Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст. 

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Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст.


 1. У птиц есть так называемое «седьмое чувство»,  которое позволяет им, не  теряясь, летать над землей и водой.

 2. Navigation is the art of finding your way from where you start your destination.

 3. Навигация делится на три категории, независимо от того, пользуется: моряк, исследователь или летчик.

 4. And hundreds of radio navigation stations are located at different places around the world to help guide the pilot.

 5. Приборы-измерители дистанции точно указывают, как далеко летчик от радионавигационной станции, и с какой скоростью он летит?

 6. Radio receiver indicators help the pilot descend on the runway, thus landing at an airport even though he cannot see the ground.

 7. С помощью электронного ретранслятора, который показывает самолет на экране радара, диспетчеры ведут сотни самолетов на посадку.

 8. Because of the great improvement in electronic and radio navigation equipment, flying to where you are going is done as efficiently as the birds do it and much more scientifically.  


Переведите текст 16.5. без словаря.



Thing about the air-to-surface missile is that it enables a bomber to release its weapon before reaching the most heavily defended part of an enemy’s territory.


* * *

Here is a definition of air superiority as it is understood by US AF experts. A power is said to have air superiority within a given airspace when: (a) its aircraft of all types can operate without serious interference from the enemy, and (b) it can limit the The E-3A AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircraft is equipped with extensive radar, communication and navigational devices.

The system has a dual use. It is used for airborne surveillance and as a command post. The E-3A provides long range low level surveillance of all air vehicles in all weather and above all kinds of terrain. As a command post this aircraft is able to command and control all kinds of air actions: strike, air superiority, support, aircraft reconnaissance and interdiction.


* * *

There are two types of smart bombs currently in use by the USAF - the laser-guided bomb and electro-optical or HOBO* bombs. The former type of munition is used in 500, 2000 and 3000 lb. categories and the HOBO bomb is produced in 2000 and 3000 lb. sizes.

The laser-guided type consists of a conventional bomb to which stabilizer fins* and a guidance module with a laser seeker* are added. The electro-optical bomb has control surfaces at the rear with a TV guidance module at the front. The weapon is released after lock-on* by the bomb’s camera. The guidance module steers the bomb to the target automatically.

* * *

The air-to air missile is an important type of modern aircraft armaments. Modern missiles of this type are usually guided by radar or infrared homing device, or sometimes a combination of the two.

An important enemy’s aircraft to shallow penetrations of the airspace.


* * *

A search-radar is switched on in danger zone so that when an attacking fighter shows itself on the screen, it is automatically tracked and engaged by the gun when it approaches within a range. Any equipment used to assist the pilot, bombardier* or gunner to bring the aircraft, guns or launcher in proper relation to a target is considered to be fire-control equipment.


* Notes

   HOBO (Homing Optical Bomb)- авиац. бомба с оптическим самонаведением


    stabilizer fins - блок стабилизаторов

    seeker - головка самонаведения (ГСН)

    lock-on - захват цели

    bombardier - оператор системы самонаведения самолета


What Do Wing Flaps Do?


Control surface         



Trailing edge            



to approach               

camber / curvature         

Leading edge              

dirty wing                  

clean wing                  

To extend                    

To retract                    

To deploy                    

To cruise                     

Approach speed               



- поверхность управления, руль

- закрылок

- предкрылок

-задняя /хвостовая/ кромка

- гидродинамическое   /лобовое/  со-


- аэродинамическая подъемная сила

- заходить  на посадку, подходить к

 зоне аэродрома

-кривизна профиля крыла             

- передняя кромка; носок крыла

- аэродинамически грязное крыло

- аэродинамически чистое крыло

- выпускать               

- убирать

- развертываться; вводить в действие

- лететь  на   крейсерском   режиме;

крейсерский полет

- скорость захода на посадку

- щель крыла


1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний.

современный реактивный транспортный самолет; эффективно работать в широком диапазоне скоростей; увеличивать как лобовое сопротивление, так и аэродинамическую подъемную силу; заходить на посадку под большим углом, не превышая скорость; регулировать скорость лобовым сопротивлением; выпускать закрылок частично или полностью; выпускать закрылок вниз или назад; увеличивая кривизну профиля и площадь крыла; выпускать вперед предкрылки; низкая скорость полета; испытывать сильное лобовое сопротивление; ускоряться до крейсерского режима; выпустить закрылки на 1 градус; снижать скорость самолета до скорости захода на посадку.  


                                                       17.3. Т EXT

What Do Wing Flaps Do?

Modern jet transport aircraft have wings designed to operate efficiently within a wide range of air speeds. Transport aircraft must be able to fly at speeds of from 100 miles per hour to close to the speed of sound. A look at the wing's secondary control surfaces -- flaps and slats -- will explain how the highly adaptable wing accommodates this range of speed.

Flaps are located on the aft or "trailing edge" of the wing and increase both lift and drag. Because of the increased drag, flaps are only partially extended on takeoff, and fully extended on landing. The added drag created by full flaps on landing allows the aircraft to approach at a steep angle without excessive air speed. Think of a car as it rolls downhill. If the hill is too steep, the car's speed becomes excessive. By using the drag of the brakes, the speed stays under control.

The greater the wing's camber, or curvature, the better the wing will perform at slow air speeds. Flaps extend downward and rearward, thereby increasing both camber and wing area. The flaps extend in several segments, creating gaps, known as slots, in the wing. The slots allow high energy air from below the wing to vent over the top of the wing. This high energy air "tricks the wing into thinking" it is traveling faster than it actually is, enhancing the low speed performance. On the leading edge of the wing are the slats. As the slats extend forward another slot is opened on the leading edge of the wing. The combination of the slats and flaps creates an airfoil of significant camber for low speed operations.

The wing is said to be "dirty" when the flaps and slats are extended, referring to the high amount of drag the wing experiences. In the dirty configuration the wing is capable of low speed flight; the high drag would, however, prohibit high speed flight. After takeoff the wing is "cleaned up." After climbing through 400 feet the air speed is allowed to increase, reducing the need for the flaps and slats. After the completion of the flap and slat retraction, the aircraft can accelerate to cruise speed. During the approach for landing, the flaps and slats are again extended. The flaps are set to an initial setting, usually one degree. The leading edge slats are later deployed. When initiating the final descent for landing, the flaps are fully extended. Now that the wing is again in its low speed configuration, the aircraft can be slowed to its final approach speed.

Aircraft designers know that no wing is efficient at all speeds. By using flaps, slats and slots, a wing can take on beneficial low speed characteristics for takeoff and landing, and characteristics beneficial for high speed flight while at cruise. If it were not for flaps and slats, the takeoff and landing speeds would have to be much greater and runways would be prohibitively long.



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How are wings designed inmodern jet transport aircraft?

2. What is the range of speed the transport aircraft fly at?

3. Where are flaps located and what are they for?

4. When are the flaps partially and fully extended?

5. Why does the aircraft approach at a steep angle without excessive air speed?

6. What does the better perform the wing depend on at slow air speeds?

7. What helps to increase camber and wing area?

8. What are the slots and their function?

9. Where are the slats located?

10. What do they create in combination with flaps?

11. What is the difference between the dirty and clean wing?

12. Can the wing be efficient at all speeds?



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