Устные темы для обязательного изучения 

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Устные темы для обязательного изучения



It is not an easy thing to choose a profession.

I entered Minsk Trade College.

There are four departments in the College: Accountancy, Technology of Cooking, Law and Commercial Activity. I chose the last one because I want to be a commodity expert.

Students of the College study Commodity Research, Organization of Trade, Trade Equipment, Economy of Trade and other special subjects. Students also learn Marketing, Management, Foreign languages, Business Documentation.

After graduating from the College students of Commercial Activity Department work as commodity experts, and shop-assistants.

In future they can improve their professional skills and become financial responsible persons, directors of shops, managers and their deputies.

I can add that my future duties will be organization of trade process in a shop, safety of material values, research of purchasing demand on goods.

I hope that I'll never regret my choice and soon get a well-paid and interesting job.



My working day is a routine I more or less follow every day.

My office is in Minsk. It is very large and comfortable. I’ve got much work to do every day. I’m usually very busy till six o’clock and often stay in the office till late in the evening.

My office hours begin at nine o’clock but I come earlier to get ready for work.

In the morning I read the mail and write business letters in the office. Every day I look through newspapers because I am interested in the latest political and business events.

I usually speak to our customers on the phone. I often make appointments with our customers. Sometimes I go abroad on business.

At half past twelve I have lunch.

I finish my work at six o’clock but if there are any urgent matters, I stay in the office later.

In the evening I’m rather tired after work and I go for a walk or I watch TV and listen to music.

I go to bed at eleven.



Business visits are very important in development of trade relations with countries and companies.

Normally businessmen contact through telephone calls or correspondence. But as the human element is very important they solve main problems more effectively through a personal meeting. During the talks the partners have an opportunity to discuss all problems face to face, and to come to an agreement more easily.

It is common for Buyers’ representatives to visit Sellers’ premises for technical and commercial discussions either before or after signing a contract.

Both the Sellers and the Buyers can meet to discuss different claims if they appear during the fulfillment of the contract.

It is very important to be punctual in business.



The Republic of Belarus is a small, beautiful country with the heroic past and difficult present.

It is situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The largest cities of the Republic of Belarus are Minsk (the capital), Gomel, Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno and Mogilev.

Belarus is a broad plain. One third of the republic's territory is covered with forests. There are many rivers and lakes in Belarus. The largest of the lakes is the Naroch.

The climate in the republic is moderately continental.

Nowadays Belarus is a developed industrial country. Today Belarusian industry produces tractors, big lorries, computers, refrigerators, television sets, bicycles, watches, fertilizers and textiles.

Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main crops cultivated here are potatoes, flax, herbs and vegetables.

Belarus is a republic of well developed science and culture. There are many educational establishments, the Academy of Sciences there.

Nowadays the Republic of Belarus has become a sovereign independent state. The head of the state is the President.

Belarus is a member of the United Nations and a number of other international


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Вариант 1



Consumer goods are goods that are bought from retail stores for personal, family, or household use. They are grouped into three subcategories on the basis of consumer buying habits: convenience goods, shopping goods, and specialty goods.

Consumer goods can also be differentiated on the basis of durability. Durable goods are products that have a long life, such as furniture and garden tools. Nondurable goods are those that are quickly used up, or worn out, or that became outdated, such as food, school supplies, and disposable cameras.

Convenience goods are items that buyers want to buy with the least amount of effort. Most are nondurable goods of low value that are frequently purchased in small quantities.

Shopping goods are purchased only after the buyer compares the products of more than one store or looks at more than one assortment of goods before making a deliberate buying decision. These goods are usually of higher value than convenience goods. Televisions, computers, lawnmowers, bedding, and camping equipment are all examples of shopping goods.

Specialty goods are items that are unique or unusual at least in the mind of the buyer. Buyers know exactly what they want and are willing to exert considerable effort to obtain it. These goods are usually, but not necessarily, of high value. Often the attributes that make them unique are brand preference (e.g., a certain make of automobile) or personal preference (e.g., a food dish prepared in a specific way). Other items that fall into this category are wedding dresses, antiques, fine jewelry, and golf clubs.

The distinction among convenience, shopping, and specialty goods is not always clear. Consequently, a given item may be a convenience good for one person, a shopping good for another and a specialty good for a third.



