Find words and word combinations in the text to fit the definitions below 

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Find words and word combinations in the text to fit the definitions below

1. the presentation of something to the public in a way that makes it easy for people to recognize or identify; 2. immediately; 3. a distinctive image, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified; 4. a quality of being the only one of the kind; 5. from or in the beginning; 6. increase in rate, amount, or extent; 7. a process of representation of the external form of a person or thing in art; 8. the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character; 9. strictly so called; in its true form; 10. the quality of growing profusely; luxuriance; 11. having been deserted or left; 12. to plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought; 13. a person who is successful or dominant in their field; 14. becoming more intense or more active; 15. the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale; 16. the action of choosing a place for a special purpose or giving it a special status; 17. to treat (a person or idea) dismissively; 18. to provide the stimulus for an event or process; 19. the state of being legally responsible for something; 20. to use money or resources for a different purpose; 21. prepare for an action or purpose; 22. disagreement between people; 23. to make or become more intense; 24. showing no intelligence or sensitivity; 25. to add more details to something which only exists in a draft or outline form; 26. a method of measuring something, or the results obtained from it; 27. to take the chance to gain advantage from

19 [A] Find English equivalents for the following words and words combinations in the text.


1. подлинность; 2. разногласие; 3. грань; 4. звездный час; 5. совершенно новый; 6. богатство; 7. сущность; 8. выделять (средства); 9. недофинансировать; 10. разработать; 11. проводить (политику); 12. понимающий; 13. приводящий к обратным результатам; 14. частично совпадать; 15. извлечь выгоду; 16. приобрести популярность; 17. заманивать; 18. выпустить (освободить)

[B] Fill in the spaces in the sentences below with words and word combinations from [A].

1. In conflict, communication wears two faces: it can create ____________ and lead to time-wasting arguments, or it can catalyze peaceful resolution and spark creative diversions.

2. The popularity of observing a special Mothers' Day, which has been an American vogue for many years, would appear to ____________ on this side of the Atlantic.

3. The photographer is there to capture the true ____________ of the wedding day.

4. A second item was dropped because the content ____________ with the central questions of the study.

5. After 18 months of nonstop toil, may he enjoy his ____________ because tomorrow I’m going to bury him under a pile of work.

6. Industrialised farming has also thrown up ____________ diseases which may threaten humans.

7. The protests are ____________, because the right wing loves it when the left gets angry.

8. But his brush with death was all too real, bringing him closer to the ____________ than he’d ever imagined.

9. China now is showing the most ____________, growing as one of the world’s leading manufacturing powers.

10. Today, though, the denser cities ____________ people back with the promise of less traffic.

11. Cities must have true authority over land-use planning and the power to ____________ progressive growth policies and manage density, form, and design.

12. But the money ____________ into his own building society account and used to fund his expensive lifestyle.

13. This report showed the health services ____________ for many years and needed a huge injection of capital.

14. These fashion-_______ consumers are not afraid of taking risks with little-known designers.

15. Anyone who wants to verify the ___________ of my story can visit the school’s archives.

16. With Mars looming large in the morning sky, astronomers ____________ a great chance to study our neighbouring planet.

17. Before you can drive, you need to take a test for a licence, which gives you and others on the road the confidence that you have gained all skills and aptitudes required to ____________ you on the road.

18. At the turn of the century, France produced most of the quality wine in the world, so it is no surprise that they were first to ____________ a system of protection.


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