Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст. 

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Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст.

1. Люди не собираются возвращаться в прошлое, если дело касается техники.

2. Dirigibles have suddenly begun to reappear.

3. Так как его рабочая скорость 60 миль в час, она слишком мала для перевозки пассажиров.

4. It is cheaper to operate than a helicopter, comfortable and capable of flying for several days.

5. Дирижабль идеально подходит для исследования и проведения межевания новых регионов, организации геологической разведки и составления карт местности.

6. Dirigibles may be used to take tourists to roadless, but beautiful places, to deliver heavy loads to remote regions.

7. Возможности дирижабля безграничны.

8. Besides, the technological possibilities of manufacturing these crafts have changed.

9. Современные дирижабли абсолютно безопасны в полете, так как вместо водорода их заполняют гелием.

 10. The craft is 200 feet long and is made of superstrong material with a metal hull  

that could carry hundreds of passengers and transport cargo around the world.


Переведите текст 15.5. без словаря.


The Role of Weather Station

«Even the birds aren’t flying today» is an old saying used to indicate that the weather for flying is extremely bad. And for man nothing has a greater effect on flying than the weather. And because of its changing so quickly and without warning an extensive network of weather stations has been established for helping the pilots get all the information about weather. Before flying pilots may get current information on changing conditions along their rout or at their destination. The weather reporting system helps overcoming many difficulties in flying. In winter, e.g., icing can cause the reduction of lift efficiency of airplane by changing the flow of air. Pilot’s being informed about the weather allows him to avoid weather problems. The weather being too bad, pilots just stay on the ground like any wise bird.

Lesson 16

Off the Ground: How Do We Find Where We Are Going?


Dead reckoning                                                      

Celestial navigation                                                

Radio navigation                                                     

radar navigation                                                      radio transmitter                                                   

Radio receiver                                                        


radar guidance                                                      


Aeronautical map                                                    

-cчисление пути

- астронавигация

- радионавигация

- радиолокационная навигация

- радиопередатчик

- радиоприемник                                                                                                    - аэропорт назначения

  -радиолокационное наведение                                                              - ретранслятор

- авиационная карта



1.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний:

«седьмое чувство»; лететь над землей и водой, не потерявшись; счисление пути; основа навигации; астронавигация; лететь по солнцу и звездам; настраивать радиопередатчики; оборудование, измеряющее дистанцию; приземлиться на ВПП; следить за индикаторами радиоприемника; обеспечить радиолокационное наведение; электронный ретранслятор.  




   Scientists who are concerned with such a problem generally agree that birds have some kinds of so-called «second sense» that allows them to fly over land and water without getting lost. Indeed, birds are always able to find their destinations and make a return fly without any trouble at all.

   But people need help in finding their destination when piloting their own airplanes. This, of course, is called destination.

    Navigation is the art of finding your way from where you start your destination. Whether used by the seamen, explorers or the pilots navigation falls into three basic categories: dead reckoning which is the basis for all navigation, celestial navigation which is flying by the aid of the sun and stars, and radio and radar navigation.

    Several different kinds of aeronautical maps provide all the details which might be needed by the pilot. And hundreds of radio navigation stations are located at different places around the world to help guide the pilot. All the pilot needs to do is to tune to these radio transmitters and will get the directional signals he needs. Distance measuring equipment now used in many airplanes tells the pilot exactly how far he is from a radio station and what speed he is traveling over the ground.

     When certain types of weather prevent the pilot from seeing the ground, additional radio transmitters let him make his approach to an airport by simply watching his flight instruments and radio receiver indicators. These receivers help the pilot descend on the runway, thus landing at an airport even though he cannot see the ground.

       At the world’s larger air terminals airplanes are provided with radar guidance as another means of guiding the pilot to the destination. With the help of an electronic transponder in each airplane which shows it in the radar screen, radar controllers guide hundreds of airplanes to landing.

       Because of the great improvement in electronic and radio navigation equipment, flying to where you are going is done as efficiently as the birds do it and much more scientifically.  



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the difference between the flight of the bird and the airplane?

  2. What is navigation?

3. What are the three basic categories of the navigation?

4. How is the basis for all navigation termed?

5. What type of navigation helps to fly by the aid of the sun and stars?

  6. How do radio navigation stations helpthe pilot?

7. How do distance measuring equipment influence the safe flight of the airplane?

 8. Why does the pilot need the receivers?

 9. What is the means of guiding the pilot to the destination?

10. What is the importance of the electronic transponder?



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