Exercise 79: Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank . 

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Exercise 79: Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank .


1. What is the __________ (LONG) of the table?

2. I have made a huge __________ (LOSE) in the stock market.

3. I am an extremely ________ (LUCK) person.

4. The plane was coming in for __________ (LAND).

5. It is a __________ (MIX) of a combination of factors.

6. You need to __________ (MOVE) the plastic packaging.

7. I need to take a few more ___________ (MEASURE) before I begin.

8. What would be a ___________ (MEAN) contribution for you?

9. My cousin is really ___________ (MATURE) for his age, it´s a shame.

10. I find it easy to ___________ (MEMORY) new vocabulary.

11. Can I speak to the __________ (MANAGE), please?

12. I need another __________ (MARK) for the board.



1. What is the length of the table?

2. I have made a huge loss in the stock market.

3. I am an extremely lucky person.

4. The plane was coming in for landing.

5. It is a mixture of a combination of factors.

6. You need to remove the plastic packaging.

7. I need to take a few more measurements before I begin.

8. What would be a meaningful contribution for you?

9. My cousin is really immature for his age, it´s a shame.

10. I find it easy to memorize new vocabulary.

11. Can I speak to the manager/management, please?

12. I need another marker for the board.



Exercise 80: Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank.


1. I am a big fan of __________ (RECYCLE).

2. I have had my car __________ (REPAIR).

3. Running a marathon was a __________(REMARK) accomplishment.

4. You are so __________ (RELY). Why can´t you just tell me that you are going to be late all the time.

5. Rest and _________ (RELAX) are the most important parts of unwinding.

6. In __________ (RESPOND) to your letter, I think we should ask for some professional advice.

7. Local __________ (RESIDE) were shocked by the damage caused in the earthquake.

8. The loss of civilian lives was __________ (REGRET).

9. ___________ (REGARD) the cost of the project, it would be better to take out a loan.

10. We had first __________ (REFUSE) on buying the property.



1. I am a big fan of recycling.

2. I have had my car repaired.

3. Running a marathon was a remarkable accomplishment.

4. You are so unreliable. Why can't you just tell me that you are going to be late all the time.

5. Rest and relaxation are the most important parts of unwinding.

6. In response to your letter, I think we should ask for some professional advice.

7. Local residents were shocked by the damage caused in the earthquake.

8. The loss of civilian lives was regrettable.

9. Regarding the cost of the project, it would be better to take out a loan.

10. We had first refusal on buying the property.


Exercise 81: Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank.


1. Scientists are carrying out a new piece of __________ (SEARCH).

2. The __________ (SURROUND) area has seen a great deal of investment in recent years.

3. I find it hard to control my budget; my ___________ (SPEND) are through the roof.

4. Thank you for being so __________ (SUPPORT) with my job.

5. Monaco have sacked Henry and ___________ (STATE) Joachim Low.

6. It gives me a great deal of ___________ (SATISFY) to support you on this mission.

7. The ___________ (SUPPORT) of our loyal fans has been crucial.

8. Why are you __________ (STARE) at me?

9. If at first you don't __________(SUCCESS), lift yourself up and try again.

10. Do you know the __________ (SOLVE) to question number 14?

11. I would love to become a ___________ (SCIENCE).

12. The conditions are __________ (SUIT) for the event to go ahead.

13. Wow, you have really __________ (SURPRISE) me.

14. I am __________ (SURE) of its true value.

15. The __________ (STRONG) of the wind prevented us from taking off.

16. ___________ (SURVIVE) of the fittest was first proposed by Darwin.

17. I am not a very ___________ (SOCIAL) person.

18. I am extremely _________ (SENSE) about the issue of child protection.

19. This house has a lot of __________ (STORE) space.

20. Do you understand the __________ (SIGNIFY) of your actions?

21. May I make a __________ (SUGGEST)?

22. I like rock music, ___________ (SPECIAL) Led Zeplin.

23. I am __________ (SHAME) of my behavior.



1. Scientists are carrying out a new piece of research.

2. The surrounding area has seen a great deal of investment in recent years.

3. I find it hard to control my budget; my expenses are through the roof.

4. Thank you for being so supportive with my job.

5. Monaco have sacked Henry and reinstated Joachim Low.

6. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to support you on this mission.

7. The support of our loyal fans has been crucial.

8. Why are you staring at me?

9. If at first you don´t succeed, lift yourself up and try again.

10. Do you know the solution to question number 14?

11. I would love to become a scientist.

12. The conditions are unsuitable for the event to go ahead.

13. Wow, you have really surprised me.

14. I am unsure of its true value.

15. The strength of the wind prevented us from taking off.

16. Survival of the fittest was first proposed by Darwin.

17. I am not a very sociable person.

18. I am extremely sensitive about the issue of child protection.

19. This house has a lot of storage space.

20. Do you understand the significance of your actions?

21. May I make a suggestion?

22. I like rock music, especially Led Zeplin.

23. I am ashamed of my behavior.



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