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Вариант 3.

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Today Tara is going shopping. She is not shopping for fun things like clothes or shoes, but for some food for supper and things she needs around her house. This kind of shopping is for groceries so Tara goes to the grocery store. A shop is sometimes called a store. It's a good idea to make a shopping list before you go shopping so that you know what to buy. But Tara has forgotten to do this. So Tara takes a shopping basket and goes to look at the snack bar. She doesn't want to buy any fast food which has been cooked at the store. Tara wants to look at the menu selection to get some ideas. Ah. She has seen something she likes – now she is going to the fruit and vegetable section to start shopping. At the fruit and vegetable section, she sees Matt. Matt has a shopping trolley (in America they call this a shopping cart) because he has a lot of shopping to do. While Matt decides if he wants to buy some apples, Tara takes an iceberg lettuce, and puts it in her shopping basket. The bakery section smells good! Look, there's cookies, and cake and pie. Mmmm – why not have a fruit pie for dessert? Tara puts the pie in her basket and goes to the dairy. Matt is already there, and he has got a carton of fruit juice and a tub of ice cream. Tara looks at the chilled goods while Matt goes down the aisle A shopping trolley / shopping cart to petsupplies. Hisfriend has asked him to get some pet food for his cat. Matt gets some cat food, and Tara takes a carton of milk for her coffee. Hmmm what next? Maybe something to go with the lettuce

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Вариант 4.

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Tara goes to the canned food shelves, and looks at the tinned food. On the bottom shelf are cleaning materials for her clothes and for cleaning the kitchen, but Tara does not need any of these. She takes some bottled asparagus instead. Now for some meat. Tara wants some cooked meat, so she goes to the delicatessen. She does not want seafood, but how about pizza or roast chicken? There is a ham on the butcher's scales, but Tara decides she will have the box of chicken nuggets which is also on the counter. Well, that's all Tara needs! Now she has to pay for her shopping, so she goes to the nearest checkout. The woman rings up Tara's purchases at the till. The till shows Tara what she has bought and how much it will cost. Tara could use the card reader to pay with her debit card, but she decides that today she will pay in cash using money she has in the pocket of her jeans. So Tara's shopping has been bagged. Now she is leaving with a lettuce, bottled asparagus and chicken nuggets for her meal. After that she will have a pie and some coffee with the milk she has just bought. Enjoy your meal Tara!

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Вариант 5.

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Sayako came out of the changing room in Sloane Street wearing this season's suit, as featured on the cover of English Vogue. Last season's suit lay on the changing room floor in an untidy heap. She surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. The manageress, svelte in black, stood behind her. “That colour's very good on you”, she said, smiling professionally. Sayako said, “I take it and also I take it in strawberry and navy and primrose”. The manageress inwardly rejoiced. She would now reach this week's target. Her job would be safe for at least another month. God bless the Japanese! Sayako walked over on stockinged feet to a display of suede loafers. “And these shoes to match all suits in size four”, she said. Her role model was the fiberglass mannequin which lolled convincingly against the shop counter, wearing the same cream suit that Sayako was wearing, the loafers that Sayako had just ordered and a bag that Sayako was about to order in navy, strawberry, cream and primrose. The mannequin's blonde nylon wig shone under the spotlights. Her blue eyes were half closed as though she were captured by her own beauty. She is so beautiful, thought Sayako. She took the wig from the mannequin's head and placed it on her own. It fitted perfectly.


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