1. What items are considered to be convenience goods?

2. What three subcategories are consumer goods grouped into?

3. The distinction among convenience, shopping, and specialty goods is not always clear, isn’t it?

4. What are the examples of shopping goods?

5. What is the difference between durable goods and nondurable goods?


Вариант 2



Sales representatives are an important part of manufacturers’ and wholesalers' success. Regardless of the type of product they sell, their primary duties are to interest wholesale and retail buyers and purchasing agents in their merchandise and to address clients' questions and concerns.

Sales representatives represent one or several manufacturers or wholesale distributors by selling one product or a complementary line of products. Sales representatives demonstrate their products and advise clients on how using these products can reduce costs and increase sales. They market their company's products to manufacturers, wholesale and retail establishments, construction contractors, government agencies, and other institutions.

Depending on where they work, sales representatives have different job titles. Those employed directly by a manufacturer or wholesaler often are called sales representatives. Manufacturers' agents or manufacturers' representatives are self-employed sales workers or independent firms who contract their services to all types of manufacturing companies. Many of these titles, however, are used interchangeably.

Sales representatives spend much of their time traveling to and visiting with prospective buyers and current clients. They discuss the client's needs and may inform customers about prices, availability, and ways in which their products can save money and boost productivity.

Manufacturers' agents or manufacturers' representatives might sell several complementary products made by different manufacturers and, thus, take a broad approach to their customers' business.

Sales representatives have several duties beyond selling products. They analyze sales statistics; prepare reports and handle administrative duties, such as filing expense account reports, scheduling appointments, and making travel plans. They monitor the sales, prices, and products of their competitors.

Manufacturers' agents who operate a sales agency also must manage their business. This requires organizational and general business skills, as well as know ledge of accounting, marketing, and administration.


1. Why do sales representatives have different job titles?

2. Sales representatives have several duties beyond selling products, don’t they?

3. What primary duties do sales representatives have?

4. What is the difference between sales representatives and manufacturers' agents?

5. Must manufacturers' agents who operate a sales agency manage their business?



Вариант 3




The three traditional forms of business are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The sole proprietorship means going into business for oneself. All one needs is some knowledge about the business, start-up capital and knowledge of regulations. The partnership is an association of two or more people involved in business under a written partnership agreement. The corporation is the legal entity having a right to issue stock certificates. The people who own such stock certificates (or shares) are called stockholders or shareholders. They in fact own the corporation.

A sole proprietorship is a business owned and usually operated by a single individual. The revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of the sole proprietorship are the revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities of the owner. A sole proprietorship is the oldest and most common form of ownership. Some examples include small retail stores, doctors' and lawyers' practices and restaurants.

A partnership is an unincorporated enterprise owned by two or more individuals. A partnership agreement, oral or written, expresses the rights and obligations of each partner. There are three types of partnerships: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and joint ventures.

The most common form is the general partnership, often used by lawyers, doctors, dentists, and chartered accountants. Limited companies, unlike proprietorships or partnerships, are created by law and are separate from the people who own and manage them. Limited companies are also referred to as corporations. In limited companies, ownership is represented by shares of stock. The owners, at an annual meeting, elect a board of directors which has the responsibility of appointing company officers and setting the enterprise's objectives.

With diverse ownerships, corporations do not enjoy the secrecy that proprietorships and partnerships have. A company must send each shareholder an annual report detailing the financial condition of the firm.



1. What are the three traditional forms of business?

2. Who is a partnership owned by?

3. What three types of partnerships are there?

4. What is ownership represented by in limited companies?

5. What does the sole proprietorship mean?


Вариант 4




Every year a lot of international, national and specialised exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies who take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits which show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries.

Usually fairs and exhibitions are crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display. At international and national exhibitions commercial centres are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods.

Every exhibition is an eye-opening experience and also a method to advertise products. Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of friendship among countries and nations. They provide an opportunity to establish profitable contacts and promote mutual understanding among different nations.

The first world industrial exhibition was held in London in 1851. It was a great success. It displayed exhibits of 40 participating nations and the number of visitors reached over 6 million.

Since then world industrial expositions have had a colourful history. Many such events have been held, some of them on a large scale. They have changed not only in size and scope, but also in character and overall purpose. Such events provided opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and cultural achievements of people of Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa.

Beginning with the early 60s, international expositions began to take new forms, trying to emphasise not only technological progress, but also other aspects of life. They became festivals of industry and culture.



1. What is known about the first world industrial exhibition?

2. What does a wide range of exhibits at the exhibitions usually show?

3. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of friendship among countries and nations, don’t they?

