) университета, индивидуальное обучение, руководить, курс обучения, естественные науки, юрис-пруденция, носить мантию, субсидия (стипендия), стоимость, зависеть от.


Задание 5. Используя подстановочную таблицу, составьте предложения:

Cambridge is; are consists of... organizes.... ...one of the oldest English universities. ...located on the Cam River. ...24 colleges including 4 colleges for women. ...headed by the chancellor who is elected for life. ...commonly called «dons»and «tutors». ...the teaching process by means of lectures and tutorials. ...famous for its tutorial system all over the world.


Задание 6. Исправьте предложения, не соответствующие содержанию текста, используя фразы:”That’s wrong!”; “I don’t think so!”; “On the contrary!”:

1. Cambridge is famous for its lectures organized by the University.

2. Tutorial system is a system of tuition where students do not meet as a group.

3. Only some students have tutors through the whole course of studies.

4. The tutor plans the student’s work and once a week the student discusses his work with him.

5. Students are required to wear gowns only for official visits.

Задание 7. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правом столбце.

1. Cambridge was founded... 2. The University consists of... 3. The head of the University is... 4. The teachers are... 5. Part of the teaching is done... 6. Teaching is also carried out... 7. Each student has... 8. Students are required... A. by tutorial system for which Cam-bridge is famous all over the world. B. by means of lectures organized by the University. C. a tutor who guides him through the course of studies. D. 24 different colleges including 4 colleges for women. E. to wear gowns at lectures, in the street, for official visits. F. commonly called «dons» and «tutors». G. the chancellor who is elected for life. H. at the beginning of the 12-th century.

Задание 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When was Cambridge University founded?

2. How many colleges are included in the University?

3. Who is the head of the University?

4. How are the Cambridge teachers called?

5. How is the teaching process organized at the University?

6. What does the tutorial system mean?

7. What degrees are awarded at the University?

8. How many years do the students study?

9. How many terms has the academic year in England?

10. Do the students pay for their education?

11. Do many children from the working-class families study at the University? Why?


Задание 9. Прочитайте текст ещё раз и коротко расскажите об особенностях обучения и традициях, характерных для Кембриджского университета. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

the head of the University; chancellor; to elect for life; “dons” and “tutors”; tutorial system; famous all over the world; individual tuition; to guide through the course of training; to wear gowns.

Задание 10. Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод слова “one” в разных функциях.


Tutorial system at Oxbridge1


In its original form tutorial is an informal weekly meeting or lesson of an individual student with his “tutor” i.e. university teacher who guides the studies of a number of students or a single one. The form which the tutorial takes varies according to the subject and the institution, but it always involves informal discussion. “One can translate the word “tutorial” as “консультация”, although they are clearly far from being equivalents.

Each student goes to his tutor’s room for an hour every week to discuss an essay which the student has written. A student does not necessarily go only to one tutor in his own college for all his tutorials. He may be assigned to another don in his own college or in another one when he is studying some particular topic which is outside the special interest of his tutor.

The term “tutor” usually has one of the following meanings:

1. a private teacher, especially one who instructs a single pupil and sometimes one who lives with the family of his pupil;

2. one of the teaching staff to whom students can go for advice and help both with general problems related to his studies (f. ex. choice of courses, difficulties in keeping up with their fellow-students) and also practical problems, such as family matters, finding accommodation, and so on. Each tutor has several students but they do not meet as a group.


1Oxbridge – invented name or the abbreviation for the oldest British Universities Oxford and Cambridge. Sometimes the term Camford is used.


Задание 11. Передайте на английском языке следующую информа-цию о тьюторской системе обучения в Кембридже:


Тьюторская система обучения возникла ещё в средневековом1 английском университете. Под тьюторской системой подразумеваются регулярные занятия одного-двух или нескольких студентов с преподавателем-тьютором на протяжении всего курса обучения.

Тьютор помогает студентам решать как общие проблемы, связанные с учебой (выбор курсов, трудности в общении2 с однокурсниками3), так и практические вопросы (поиск жилья4, решение семейных проблем5 и т.д.).

У каждого тьютора несколько студентов, но они не встречаются группой. Студенты приходят поодиночке к назначенному часу.

Иногда понятие6 «тьюторская система» понимается более широко. Здесь имеются в виду различные формы общения между администрацией и студентами.




3fellow students

4finding accommodation

5setting family problems


Unit 3

Inventors and Inventions

Грамматика Герундий Сравнение ing-форм Страдательный залог Тексты ЗА Russian Scientists 3В Two Generations of the Curies 3С Alfred Nobel 3D How Was the First Computer Developed?  

Словарь активной лексики

1. to achieve [ə’tʃi:v] – достигать, выполнять

2. abroad [ə'brɔ:d] – за границей

3. to bring about – вызывать, осуществлять

4. to be proud of [‘praud] – гордиться кем-либо, чем либо

5. to be famous for – быть знаменитым, славиться чем-либо

6. contribution – вклад

to make ~ – вносить вклад

syn. to contribute

7. current ['kʌrənt] – ток

alternating ~ ['ɔ:ltə:neitiɳ] – переменный ток

8. to create – создавать, творить

9. to discover [dis'kʌvə] – открывать, обнаруживать

discovery – открытие

10. to define – определять

11. direction – направление

12. to follow  – следовать, идти (за)

follower – последователь

13. to found – основывать

foundation – основа, фундамент

to lay the foundation – заложить основу (фундамент)

14. to generate – производить, вырабатывать

generator  – генератор

15. to invent – изобретать

16. law [‘lɔ:] – закон

17. light [‘lait] – свет, освещение

syn. lighting

18. to measure ['meʒə] – измерять

19. by means of – c помощью, посредством

20. outstanding – выдающийся, видный

syn. prominent

21. to offer – предлагать

syn. to propose

22. possibility – возможность

23. to succeed [sək’si:d] – преуспевать, удаваться

24. to work out – разрабатывать

25. to use [‘ju:z] – применять, использовать

use [‘ju:s] – применение, использование


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