Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, инфинитив, причастие и выпишите их, указав часть речи. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, инфинитив, причастие и выпишите их, указав часть речи.

1. Besides being clever he is very industrious.

2. Think carefully before answering my question.

3. Here is the fax announcing his arrival.

4. This is the project so much spoken about.



Вставьте нужный по смыслу предлог.

1. He insisted … accompanying them.

2. They accuse him … lying.

3. I am also going to enter … the University.

4. It is necessary … you to complete the task.

For, in, on, -



Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму сослагательного наклонения.

1. Yesterday, if you (have) that job, you would be lucky!

2. It’s always the same! If I (decide) to leave the office early, my boss will call me.

3. Did you enjoy reading? If you (finish) reading, I will read this journal, too.

4. Alison would be a very good economist if she (get) the job.



Проанализируйте предложения. Определите вид подчиненного предложения и способ его соединения с главным предложением. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I cannot understand why he was fired.

2. I am not satisfied with what I have written in my report.

3. Speak louder so that I may hear you.

4. What she wanted was a really good job.


5. Прочтите текст. Письменно переведите 1-2 абзацы, ответьте на следующие вопросы, а ответы письменно расположите так, чтобы они могли быть планом к тексту.



Every year a lot of international, national and specialized exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of counties and companies who take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger. The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits which show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries. Usually fairs and exhibitions are crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display. At international and national exhibitions commercial centres are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods.

Every exhibition is an eye-opening experience and also a method to advertise products. Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for she consolidation of friendship among countries and nations. They provide an opportunity to establish profitable contacts and promote mutual understanding among different nations.

The first world industrial exhibition was held in London in 1851. It was a great success. It displayed exhibits of 40 participating nations and the number of visitors reached over 6 million. Since then world industrial expositions have had a colorful history. Many such events have been held, some of them on a large scale. They have changed not only in size and scope, but also in character and overall purpose. Such events provided opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and cultural achievements of people from Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa.


1. When was the first world industrial exhibition held?

2. What are world industrial exhibitions held for?

3. Why are world industrial exhibitions very popular nowadays?

4. Why do visitors go to world industrial exhibitions?

5. Which countries can participate in world industrial exhibitions?

Вариант 5

Найдите в следующие предложениях герундий, инфинитив, причастие и выпишите их, указав часть речи.

1. The goods are reported by the sellers to have been shipped on Monday.

2. To run a company is very difficult.

3. Having lost the key, the secretary couldn’t enter the office.

4. The students knowing English well, the examination didn’t last long.



Вставьте нужный по смыслу предлог.

1. He dreamt … becoming the head of the company.

2. He is proud … having got this job.

3. I am also going to enter... the University to be an economist.

4. It is necessary... you to know the truth.

-, for, of, of




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