4. What is the purpose of commercial centres established at international and national exhibitions?

5. Why are exhibitions and fairs arranged?



Вариант 5




Business transactions usually start with inquiries. As a rule, the prospective Buyer gets the name and address of the prospective Seller either at an exhibition, from an advertisement, on a television or radio commercial. All these channels of information and advertising are very important. Inquiries can be sent by mail, by telex or by fax. Sometimes inquires can be made orally, by phone.

In the inquiry the prospective Buyer states in what goods exactly he is interested and asks for the details of the price and terms of sale.

When a Buyer wants to know at what price and on what terms he could buy the goods required by him, he usually sends out inquires to firms, companies and organisations manufacturing such goods or dealing with them. Often the Buyer asks the Seller to enclose with the offer illustrated catalogues, price-lists or other publications and, if it is possible, samples or patterns of the goods he is interested in. When asking the Seller to send him a quotation or to make him an offer, the Buyer gives a detailed description of the goods required by him.

After considering the inquiry for some time the prospective Seller sends an offer in reply. The offer expresses the wish of the Seller to sell the goods. The offer usually quotes the price and stipulates terms of delivery and some other necessary details.

The Sellers may offer their goods to their regular customers or to those who may be interested in them without waiting for an inquiry. These are voluntary or free offers. They were formally called "without obligation (or engagement)". This kind of offer does not bind the Seller and therefore may be made to several potential Buyers. Then there are firm offers (binding or with obligation or engagement). A firm offer is made by the Seller to the potential Buyer only and usually indicates the time during which it will remain open for acceptance. If the Buyer accepts the offer in full within the stipulated time, he is obliged to buy the goods at the price and on the terms stated in the offer. There are also some other types of business letters (claims for instance, etc.).



1. What does the prospective Buyer state in the inquiry?

2. What kind of business letter does the prospective Seller send in reply for an inquiry?

3. How can inquires be made?

4. What kind of business letters do business transactions usually start with?

5. What does an offer usually quote and stipulate?


Вариант 6


Вариант 7


Вариант 8




К экзамену по дисциплине «Английский язык делового общения» допускаются учащиеся, выполнившие учебную программу и получившие зачет по домашней контрольной работе.

Для успешной сдачи экзамена необходимо:

1. усвоить лексический и грамматический материал за весь курс обучения;

2. правильно читать, понимать и переводить без словаря учебные тексты и отвечать на вопросы по заданиям выполненной и зачтенной домашней контрольной работы;

3. прочитать, перевести со словарем и пересказать незнакомый текст по специальности по изученной тематике (объем до 1000-1500 печатных знаков) в течение 30 минут;

4. делать устные сообщения и вести деловую беседу по изученным устным темам.




It is not an easy thing to choose a profession.

I entered Minsk Trade College.

There are four departments in the College: Accountancy, Technology of Cooking, Law and Commercial Activity. I chose the last one because I want to be a commodity expert.

Students of the College study Commodity Research, Organization of Trade, Trade Equipment, Economy of Trade and other special subjects. Students also learn Marketing, Management, Foreign languages, Business Documentation.

After graduating from the College students of Commercial Activity Department work as commodity experts, and shop-assistants.

In future they can improve their professional skills and become financial responsible persons, directors of shops, managers and their deputies.

I can add that my future duties will be organization of trade process in a shop, safety of material values, research of purchasing demand on goods.

I hope that I'll never regret my choice and soon get a well-paid and interesting job.



My working day is a routine I more or less follow every day.

My office is in Minsk. It is very large and comfortable. I’ve got much work to do every day. I’m usually very busy till six o’clock and often stay in the office till late in the evening.

My office hours begin at nine o’clock but I come earlier to get ready for work.

In the morning I read the mail and write business letters in the office. Every day I look through newspapers because I am interested in the latest political and business events.

I usually speak to our customers on the phone. I often make appointments with our customers. Sometimes I go abroad on business.

At half past twelve I have lunch.

I finish my work at six o’clock but if there are any urgent matters, I stay in the office later.

In the evening I’m rather tired after work and I go for a walk or I watch TV and listen to music.

I go to bed at eleven.



Business visits are very important in development of trade relations with countries and companies.

Normally businessmen contact through telephone calls or correspondence. But as the human element is very important they solve main problems more effectively through a personal meeting. During the talks the partners have an opportunity to discuss all problems face to face, and to come to an agreement more easily.

It is common for Buyers’ representatives to visit Sellers’ premises for technical and commercial discussions either before or after signing a contract.

Both the Sellers and the Buyers can meet to discuss different claims if they appear during the fulfillment of the contract.

It is very important to be punctual in business.



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