Используя лексико-грамматический минимум, рассказать о политике цен в Англии и России 

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Используя лексико-грамматический минимум, рассказать о политике цен в Англии и России

Вариант 12.

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In Russia like in any other country shopaholics look forward to sales seasons: big sales are announced in January and July, mid-season sales are in late autumn and spring. Many glossy magazines cover news from fashion industry and are popular among Russian ladies and gentlemen. These magazines provide useful up-to-date information about new arrivals and the latest tendencies in fashion. Perfume and cosmetics stores like «Ile De Beaute», «L'Etoile», «Rive Gauche» publish their own editorials with the news of make-up and perfume industries and recommendations of leading beauty experts. Many stores accept payment both by credit card and in cash. Please be advised the only currency accepted in Russian stores is Russian rouble. Internet shopping becomes more and more popular in Russia, it opens great opportunities for busy people working in large cities: customers are getting used to buying online, nevertheless the authentic human interest to touch, try and examine the goods prevails and does not let customers forget about the great feeling of pleasure they can get from the real shopping in the city malls.

Используя лексико-грамматический минимум, рассказать о банках, видах банков и описать их деятельность



Вариант 13.

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How to shop sensibly Shopping is a normal pass time that we will all have done and can enjoy, here are a few things to know about shopping:

1. Take a friend. It's easier to make a decision on something when someone else is giving their opinion too. Bring along a friend or family member whom you trust; not only for their opinion, but to keep yourself safe. Besides, it's more fun shopping with a friend than alone.

2. Set a budget for yourself. It's hard, but it’s always better to set a budget and stick to it. It's better in the long run. If you have trouble doing this, leave your credit card at home and only bring cash. Bring an amount of cash that you're comfortable spending – if your spending limit is $50, bring $50 to spend! This ensures that you won't blow your money in one day.

3. Make a list of things you specifically need or want. This will prevent you from overspending or wasting time. Before you hit the stores, go on-line and look at the websites of your favourite stores. Find items that you like there, then write them down and find them in the store.

4. Go into stores. You should consider trying different stores (like boutiques). You never know what you'll find in that little unknown store. Maybe some new clothes or something you'd like to improve your style with. Just because "everyone" doesn't shop there doesn't mean it's a bad store; it might become one of your favorites! Thrift shops also have some surprises in them, if you really take the time to look around.

Используя лексико-грамматический минимум, рассказать деньгах и банках Великобритании



Вариант 14.

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Groceries are much the same the world over – especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, “Shopping for one?” “So what did you say?” Jean heard the blonde woman in front of her talking to her friend. “Well,” the darker woman began, “I said I'm not having that woman there. I don't see why I should. I mean I'm not being old-fashioned but I don't see why I should have to put up with her at family occasions*. After all...” Jean noticed the other woman giving an accompaniment of nods and headshaking at the appropriate parts*. They fell into silence and the queue moved forward a couple of steps. “After all”, the dark woman resumed her conversation, “how would it look if she was there when I turned up?”* Her friend shook her head slowly from side to side and ended with a quick nod. Should she have got such a small size salad cream? Jean wasn't sure. She was sick of throwing away half-used bottles of stuff. “He came back to you after all”, the blonde woman suddenly said. Jean looked up quickly and immediately felt her cheeks flush. She bent over and began to rearrange the items in her shopping basket. “On his hands and knees”, the dark woman spoke in a triumphant voice. “Begged me take him back”


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